Privileged: All About What Lies Beneath - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

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Privileged: All About What Lies Beneath

January 7, 2009 by  

Happy New Year Privileged fans! Even though the holidays are over and we’re settling into the winter doldrums, we have one thing to be psyched about – tv is back! I know it’s only been a few weeks, but it warms the heart a little to know that there are fresh new episodes of your favorite shows waiting for you when you get home from the office. Last night’s return of Privileged did not disappoint – it was heartfelt, funny and really sweet. Joanna Garcia once again astonished me with her acting chops in the emotional fight Megan finally had with her mother, after putting it off in an effort to be civil. Rose and Sage were equally endearing – Sage nervous? Rose impressing socialites with her knowledge of Cuba? There were a few surprises in store as well, oh…and sex in a hospital supply closet of course.

We had a few different storylines competing for attention last night and all of them were strong. Megan was dealing with her mom who was starting to become a bit clingy; shopping trips, drop-ins at the house and constant phone calls. Megan was beginning to feel the anger she’d been concealing build up the more time they spent together, which finally bubbled over into a very emotional argument where we really got a sense of the abandonment Megan felt as a kid. It seems like things are already on the mend, so it’s good she got her anger out. Transitioning from anger to feeling randy, Megan decided it was about time that she and Will got a little action. They have been on 10 official dress-up dates and he’s been a perfect gentleman the whole time. Megan was ready for some lovin’, but her attempt to get Will drunk and seduce him went out the window when she got a little carried away on the satin sheets and landed herself in the hospital with a slight head injury. This however, proved just the push they needed – after getting stitched up Will explained that he thought Megan wanted to take things slowly and she quickly corrected his assumptions. That’s when Will noticed the empty supply closet and the rest is history.

Things weren’t so sunny on the Charlie/Mandy front, as the once most laid back girlfriend in the world pulled a 180 and became jealous and sneaky out of nowhere. Did anyone else find the change in attitude to be pretty abrupt? She’s never been a favorite of mine, so I won’t be too disappointed if she goes bye-bye. The cause of concern? Megan is trying to help Charlie get into college and Mandy isn’t very happy with them spending a lot of time together. Mandy seemed to me a bit over the college thing in general; she kept making comments like “Are you still working on that” as though it was some petty hobby or something. Things are not looking good…

Another relationship in trouble is Marco and his long-term but never-before-seen boyfriend Keith. Keith has found a space near his salon for Marco to open up his dream café, but Marco just doesn’t seem that into it. Keith takes this as a sign that Marco isn’t ready to commit to the relationship and ends up breaking up with him at the Cuba benefit (more on the benefit next). So sad! We finally meet him and now he’s gone? But really, Marco didn’t seem THAT broken up about it, so maybe we shouldn’t be either?

Finally, Sage and Rose, my favorite twins on tv. They cooked up a plan to host a charity luncheon benefiting Cuba so that Sage and Luis would have reason to spend some time together planning the menu. They chose Cuba so that Luis would know their deep and abiding love for his homeland. Sage was adorably and really believably nervous in her conversations with the young chef, and ended up trying to avoid him all together. Rose on the other hand completely stepped up, took charge of the planning and even put a snotty society matron in her place to boot! Maybe next time don’t hire a synchronized swimming team to demonstrate the plight of the Cuban people (with the use of a raft!), but other than that, bang up job!! Oh, except for one other small whoopsie…Luis is half Argentinean and half American – not Cuban at all. Once Sage finally admitted she liked him though, sparks flew and kisses were exchanged. Things are certainly heating up in the Baker household!

The episode ends after Megan and Will have christened the bed in Megan’s room when they are interrupted by her cell phone. It’s Lilly (ugh) calling to say that she’s in jail (yay!). No idea why, or where, but it seems Lilly’s gotten herself into a bit of a pickle. All I can say is that I hope it’s someplace far away for a crime with a long jail term, because as many of you know, I’m not a huge fan of hers. But, no point in worrying about that now, after such a great return for the show.

What has you most excited for the rest of the season? Are you looking forward to a Will/Megan/Charlie throwdown? Do you want Keith and Marco to get back together and live happily ever after in side-by-side salon/café bliss? How do you feel about Sage and Luis? Will it last, and what will Laurel’s reaction be? Share your thoughts below!!

– posted by Nicole

Nicole is wondering if perhaps she’s too dependant on the tv world for entertainment but is looking forward to spending some quality time with her REAL friends and family over the next few weeks. She is also trying to resist the urge to buy antlers for her dogs, because she knows it would cause a mutiny. Maybe she’ll just stick with buying lots of good red wine for herself instead.


4 Responses to “Privileged: All About What Lies Beneath”

  1. Give Me My Remote on January 7th, 2009 4:40 pm

    I missed Privileged last night. Can you believe it? I thought I was being all cool by letting the DVR record it first so I could fast forward through the commercials. But when I hit play the picture and sound were all screwy.


    The DVD for last night’s episode is at my parents house, but as much as I love this show I have zero desire to trek the 20 minutes to my parents house in this weather. It will have to wait.

    Did you all like to smooching scene with Rose and Marco? They did that about 10 times. Lots of angles to get. Some time making sure that the actors were comfortable smooching on camera.

    I was geeking out watching, but I was also geeking out because I was standing right behind the writer of this episode, Anne Fricke. I wanted to tell her that I was a big fan from her Dawson’s Creek days, but I held back.

    Sage’s dress was handmade and may I just say that it was even more stunning in person. Ashley worked every inch of that dress.

  2. Jennie on January 7th, 2009 4:46 pm

    I loved how Mandy snapped. It confirmed my theory that all along she was doing the passive agressive “I’m cool with it” chick routine but really deep down she was always jealous, it just came to a boil and seemed to jump up out of nowhere. I say good riddance, her character is really annoying.

    My all time favorite moment: “Respect is for grandmas, I want to get naked and stuff” That made the episode for me and is exactly what I love about her. She’s such a regular girl who just happens to be completely gorgeous but has the same neurotic moments we all do.

    Other than that I loved Rose, as I always do, she’s adorable. I just was so happy to have a new episode I think that I was already biased going in.

  3. mg714 on January 8th, 2009 3:35 pm

    Love this show – great episode last Tuesday!

    This may have already been discussed but did you all read the news from Ausiello (I think) about Charlie leaving the show at some point before the end of the season? That makes me really sad – I love Michael Cassidy and wanted to see how the Will/Megan/Charlie triangle would have worked out. I’ve been out of the loop for a while so apologies if this has already been talked about.

  4. Nicole on January 8th, 2009 6:20 pm

    Hi mg714 – I actually just read that news myself yesterday (after writing the recap) and I was also shedding a tear or two. Charlie is my favorite! I have read though (can’t remember if it was in the same place or not) that if Privileged is renewed for a second season (please Jeebus let it happen) then he may return to the show at that point. So, I’m not giving up hope just yet!