March 2, 2009 by Kath Skerry
It’s not often that an episode of THE AMAZING RACE pulls up lame, but it certainly did last night. Despite watching for the full hour, it didn’t feel like much of anything happened. The Yields and the Roadblocks were lame. The contestants (well some of them were annoying). And the wrong twosome were Philiminated. I hate when that happens.
Let’s start with the good news. My favorite team – Mel & Mike White – came in first and won a sweet trip to Costa Rica. Remember back in the first few seasons when it was only on the rare occasion that there was a prize for hitting the mat first? A leading team can rack up some seriously cool parting gifts even if they don’t win the million dollar prize.
My second favorite team, Margie & Luke came in a respectable fourth. I’m still amazed at how well Margie and Luke can communicate, especially on tasks where hearing your teammate seems crucial – like giving directions while the other person in driving. I hope they continue to do well.
Here’s the order to finish from last night:
1. Mel & Mike
2. Amanda & Kris
3. Kisha & Jen
4. Margie & Luke
5. Mark & Michael
6. Christie & Jodi*
7. Jaime & Cara*
8. Tammy & Victor
9. Brad & Victoria
(* If memory serves Christie & Jodi are the blondes and Jamie & Cara are the redheads, right? I find both teams mildly irksome, but I think I’m pulling for the reds in the battle of the all girl teams.)
At least something good came out of last night’s episode. It’s official. I now have a team I’m 100% rooting against. Tammy and Victor. Maybe I say that I’m 100% rooting against Victor. Poor Tammy can’t control who her brother is. But what he is is annoying and he needs to be off my TV show so I can enjoy this show again. I found him and his whiny, sing-song voice bothersome in the first few episodes but last night it was out of control. I understand they caught a bad break. Their flight was canceled and their lead was lost. But they completely lost it after that. They just couldn’t get their shit together. The should have been eliminated last night. After Victor’s pigheaded hike into the mountains, they deserved to be. Here’s to hoping they’re at the bottom of the heap next week too.
Poor Brad & Victoria. They really didn’t do anything wrong tonight and shouldn’t have gone home. I think they made the right strategic move by taking the earlier flight. Had it not been for the fog they would have made great time against some of the other teams. Mother Nature – she can be a real bitch.
Not a stellar episode for me, but I’ll get over it. Even this show can have an off day every once in a while.
Thoughts on last night’s leg of the race? Please tell me that Victor was bothering you as much as he was me. Any favorite teams yet?
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Ohh GMMR, I liked this ep…I must have been in a good mood. I had fun watching the team members attempt gymnastics and the laughing gypsies, well they made me laugh. I too am pushing hard for Victor to go away. I too like Mel and I don’t usually go for the ultrareligious but he is so darned kind and joyful. I’m still pulling for the stuntment, they just go all out at it without any complaining, I like that. But at this point other than Victor, I’m liking all of the teams.
Lisa – Glad you enjoyed the episode. Maybe I was in a bad mood and didn’t know it
Yeah, I like the stuntmen too. They have that “no fear” advantage over the other teams. I hope we see more of them.
The best part of this episode was that turn Victor breaking down when he realized he was the one that got them in (almost) last place. It was pure luck they didnt’ get eliminated. I love when the 1st place team gets put in their place. Especially when I don’t like them. I like all the other teams too. Hopefully, Brother and sister get eliminated next week so the real fun can begin!