Who Went Home on SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE? - The Final Four - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

Tuesday, January 07, 2025

Who Went Home on SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE? – The Final Four

July 31, 2008 by  

Well, well, well.  You’ll have to excuse me as I’m trying to type while fighting back the tears in my eyes.  In a season where I haven’t felt as connected to the dancers as in years past I think this was by far the toughest elimination of all for me.  Six dancers remained and six deserved to be there.  I think no matter who was sent home tonight, it would have upset me on some level.

But one guy and one girl had to leave and miss next week’s finale.  And those two dancers were…you’ll have to find out after the break (come on, who doesn’t want to be Cat Deely in her next life).

(and we’re back….)

The two dancers who left the competition tonight were Chelsie and Mark.

Aww.  I know.

I must say that the elimination of Chelsie kind of surprised me.  Although I was pulling a bit more for Courtney, I thought that Chelsie’s fantastic run all season might have given her the edge over the underdog, Courtney.  I don’t think anyone was more stunned than Courtney.  But Chelsie took the news with the same grace she has brought to the competition all summer long.  Can’t wait to you see shake your moneymaker on tour, Ms. Hightower.

And Mark.  My Mark.  Sigh.  This one was especially tough.  I refused to choose last night, but if my feet were held to the fire I would have chosen Mark to stay over Twitch.  I love Twitch and think he has brought so much to this competition, but on the whole I think Mark brough something equally as unique and just so beautiful to the show.  He’s an odd, quirky soul and we like that around here.   Just as he said in his departing words tonight, I’m glad we got to hear his voice.

Congrats to Chelsie and Mark on a fantastic season. I’l be screaming for you both from my seat on the tour.

And of course congratulations to Katee, Joshua, Courtney and Twitch for being this year’s SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE finalists.  See you in the finale next week.

On a sad note, one of our favorite SYTYCD websites, BloggingSYTYCD.blogspot.com has decided to close its doors.  It was a great resource for SYTCYD and we wish nothing but the best for Ted and his friends who ran the site.  Next week Dan and I will be doing a SYTYCD finale podcast, so we hope that you’ll tune in.  And if you are a newbies from BSYTYCD…welcome!


16 Responses to “Who Went Home on SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE? – The Final Four”

  1. Sara A. on July 31st, 2008 10:36 pm

    If it makes you feel any better, I was crying when Chelsie got the boot (Mark, too). I really just wanted there to be a six-way tie when it came to winning this season.

  2. Kimber on August 1st, 2008 12:06 am

    I really haven’t been a viewer all season, and have just been catching updates from your site and podcasts with Dan … but tonight was still hard. I really liked all of these guys, and was kind of hoping for a tie too. Next week is gonna be TOUGH! I love all four of the guys who made it to the top 4, and they all seem wonderful. It will be difficult to pick just ONE winner of the bunch 🙁

    And I definitely got a bit misty when Chelsie started to cry…

  3. Sus on August 1st, 2008 12:25 am

    Do you know the song that was played during Mark’s farewell montage? I was very sad to see he and Chelsie go.

  4. chelsie hightower on August 1st, 2008 1:17 am

    […] I think this was by far the toughest elimination of all for me.? Six dancers remained and six …https://www.givememyremote.com/remote/who-went-home-on-so-you-think-you-can-dance-the-final-four/Read “RE: Chelsie Hightower Fanthread” at So You Think You Can Dance 3 Forum…nicolecatherine Jul […]

  5. vonsholiona on August 1st, 2008 1:31 am

    I am glad that they got sent home. I like Courtney well over Chelsie and mark should have went home before Will i think anyway. I fell he knew that too. My favorite is that handsome Joshua and that sexy Katie.

