DEXTER: The Damage a Man Can Do - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

Wednesday, March 26, 2025

DEXTER: The Damage a Man Can Do

November 17, 2008 by  

We are coming down the homestretch, aren’t we? Does anyone know how many episodes are left? If memory serves me correctly (something that is often NOT the case) seasons of “Dexter” end about December or January, right?

Before we get started, I wanted to say how much I LOVED how much discussion there from last week’s post. That’s what GMMR is here for, for all of us to get together and talk this stuff out, so I was glad to have some traction in that department, finally. To address some things:

I totally agree with JGirl, who brought up the fact that Yuki kinda dropped the ball on the investigation. I don’t think we’re done with it, but it took way too long to find out what Quinn did and how everything actually happened.

To Amanda and everyone else who read last week, I apologize for not checking it over more closely. The part of fandom in me I have dedicated to “The Closer” keeps wanting me to write Flynn, so much that I have to correct it constantly as I write these weekly reviews. In the words of Angel, “I am sincerely apologetic. I will make this up to you in whatever way…you…would like to…have things made up to you…in” (I didn’t think it could get more awkward than Dex trying to watch/comment on sports, but I was wrong. That voicemail message was brutal.)

The consensus between the rest of the commenters was that Dexter didn’t enjoy killing Camilla, so therefore it wasn’t against the Code, something I have to agree with. It was a really interesting idea, though, and I loved the feedback.

Now on to this week…

Firstly, can I say that Harry and I had a moment this evening? I loved the use of Harry in this episode. Though the dialogue was maybe too on the nose and not a lot like the other times we’ve heard Harry, we’re seeing more and more of him as Dexter gets farther from the Code, which is an awesome paradox. The moment Harry and I had was when he said, “There’s no way this can end well.” Weekly readers will know that I have been saying this all season. And, it’s true.

Prado was pretty darn tactless in pointing Dexter to a new target, a former football player who was now a skull-cracker for a bookie. The only difference this time around was that Prado wanted to do it. I’ve been looking forward to this all week, the showdown of Dex’s need for a friend and his control issues. Let it be known that, as much as Dex likes Prado, as soon as he becomes a liability, it’s all over for our friend Miguel, as we saw in both this week’s episode and the previews for the next one.

Deb and Anton are (were?) adorable! Seriously, though, is she surprised that he had pot in his place? Or was that moment a more reflexive one, something like, “What the hell have I done?” Now that Anton is missing (although Showtime spoiled the suspense a little bit with their trailer for next week), I’m fascinated with how that relationship will play out. Will Deb rack up another failed relationship here, or will Anton be saved and stay around for a while?

I love that we are getting closer and closer to finding the skinner, under Deb’s hard work (as I pointed out last week). But, if they didn’t notice something fishy with the contractor before, they should have been watching what we were. It was bit too obvious, how they kept holding the camera on him creepily every time he said something.

Speaking of CREEPY, when Prado killed the guy, his facial expression rivaled anything Heath Ledger brilliantly pulled off in “The Dark Knight”. If I wasn’t so sure he was gonna die pretty soon, I would say that there should be a spin-off where Prado moves to another location and starts killing people too. Or, add him permanently and have Dex and Prado become the new Crockett and Tubbs.

Well, I need to get going and finish a couple of papers, but this season is really ramping up quite nicely. I hope you all are enjoying it as much as I am.

Where is the Internal Affairs investigation going to go from here? Anywhere? Also, what is Anton’s fate?
— posted by Philboy

Philboy is GMMR’s resident Dexter analyst. He spends his days studying Communications at Purdue University and his nights failing at keeping up with all of the TV shows he loves. His can’t miss shows are “Dexter”, “Chuck”, “True Blood”, “Life on Mars” and “Pushing Daisies”. The thoughts running through his head for this week are, “There isn’t much time left before finals!” and “Which will be better next week, “Dexter” or the “24” movie?”

Filed under Dexter


2 Responses to “DEXTER: The Damage a Man Can Do”

  1. Becca on November 17th, 2008 10:40 pm

    I know some people are down on this season but I think it’s really great. I’m glad you are taking on the recaps this year.

  2. Ryan on November 18th, 2008 2:49 am

    The internal affairs angle might just die from here. I really don’t see where else it can go, but on the other hand it would seem pretty pointless to have all this buildup. Maybe its prep for Quinn taking a bigger role next season.

    Anton is about to meet his maker. They’ll string it out for the length of the episode, but by the time they get there he’ll be dead.

    Seriously awesome episode. I’ve always sympathized with dexter, but this episode i found my self openly cheering for him and hoping he doesn’t get caught and that Prado would be a good “friend”.

    I can’t say enough about how much intrigue prado has added to this season. The one beef i always had with dexter in the past was that the dexter character carried way to much of the show on his back alone. With the mysterious prado playing second fiddle, the show feels so much more complete to me.

    Next week seems to be where all this finally starts to hit the fan.