Joss Whedon Blogs About DOLLHOUSE Rumors - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

Joss Whedon Blogs About DOLLHOUSE Rumors

October 26, 2008 by  

Joss Whedon, DollhouseHave you heard about the absolute mess over at the set of Fox’s midseason show, DOLLHOUSE? The set has been shut down, the network hates it, and show creator Joss Whedon is ready to walk because the show he pitched is nothing like the show that is being shot.

All these rumors are true…except for the ones that are not.

How I love the internet or morning like these.

Joss Whedon took directly to the Web to talk to the fans and tell them the real truth behind what’s going on at DOLLHOUSE. It’s not nearly as tragic as some would want you to believe.

Here’s a little excerpt of what Joss had to say:

“What Happened When the Lights Went Out”

I thought it was time to check in with you once again, gentle viewers. Or readers. Or pictures-looker-ats (that might be viewers). Also listeners, sniffers, haberdashers, Olympic hopefuls, the elderly, the youngerdly, and the mighty state of Oregon (go Oregon-based sports franchise!) Welcome all. Welcome… to me.

What’s me up to? I’m glad me asked. Me’ve (I’m not doing that any more) been working on a little show called Dollhouse. Yes, perhaps you’ve read about how it’s blazing an untrammeled path to surefire success, with nary a hitch or a hiccup, just pure blazing blazery, comet-like and meteoresque. What’s that, you say? You’ve read other things? Dark, Yog-Sothothy rumors about shutdowns and delays? Poppycock! They’re true. But I never pass up a chance to say “poppycock”. (“Balderdash” is so ’07. Let it go.) I know there’s been a lot of concern, various fabulous hues of panic alert readiness. So here’s the skinny. Some of the names have been changed.

Read the rest of Joss’ entry

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One Response to “Joss Whedon Blogs About DOLLHOUSE Rumors”

  1. hanncoll on October 26th, 2008 9:34 am

    Interesting that after the kerfluffle in Supernatural fandom regarding how awful and embarrassing it is that a showrunner would have to address the fans about something show-related, we’re reminded that Joss tends to do just that from time to time, and I’m not seeing anyone wailing about how much the fandom sucks because Joss had to do that. Hmm, I have a post perculating…