BONES: The Bone That Blew - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

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BONES: The Bone That Blew

November 27, 2008 by  

Booth and Bones

What is with the two random guys finding a skeleton at the beginning of an episode gag? We’ve seen that like five times this season!

The Case:
The body of a ‘manny’ is found in and among a tree area. The bones were blown by the wind, but how did they get there? Well, glad you asked. There’s an entire experiment on it. But once the team figures out how the skeleton came to its resting place, they still had to figure out how it became a skeleton at all. The case was sort of interesting, and I thought Dr. E, aka ‘Jasmine’ was guilty. She wasn’t, but I kind of wish she had been. The real killers were kind of creepy.


  • Wendell, schmendell, the guest squint of the week is wily old Max Keenan. Who knows what that guy’s plan is. Maybe he really wants to teach. Maybe he just wants to get in on the B+B action. Either way, it provided for some interesting moments. I’m confused, though. Is he going to be working at the Jeffersonian?
  • Cam: Hmmm…I felt like the dialogue in the episode was way too ‘scripty’, and Cam and Angela both fell into that. Everything they both said just pushed the plot forward and translated science speak for us. Nothing memorable.
  • Angela: See above.
  • Hodgins: Most Valuable Player? Is that the new King of the Lab? Hmmm….don’t know how I feel about that. I’m watching the epi with my sister, and she’s saying that Hodgins is ‘stuck’ and something needs to happen. I can see that. I would like him to shake things up a bit, I guess.
  • Sweetsie: Well, poor guy. Even when he’s right, no one really listens to him, yeah? Except Booth. There was a nice little Sweets and Booth moment. But I hope he keeps telling the truth, especially to Brennan, who incidentally is always all about the truth, so it’s interesting to me when she is so quick to deny it when it’s about her personal life.

Booth and Brennan:
Do you see what I mean about Brennan being clueless about the truth re: her own relationship with her dad, but she is so quick to comment on Booth’s relationship with Parker? She kills me sometimes, she really does. Would it kill her to lie just once and say that Booth is a great dad and that’s better than all the money in the world? Actually, that wouldn’t be a lie at all. And good on Booth for asking Brennan to do him a ‘favor’ and let Max stay on at the Jeff. Like last week, I feel like B+B are feeling each other out, relationally. Last week was more playful flirty, and this week was more testing the bounds of ‘partnership’ (‘like a partner thing?’), as well as an overlap of their own families. The Max and Parker moment was just a very interestingly layered moment, don’t you agree?

Well, BONES is taking another break for a couple of weeks, so we’ll have to think of other things to keep us occupied. Maybe I’ll finally post my top five Angel episodes ever. Until then…

Favorite line of the night: Brennan to Booth “Sometimes it’s hard to appreciate what you’ve got.”

Seeleybaby is GMMR’s resident BONES expert. She’ll be following the show all season for us, and we couldn’t be more excited to have Booth and Brennan (ok especially Booth) well covered this year!

Filed under Bones


6 Responses to “BONES: The Bone That Blew”

  1. Emily on November 27th, 2008 2:29 pm

    I enjoyed the episode. Although the one thing that bugged me was I swore one time they called Bones’ Dad Max Brennan, and I was like WTH?

  2. sabrina on November 27th, 2008 7:07 pm

    When I saw the actress who played Jasmine on Angel and David in a scene together it freaked me out. I was like “Woah…”

  3. Kate on November 28th, 2008 12:11 am

    This episode was wonderful. The whole Max and Booth searching for an answer on Booth’s relationship was quite interesting expecially when Booth said Bones was beautiful without any hesitation.

    And the way Booth convinced Bones to have her dad stay on was very touching.

  4. John on November 29th, 2008 9:20 pm

    I liked the episode, with one complaint.

    In order to give Angela’s chaaracter something to do they keep giving her new skills with no explaination of when or how she got them.

    They are making her into a “squint”, when she isn’t.

  5. Lawrence on November 30th, 2008 8:47 pm

    Angela hasn’t been given any new skills, she has always been a squint in all but name. People forget that she designed and built the Angelator as well as many slick analysis programs over the years.

    What differentiates her from the others is a free spirited personality. Heck, just thinking about this I recall The Boy in the Time Capsule when she mentioned that she wrote the operating system for her computer when she was in high school.

    Attractive, flighty, yes. A squint in disguise? Definitely.

  6. Fred is My Homegirl on December 2nd, 2008 10:41 pm

    I agree with the sister. Hodgins is stuck in a big way. Perhaps he SHOULD have cried instead of laughed back in Zack’s room at the Chateau la Loon. Either way, something needs to happen to get him out of this funky limbo that he’s in.

    And I agree with Ms. Seels. B & B are DEFINITELY feeling each other out relationship-wise. I noticed it in a big way after she kissed Jared and admitted that Booth never had the guts to kiss her. And then with her letting her hair down on the plane – she’s not clueless is the ways of the heart anymore. Thanks to Booth, she’s now more savvy to those kinds of things – which just happen to include HIS little advances.

    I loved Max (Brennan? What?). The way he carefully seduced Booth’s feelings about his daughter out into the open was sneaky and priceless. Con men – gotta love ’em. Especially when they tell a certain FBI agent that he’s a good man, and that’s all that he’s ever wanted for his daughter. And the said FBI agent just takes it in, not arguing, because he wants that to. He wants Brennan to have a good man, and deep down he wants to be that man.

    The final scene I melted and died over. What can I say about that? I’m speechless.

    Oh, wait, there was a case? Yeah…that little girl was creepy. And Brennan’s dad was great with his experiment. I hope she saw a different side of him in that. I know I did and I loved it.