TV Talk with GMMR and Ducky: Podcast #26 - Emmy Nominations - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

Tuesday, March 18, 2025

TV Talk with GMMR and Ducky: Podcast #26 – Emmy Nominations

July 21, 2008 by  

We know that the Emmy’s are still two months away but now that the nominations have been revealed we thought we’d give you our opinions on the 60th Annual Emmy Award Nominations.

We cover all of the main categories and discuss the validity of nominees and what it takes to be an Emmy winner. Sit back, have a Red Bull and settle in because we’re talking for almost an hour. And on a personal note I must apologize for my giggle fit towards the end of the podcast. Sometimes when something makes me laugh I just can’t recover (blushes).

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One Response to “TV Talk with GMMR and Ducky: Podcast #26 – Emmy Nominations”

  1. Kimber on July 23rd, 2008 8:46 pm

    Oh man, I love you guys. As Ducky would say, you are “benoodles”! Trying to keep a straight face while listening to this podcast (and Kath’s uncontrollable laughing) on public transit was really, really hard!