  6. John Lynn on August 1st, 2008 3:01 am

    Mark Kanemura’s elimination music was “All I Can See” by Brendon James. You can find the entire list of SYTYCD music http://www.crashutah.com/somethingfornothing/tag/so-you-think-you-can-dance-music/

  7. John Lynn on August 1st, 2008 3:03 am

    I’d love to have your help promoting a poll I started to have people vote for who they think should win SYTYCD this year http://www.crashutah.com/somethingfornothing/2008/07/31/vote-on-who-you-think-will-win-so-you-think-you-can-dance-season-4/


  8. Toast with JAM on August 1st, 2008 3:19 am

    Way to go Josh and Katee!

    I was happy for Courtney. She’s been coming on strong down the stretch. It was kinda sweet that the former partners went out together.

    Loved that Nigel pointed out how many, many votes they each got. Just because you don’t win THIS show doesn’t mean you’re not a winner. It’s just a big opportunity of many to come. I can see Mark acting on a broadway stage or in a movie soon. He is such a character! He’s like a living cartoon.

    And how about Shankman adding to the prize pool by adding the featured dancing part in a movie! Win-Win-Win! Dancer wins, Shanks wins, I win! How many days until The Office comes back?

  9. Alyson on August 1st, 2008 9:04 am

    I cried when Mark was eliminated. Not a lot, but I was really sad to see him go. I love Twitch, but Mark was my guy. I just don’t see myself as excited for Wednesday next week without him. I cannot wait to see him on tour; they better have lots of numbers featuring him.

    I was sad for Chelsie, too, but I really do think Courtney deserved it. She has really grown over the course of the show, and Chelsie has been sort of static, I think. Courtney’s solos were the best female solos of the competition, and like Chelsie, she’s really done well in every single genre she’s been given.

    I don’t really know who I want to win. My heart is with Twitch, but in my head I know he doesn’t deserve it. Courtney is spunky and has done a great job, but I don’t see her pulling off the win. Katee is a beautiful dancer, but I don’t connect with her personality. Joshua has adapted well to all the different styles, but I think him being partnered with Katee has caused him not to be my favorite. With no Mark, I have no favorite….how sad is that?

  10. Carli on August 1st, 2008 11:37 am

    Go Courtney!!

  11. Beth on August 1st, 2008 12:13 pm

    I have to agree with Alyson- with no Mark, I have no favorite- I don’t really care who wins now…

    He just brought so much to the show and I loved how he embodied the characters in the dances- he just continued to grow each week.

    I hope to see a lot of his dances in the finale!!

    (also just found out i can’t go to the tour b/c i am in a wedding that night- they dont really need me as a bridesmaid do they?)

  12. Toast with JAM on August 1st, 2008 2:21 pm

    Go Josh! I want to see him cry again when he WINS!

    I hope they give the winner a chance to say something this season. Last year it was….”Sabra! OK, see you next year!” Don’t they know that we want to participate just a little bit in the celebration? SYTYCD, Stop putting filler in and dramatic pauses when you can just get on with it and have time left to give the winner and runner up time to say something!!!!

  13. lemoñadé on August 1st, 2008 3:16 pm

    >In a season where I haven’t felt as connected to the dancers as in years past I think this was by far the toughest elimination of all for me.

    I’m glad you said that. I thought I was the only one feeling this way.

  14. Sus on August 1st, 2008 3:35 pm

    Thank you, John! I just checked out Brendan James’ music. He is wonderful! I was so sad to see Mark go but that song was perfect. I appreciate you posting the information.

  15. momma2mingbu on August 2nd, 2008 1:48 pm

    Not too surprised by the final 4 – that is once I got over the loss of Will last week. I would have prefered Mark over Twitch, but liked them both.

    Very sad to see Ted close his doors this week. I didn’t know what to do with myself during the show this week w/o having the BSYTYCD comments window open! (Especially during the horrible musical guest on Thursday!)

  16. demondoll on August 2nd, 2008 5:41 pm

    I cried when Mark got eliminated, too. He touched my heart- I loved watching him dance. I rarely voted on a contestant before, and found myself power-voting for him.

    It’s a bummer about BSYTYCD, Ted and crew are wonderful. I wish them all the best.