GOSSIP GIRL Season 2 Sneak Peek: Cruel Summer - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

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GOSSIP GIRL Season 2 Sneak Peek: Cruel Summer

July 18, 2008 by  

Just when I was starting to get the shakes The CW sends me a little hit of GOSSIP GIRL to get me through these dark days of summer programming until the September 1st S2 premiere.  And since I’m a cruel pusher who wants nothing more than to share my addiction and get you hooked, here’s that all important first taste…of Season 2 of GOSSIP GIRL.

More after the jump…

Someone PLEASE tell me that they are as excited about Season 2 of GOSSIP GIRL as I am. September 1st…mark it up!


16 Responses to “GOSSIP GIRL Season 2 Sneak Peek: Cruel Summer”

  1. Alyson on July 18th, 2008 8:09 am

    I cannot wait for Gossip Girl to come back. Chuck Bass is one of the best characters on television. Maybe we’re supposed to hate him, but I love every moment when he’s on the screen (especially when he’s with Blair, b/c those two have some amazing chemistry, whether they’re loving or hating each other).

  2. Noticias breves: Dr. Horrible arrasa, promos de Gossip Girl y más… on July 18th, 2008 6:10 pm

    […] Si la respuesta es que sí, os recomiendo que echéis un vistazo a varios clips que se han filtrado aquí con nuevas imágenes de la segunda […]

  3. anne on July 26th, 2008 7:21 pm

    i am!! i’m also loving the song use!

    “oh no. he’s got a camaro.”

  4. Dani on July 28th, 2008 4:59 pm

    I loved the clips! And I’m also excited about season 2 G.G.!
    And about Chuck and Blair, they’re like my fave couple! They’re both so manipulative and i think they deserve each other. So what they might hate each other once in awhile but it’s always funny to see them compete and throw the evil eyes at each other 🙂

  5. nikki on July 29th, 2008 8:20 pm

    nate is helping someone have an affair????

    wtf. that is so not nate!!!!!!!

    blair and nate were so much cuter!

    is the director on crack or something?

  6. tanni on July 31st, 2008 4:51 am

    I can only view the first clip 🙁

  7. Tasha on August 3rd, 2008 6:44 pm

    Blair and Chuck are a good couple.. just not a romantic couple.
    They’re two masterminds put together and forced to get along. Their chemistry’s amazing whether love or hate is on screen.
    I have a feeling that Nate and Serena are going to get serious in this season, Nate’ll realise that he still has feelings for Blair.
    I guess we just have to wait and find out…

  8. lisi on August 3rd, 2008 6:46 pm

    i want blair and nate to get back together so bad. i hate serena and nate together.. ewww.

  9. j on August 10th, 2008 6:12 pm

    omg ik i love blair and chuck they are so hotttt!!!!!
    i also hate s and nate together they just dont work
    i hope nate realizes he is still in love with blair but she doesnt love him back. he deserves it after wht hes done to blair

  10. on August 18th, 2008 1:20 am

    난 몰라~!!!!! 영어 하나도모르겠따규

  11. ssslll on August 23rd, 2008 12:39 am

    i personally lovee dan and serena :[
    i was so dissapointed when they broke up..

  12. lexi on August 23rd, 2008 9:56 am

    i cant wait for the new season of gossip girl
    i’ve heard theres a new man in there for blaire
    and that dan goes to the hamptons to get serena back
    also theres gonna be a big cat fight between serena and blaire
    its gonna be an explosive season premiere
    bring on september 1st

  13. sam on August 23rd, 2008 2:57 pm

    OMG!!! I cannot wait for GGS2! Damn that Mother Chucker is the best line ever!!!

  14. Roz on August 25th, 2008 1:34 am

    We love chuck and blair together but we still like nate and blair. Cant wait for the season 2. OMG!

  15. MJ on August 25th, 2008 5:28 pm

    one more week!!

  16. serena on August 31st, 2008 4:01 pm

    omg! the videos are gone!
    i want serena and dan to get back together
    blair and chuck
    and nate to find someone
    omg omg omg
    im soooooooooooo excited!