HEROES/LOST Crossover - Funny Stuff! - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

Friday, March 14, 2025

HEROES/LOST Crossover – Funny Stuff!

January 21, 2009 by  

A fan of LOST and HEROES? You can’t miss this funny and clever crossover episode. Can the cast of HEROES help solve the mysteries of the island on LOST?

Waaaaaaalt !!!

Had you all seen this before? I don’t know how long it’s been out there. But I figured if it were new to me then it might be new to some of you too. I thought it was really well done. Who comes up with this stuff? And by that I mean, thanks!!

Other videos in the LOST series include:

LOST Parody #3 – Harry Potter (Season 1, ep 3)

Lost Parody #4 – Lord of the Rings (Season 1, ep4)

…and others.

Kudos to  Benny & Rafi Fine for creating the video which can be found on JustForLaughs.com

Thanks to @greggrunberg for passing this on.

Filed under #1 featured, Heroes, Lost


One Response to “HEROES/LOST Crossover – Funny Stuff!”

  1. Eric on January 21st, 2009 3:27 pm

    I have seen all these videos before and I have to say that while being completely random, they are all hilarious. Now I am just wondering how they came up with the idea in the first place for the videos.