THE BIG BANG THEORY Renewed for Two Years! - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

Tuesday, March 18, 2025

THE BIG BANG THEORY Renewed for Two Years!

March 18, 2009 by  

Nerds of the worlds rejoice! CBS has just announced that it’s picked up THE BIG BANG THEORY for two more seasons. This news thrills me to no end as I’m a big fan of Leonard, Howard, Raj, Penny and my boy Sheldon.

CBS has also renewed Chuck Lorre’s other series, TWO AND A HALF MEN for three more years.

“Our collaboration with Warner Bros. and Chuck Lorre for these two series has lead to great entertainment for television audiences and has been very good business for CBS,” said CBS Entertainment president Nina Tassler. “With these shows firmly in place, CBS is well-positioned for more comedy success in the years ahead.”

If you’re not watching THE BIG BANG THEORY I urge you to give it a shot. It wasn’t on my radar until about half way through the first season and now it’s one of my very favorite comedies on TV today. It’s appointment TV at its funniest.

I know the Monday night TV schedule is crowded, but try to schedule some time to catch up on Season 1 via iTunes. If you need some convincing, I’m sure some other BBT fans can chime in and share the love. I’ve received so many thank you emails from GMMR readers who tuned into the show after listening to me go on and on about it. Don’t miss out.

For now, I’ll let the cast of BBT talk nerdy to you.

More of my favorite THE BIG BANG THEORY moments after the jump.

Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizards, Spock

The Christmas Gift

Rock Band

Now if only we can get CBS to renew HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER.

Anyone not watching now that might be willing to try it out?


7 Responses to “THE BIG BANG THEORY Renewed for Two Years!”

  1. Alyson on March 18th, 2009 7:46 pm

    Yahoo!! Two more years of Sheldon, Raj, Leonard, Penny, and Wolowitz is great news. It’s one of my very favorite half hours of TV each week. It’s right up there with the Office for me.

  2. Patty on March 18th, 2009 10:55 pm

    I just have to thank you again for talking about this show on your podcast. If not for you and Dan, I would never have given this show any of my time!

  3. Nicole on March 19th, 2009 12:20 am

    That’s great news! This weeks episode was fabulous – I laughed through the whole thing. I love Sheldon/Penny interactions – they are amazingly funny together.

  4. Lynzee on March 19th, 2009 3:15 pm

    Huzzah!! I’m so pumped! I’ve been hooked since episode 1. Such great news!

  5. Karen (Kath's sis) on March 19th, 2009 4:32 pm


  6. Jessia on March 19th, 2009 9:58 pm

    Great News! Great Show! What about HIMYM? Is this the last season?

  7. Kathy Hansen on June 1st, 2009 7:05 am

    YAY! My husband and I have been watching past episodes via Netflix and Laugh out loud during each episode. Sweet clean laughter is very much needed during these times and I truly hope they keep the show clean and do not resort to the tioet humor so popular these days.