Take a Look...Nicole Richie on CHUCK - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

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Take a Look…Nicole Richie on CHUCK

October 20, 2008 by  

Nicole Richie on CHUCKYou know what doesn’t taste good?  Crow.  But that’s just what I had to eat after watching the screener for tonight’s episode of CHUCK (8pm on NBC).  See I may have gone a little bit overboard in my criticism a few months ago when I heard that Nicole Richie was going to be hanging out at the Buy More. In my defense the news of her casting came on the heels of Britney Spears guest stint on “How I Met Your Mother” and Lindsay Lohan’s turn on “Ugly Betty” – a time when I was just so over stunt casting.  It may have hit a bit of a nerve.

When I’m wrong, I’m wrong.  Now I’m not saying that Nicole Richie is on her way to being an Emmy Award winning actress or anything, but for what was asked of her in tonight’s ep of CHUCK, she kicked ass – literally.

Nicole plays Heather Chandler (the name itself…brills!!), Sarah Walker’s high school nemesis. Heather and her husband (played by Ben Savage of ‘Boy Meets World’) have a few secrets about Sarah’s past as well as a few secrets of their own.  When they all get together for their class reunion it’s a bumpy ride down memory lane. And when Chuck cozies up to Sarah’s old classmates to learn more about her true identity, it could mean trouble for the kinda-sorta-not really-but they wish they could be couple.

The days of teasing in the halls and spreading rumors are over. These days the girls resolve their problems in the best way they know how…kicking the sh$% out of each other.

In addition to being in fighting condition, Nicole Richie has never looked better.  Smoking hot!  And she really seemed to take her role seriously.  This isn’t Paris Hilton guesting on The O.C., Richie really brings something to the part.  There I said it.  Are you happy?

Another strong episode of CHUCK tonight, in a season which has been smarter and funnier than is depicted by its ratings. If you’ve never seen CHUCK all I can do is ask that you give it a shot tonight.  You’re missing out on some really fun TV.

P.S.  For all you Sarah fans – you’ve NEVER seen our girl looking like she does tonight.

Check back tomorrow as SB will be back with a full breakdown of tonight’s episode.

Filed under Chuck


4 Responses to “Take a Look…Nicole Richie on CHUCK”

  1. Kimber on October 20th, 2008 11:46 am

    Wow. This episode is totally going to kick my ass. Is it wrong that I find Sarah kicking ass hot?? I saw another preview for this ep when Nicole Richie was on Ellen last week, and it looks AMAZING. Can’t wait for it to air!

  2. Kaye on October 20th, 2008 1:17 pm

    I’m so excited already! I have to admit I wasn’t sure bringing Nicole Richie to Chuck was a good idea but after seeing the clips I think this might just help bring in more people to watch the show.

    Just a few more hours. Weee!

  3. The TV Addict Catches Up with CHUCK » the TV addict on October 20th, 2008 1:17 pm

    […] Monday is officially the new Thursday. Which is why I took this weekend to make some much-needed room on my PVR by catching up with the first three episodes of CHUCK just in time for tonight’s butt-kicking guest spot by Nicole Richie. […]

  4. The TV Addict Catches Up with CHUCK | Piazz.com on October 20th, 2008 4:14 pm

    […] With­ th­e n­u­mber o­f­ Mo­n­day “Mu­st Watc­h­” sh­o­ws dro­ppin­g l­ike viewers to­ L­IF­E O­N­ MARS, th­is TV Addic­t dec­ided to­ dedic­ate Su­n­day, in­ su­ppo­rt o­f­ q­u­al­ity tel­evisio­n­ everywh­ere, to­ c­atc­h­ u­p o­n­ th­e f­irst th­ree episo­des o­f­ C­H­U­C­K ju­st in­ time f­o­r to­n­igh­t’s bu­tt-kic­kin­g gu­e­st spo­t by N­ic­o­le­ Ric&#1…. […]