THE OFFICE Covers Business Ethics - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

THE OFFICE Covers Business Ethics

October 9, 2008 by  

Jim and Dwight, THE OFFICE

The other day I came home to find tonight’s episode of THE OFFICE waiting for me.  I’m telling you this not to make you jealous (ok, yes I am) but also to warn you that the following post contains some spoilers for tonight’s ep.  But I think you know me enough by now to know that I’d never spill too many details…just enough to get you excited (like you weren’t already!)

Can you believe we are in the 5th season of THE OFFICE and this is the first time the writers have directly covered business ethics?  You would think that with what goes on at Dunder Mifflin, there would be a need for a daily business ethics seminar.

Only at Dunder Mifflin could an ethics seminar end up in the employees standing up and sharing just how unethical they have been.  But when Meredith takes things a bit too far, Michael sees the tougher side of Holly and memories of Toby come creeping back into his mind. Could his true love Holly be just another coporate hack?  Say it ain’t so.

If you’re a fan of Holly and Michael (and come on how can you not be) then you’re going to really dig tonight’s episode.  These two are such a perfect fit in every way.  As Jim has said, Holly is a big dork, but she’s a dork who gets Michael like no one else (I’m talking to you Jan).  Holly gets his sense of humor and his childlike personality. And although they share a similar sensibility, Holly is a bit more aware of her surroundings and how her behavior is perceived, and in that way she really helps to balance out Michael’s sometimes over the top antics and reactions. I don’t mean to over analyze the comedy here, but Michael has in fact changed so much since meeting Holly, and you can really see that in some of his reactions tonight.  Oh and together these two are hella funny.  “Let’s get ethical, ethical.  I wanna get ethical.” – the complete brilliance of THE OFFICE wrapped up in one tiny scene.

As I’ve said before, while it’s hard not to be completely enamored with Michael and Holly, it’s tough when we the viewers know that Amy Ryan’s fantastic bit as Holly has a shelf life of only a few more episodes.  Never could have I imagined someone new walking into Dunder Mifflin and fitting in so perfectly with the tone of the show.  I’m so going to miss Holly…and Amy.

As for the future Mr. & Mrs. Halpert, well it’s been two weeks (at least for us) since their engagement and I want nothing more than to see the lovebirds basking in their new fiancedom.  But let me be the first to warn you – you ain’t getting that tonight. In fact you won’t be seeing Pam at all tonight – not even via iChat – although you will hear from her…briefly.  But for those of you who have seen the promo know, Jim finally does make the announcement that he and Pam are engaged.  And while you’re watching him tell his coworkers, please think back to your own feelings as Jim got down on one knee at Exit 17 – I’m betting that your reaction was a bit different than that of the Dunder Mifflinites.

Speaking of James Halpert (my very favorite subject) tonight we are blessed with a classic Jim/Dwight prank.  When Jim accuses Dwight of unethically stealing time from Dunder Mifflin, Mr. Schrute sets out to prove his co-worker wrong.  At least he didn’t cut his penis this time (you’ll know what I’m talking about when you see it).  It’s not hard tosee why Jim isn’t more successful in his professional life when you see the lengths he goes to piss off Dwight.  But when he’s dropping”facts” about Battlestar Galactica, The Lord of the Rings and other such Dwight-ish topics, you can’t help but not care about his future and instead just adore him.

Tonight episode was funny as all hell, and although it did feel a little safe I like to think of it as familiar.

Oh…and Ryan is still a douchebag.

I don’t think I need to remind any of you…but THE OFFICE airs tonight at 9pm on NBC.

Filed under The Office, TV News


8 Responses to “THE OFFICE Covers Business Ethics”

  1. Michele on October 9th, 2008 2:54 pm

    Happy Office Thursday! :0) Can’t wait!

  2. josh on October 9th, 2008 3:08 pm

    I hate you. Why can’t I get the Office early. No Pam tonight? You girls have Jim, but with Karen gone I really only have Pam to look forward to.

  3. JennyL on October 9th, 2008 7:08 pm

    The perfect amount of spoilery stuff to get me excited, but not ruin the episode! And, I probably needed that Pam heads up. Thanks!!

  4. TheOfficeMattress on October 9th, 2008 8:56 pm

    Sounds like an awesome episode, but unfortunately I’ll have to wait until tomorrow b/c our cable provider and our local NBC channel are in a fight and they cut off our NBC feed! Stupid jerks. I’m switching to Dish Network and and I told them it was b/c the cable provider took away my favorite show The Office 🙂

  5. Ryan on October 10th, 2008 12:21 am

    A classic simple office episode in the vein of Drug Testing or The Carpet.

    These type of episodes have a special place in my office heart. No real huge momentous things happen, but we get to watch these hilarious and awesome characters interact during a day at their jobs.

  6. i on October 10th, 2008 1:02 am

    I was disappointed that the episode didn’t show any more of the proposal, but I liked how they went back to the old humor that made it so popular in the beginning.

  7. Cheryl on October 10th, 2008 8:28 am

    This episode made me snort-laugh more than any in recent memory. And finally- some Meradith action.

  8. Jen (HIMYM) on October 10th, 2008 9:16 am

    I thought this was a perfect Office episode. Everyone was pitch perfect and every tiny bit in this episode was funny. Angela is still cheating on Andy with Dwight (now, subtract the time to get down to the warehouse and nekkid, we now know they aren’t cuddlers). Andy thinking Jim stole his thunder…hello! Jim’s prank was hilarious and only Holly could totally get into the “Let’s Get Ethical” bit that Michael pulls off.

    And finally, a Meredith-centric episode where she didn’t even have to be drunk! Poor Holly, it’s a man’s club at DM. Meredith is just taking one for the team, lol.