Jay Leno to Stay on NBC - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Jay Leno to Stay on NBC

December 8, 2008 by  

Leno Conan

Lots ‘o movement at NBC.  NBC is set to announce that Jay Leno will be given his own Monday thru Friday talk show.  But with Conan taking over the The Tonight Show and Fallon taking over for Conan on Late Night, where will Jay land?  How about 10pm? Done and done.

Giving Leno the nightly 10pm slots is a win-win (win).  Jay is at the top of his game and still has a huge following.  Creating this new show for Jay ensure that he and his fans stick around NBC and don’t defect to another network.  But the move also means that NBC has less primetime to program.  Rather than being responsible for an 8-11pm schedule each weeknight, the network only needs to worry about 8-10pm.  Good thing for NBC because Ben Silverman doesn’t seem to be good at finding new programming (which is disappointing since that is his job).

But the good news is that Jay Leno is sticking around.  I’m glad for Jay that this worked itself out.

Filed under TV News


2 Responses to “Jay Leno to Stay on NBC”

  1. John on December 9th, 2008 1:30 pm

    Last year NBC said it wanted reality shows at 8:00 and it has football on Sundays and repeats on Saturdays.

    NBC will now have five hours of scripted shows a week, if they can make their “reality hour” work.


  2. Marc on December 9th, 2008 11:21 pm

    I’m shocked that no one has stated the obvious yet. This is the unofficial death knell for Friday Night Lights. There’s no way it survives the inevitable program purge, even with financial assistance from DirecTV. BOOOOOOO!