24 Debrief: Day 7 | 9:00 pm-10:00 pm - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

Saturday, March 15, 2025

24 Debrief: Day 7 | 9:00 pm-10:00 pm

March 10, 2009 by  

This week featured a fan favorite making his farewell, the saddest sight imaginable and one character in quite the pickle. Let’s get started before I inhale some nerve toxins and go to sleepyland.


  • General Juma makes President Taylor read a confession of her crimes against Sangala on a live internet feed. She was interrupted when…
  • Jack told Bill that there were explosives in the President’s safe room. Jack was planning on going in and drawing a stray bullet to the explosives, taking out all of the Sangalese henchmen. Bill then told Jack that he knows that Juma has someone working on the outside, who we all know is Jonas Hodges. Bill tells Jack he’s the only one who can find the mystery man helping Juma and runs into the safe room, killing himself in the process.
  • Vice President Wussypants Hayworth, even after the explosion, refuses to take action. Larry and Renee lead the team into the White House against Hayworth’s orders. They, along with Jack and Aaron, kill most of the henchmen and Jack kills Gen. Juma.

  • On the political side of things, we found out that Olivia was working for President Taylor’s campaign by was fired for doing something that, according to Ethan, nearly cost Taylor the election. Taylor insists that Ethan ask her to join the President’s staff. When he does so, Olivia tells Ethan that she believes he is to blame for all of the traitors in the White House and she will be on a personal mission to get rid of him.
  • Jonas continues with the operation that Juma had originally planned on carrying out, assessing possible scenarios for targets all across the US with the weapons shipment that is arriving in a couple of episodes.

Agent Philboy’s Assessment

I think this episode made up for some of the crap from last week. I really wasn’t expecting Bill to fall on his sword like that, but, looking back on it, there wasn’t much of an option. The silent clock at the end was poignant and well-deserved. Bill’s been around for quite a while and has always been one of the few who believes in Jack, almost unconditionally. I’ll miss him.

Larry is in quite the pickle, isn’t he? Plus, I vary wildly in my thoughts on Larry. One minute, like when he leads the team into the White House without VP Wussypants’ support, I really like him. Then, he throws such a hissy fit when Renee gets Jack sent to Burnett and suspends Renee. But, guess who Larry will need to either help/find Jack? If you guessed Renee, you win! He’ll need her to come back, which should be awesomely awkward.

Speaking of awkward, I almost cried when Jack got attacked with the nerve gas. Jack? Drooling? That could be the saddest thing I’ve ever seen! It was the epoch of power and badassery incapacitated like Henry Taylor. But, thanks to some quick thinking, almost as if he’s been a fugitive from the law before (oh, wait!), he bolts and continues on the quest to find Juma’s source on the outside.

Olivia Taylor frightens me. I hope that her motives are only political and she isn’t part of this plot. If so, the success of the operation with her involvement would hinge on a lot of things happening that I don’t think are set in stone. We’ll see what happens here, along with the vague information we have about the ever-so-evil Jonas and his shipment of weapons.

Everything I Need to Know in Life I Learned from Jack Bauer (and Others)…

  • If everything on TV I’ve seen is true, old people being smothered in hospitals is a very real epidemic that needs to be addressed immediately.
  • If you don’t want to die, pop out some kids…so THEY can pop out some kids. Grandkids always beat no grandkids.
  • Jon Voight can make anything sound creepy, and not in a fun way.
  • If you’re Vice President, you can apparently shut down the Internet. That guy couldn’t even touch my Twitter account!
  • If someone disagrees with you, fire them.
  • If you jeopardize your parent’s career, just go through a traumatic experience with them. All shall be absolved.

Weekly Kill Count = 17 Total Kill Count = 342+

What does everyone think, halfway through the season? Did this make up for some of the lesser parts of last week? Plus, please share your favorite Bill memories, if you have them.

Philboy is GMMR’s resident Dexter and 24 analyst. He spends his days studying Communications at Purdue University and his nights failing at keeping up with all of the TV shows he loves. His can’t miss shows are “24”, “Chuck”, and “Life on Mars”. The thoughts running through his head for this week are, “Just gotta get through the week!” and “Wonder where I’m going for Spring Break! Only the Purdue Basketball team knows!”


3 Responses to “24 Debrief: Day 7 | 9:00 pm-10:00 pm”

  1. Patty on March 10th, 2009 8:44 am

    I love Bill and will miss him terrribly! Best Bill moment? His hair from this season. What a hottie!

    I actually watched 4 hours of 24 all in a row last night and that’s a good thing.

    Why is is that the P and VP can never both be strong and stand-up-y? Why must one or both be a douche? I love President Taylor. I was waiting for her to hit Juma but alas, it didn’t happen. I can still hope she will kick some ass.

    What about Chloe? Is she going to gt out and kick Janeane Garofalo’s ass? I think I would. Someone needs to kick that smug hiney. Maybe she’ll feel bad when she finds out how much she help the terrorists by being a gossip.

  2. Stark on March 10th, 2009 7:40 pm

    I don’t understand that Jonas guy’s motivation now that Juma is dead. What is it?

  3. Kathy on March 11th, 2009 10:32 pm

    I was so sad to see Bill die–I think he was a big part of reviving the series for me. Without his return, I don’t know that I would have stuck around so long this season. Not sure what will happen next…