Bryan Fuller Returning to HEROES - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

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Bryan Fuller Returning to HEROES

December 4, 2008 by  

Bryan FullerLooks like PUSHING DAISIES is deader than a dead guy after Ned’s second touch. Word on the street (and is that Daisies creator Bryan Fuller will be returning to HEROES for the last three episodes of this season. Fuller worked on HEROES during its first season and wrote some of the best episodes of the show including “Company Men”.

You know I personally love every little bit of Bryan Fuller but I’m not sure his return is going to be enough to get me back to HEROES. I tried. I really did, but the show just kept letting me down over and over again. My Monday night TV schedule is just too crowded for a show that seems to keep saying – wait, oops, we screwed up again, just give us one more chance we’ll get it right this time.

Filed under Heroes


2 Responses to “Bryan Fuller Returning to HEROES”

  1. Kimber on December 4th, 2008 6:19 pm

    I love me some Bryan Fuller, but I’ve never seen an episode of Heroes. Even though I have a general knowledge of the show (via your TV Talk with Ducky), I think it’s too late to start. Any idea if Bryan plans to follow with with (a) a Pushing Daisies movie, or (b) a Pushing Daisies soundtrack? Or maybe he’ll give us another amazing show in the near future? (Please, please, pretty please bring Lee Pace back?? And Cheno? And Anna and Chi? Oh wait, that’d be like the Pushing Daisies cast doing “Not Pushing Daisies”.). Whoa, I rambled a lot there. Sorry.

  2. Billiam on December 4th, 2008 9:33 pm

    I remember “Company Man” being my episode of any drama that year. Except wait… I think that was the same year as the Lost flash forward finale reveal, so maybe second favorite.

    But if you haven’t watched much or any of this season, you probably would be best off waiting until season 4 and then finding out if the show has gotten better.