PROJECT RUNWAY Recap: Episode 6 - Good Queen Fun - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

PROJECT RUNWAY Recap: Episode 6 – Good Queen Fun

August 22, 2008 by  

This week of Jennifer’s Runway…

Jennifer Eolin ( I was growing up, there were many things that I wanted to be. First, an astronaut, which is crazy because I got car sick EVERY TIME I got in the car and got dizzy on escalators. (Honestly, I was in it for the Tang. Yummers!) Second, an actor. (HAHAHAHAA! Still trying there, folks…) And third, queen. I wanted to be queen. As in “of England.” As in “of hearts.” As in “Sarah Saturday” from Mister Rogers. But had I known about queens as in “of drag” I would have said, “SIGN MY ASS UP!” (Okay, I would have made that really embarrassing noise that sounded like “katchum-katchum-katchum.” Sigh…)

As the designers gathered to hear their challenge, the beloved Chris March from last year strutted out in a “yodeling outfit” according to resident genius, Suede. Chris was dressed in his finest drag outfit complete with disco ball bra cups (so sensible!!). The challenge was issued: “Create a look for a drag queen.” HOORAY! Finally, something that these designers can dig their fake nails into.

But first up, Drag Queen Kickball! Which I didn’t mind as it was a good way to get a taste of each girls’ saucy attitude. (But SHAME ON BRAVO not giving more info on their NAMES and pics of them on the runway during their team picks. Don’t they know my TiVo isn’t set up and yet and I can’t write as fast as they intro themselves?? PISSED FISTS!)

Full disclosure: Do you know what I love about the queens most? Their names. They were all funny. Annida Greenkard. Miss Understood. Hedda Lettuce. Sharron Needles. HAHA! It reminded me of a name I used to play in a live soap opera show back at TheatreSports. Her name was Joy Stick. (What?! She was happy and thin! Where did YOU go?!) Anyway, I love names like that. If I were a drag queen today, my name would be Ima Biddy. My outfit would be a pimped out muumuu that shows off my “girls.” Cuz I’m hot that way.

But I digress…

(continue reading Jennifer’s Project Runway recap here)

Jennifer Eolin grew up in upstate New York. It was fun. She moved to Amish Country when she was 8. It was not fun. She moved back to upstate New York again for her senior year in high school. It was traumatic. Now she lives in a big city. It’s called Los Angeles. It’s expensive. And traumatic. Read all of Jennifer’s hilarious blogs including“Letters from Jennifer” at her MySpace page.

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