KINGS: Prosperity - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

Saturday, March 15, 2025

KINGS: Prosperity

March 23, 2009 by  

“No CGI pigeons were harmed in the making of this episode”

Before I start in on the review, can I just say how cool it is to have a review up on the internet, with people reading and commenting on it? Thanks everyone! And I apologize for the delay. Stupid work crisis. Next week I’ll do better (assuming KINGS is still on next week).

This week’s episode of KINGS revolved around the signing of the peace treaty with Gath, which David set in motion last week. The palace is preparing to host the visiting dignitaries, and everyone is trying to be on their best behavior. Except of course David who can apparently act with impunity whenever the ‘signs’ dictate it. I was going to leave this rant until later in the review, but his insubordinate behavior takes me out of the story sometimes. Grabbing the premier? Ramming his taxi into the hummer? I don’t care what kind of national hero he is, either of these actions should at least earn him some sort of punishment. He is first and foremost a soldier in the army, and he should be expected to follow orders. I understand that Silas forgives him for certain things because he helps in the long run, but it stretches believability for me.

Now that my rant is over, I really have to gush about how awesome Ian McShane is. Again this week, every scene he was in was enthralling TV. The two best scenes are his confrontations with his Brother-in-law and his old enemy. Watch the expression on Silas’ face when his brother-in-law (who is clearly wetting himself) says “Kill me. Your nation will die with me.” You can see the “Oh HELL no” flash across the king’s eyes and it’s amazing. This scene is outdone by Silas’ visit to Vesper (who I keep calling Vespa in my head). Brian Cox is an excellent deposed ruler. Viewers can feel the power between two rulers, which I actually feel is lacking in negotiations with Gath. Silas clearly respects Vesper as an opponent, where he seems to tower above the Gath premier. McShane acts with a power that I think will make this show really thrive over time.

Despite my rant about his behavior earlier, I’m actually really interested to see how David’s character develops over time. The prophetic nature of his dreams I actually find to be very interesting, and his attitude towards Silas is also very promising. Will he always see Silas as a good man, or will he turn against him? There are a lot of moral arguments in his future, which is always good TV.

Queen Rose was great as she ordered the palace servants around, and I enjoyed the scene with her brother. She is clearly more intuitive and sly about court politics than she seemed in most of the first episode, and I love the idea of this strong woman who knows exactly what’s going on. I also loved David’s mother, although I didn’t think I would at first. When she first showed up I thought “Oi, a whiny mother” but her lines with Princess Puppy in the VA office were great, and show that she also understands exactly what’s happening.

I think overall there is still a little lack of subtlety, but this week is much improved over last week, and I also care less. I found the “Kill David” plot to be a little far-fetched, as anyone could tell they wouldn’t kill off one of the leads in the second episode. It would have been interesting had it been a slightly more minor character whose fate was actually up in the air, or if someone else had been injured in the attempt. I thought Jack was underused, and they’re clearly placing him as the forgotten son, but he had good stuff last week. I cannot wait to see who’s picture Vespa was holding (and more importantly who’s on the other half), or what vow the princess made. I thought the financial crisis storyline was wrapped up a bit quickly, but I appreciate that the point was more to show what kind of power Silas weilds (and who needs a bad economy story given the ACTUAL bad economy?)

The ratings have been posted for yesterday, and they managed to suck even more than last week. 4.6 Million for a show this expensive does not bode well for the show. So it’s time to start recruiting every family member, friend, coworker, and smarter-than-average pet to watch this show and boost the ratings. And maybe next week the review will be half recap/half origami instructions.

How do you think the second episode stacked up? What are your guesses about the picture and the Princess? How do you think David’s opinions will develop? Leave a comment and let me know!

*Mattie B lives hear Washington, D.C. If he were Buffy, he would have picked Angel.*


6 Responses to “KINGS: Prosperity”

  1. Ryan on March 23rd, 2009 11:36 pm

    From what i understand 13 episodes are already done so i don’t think they’ll not show them. NBC paid too much for the show not to air all the episodes–kind of like what happened with studio 60.

    Good recap/review!

  2. Ryan on March 23rd, 2009 11:44 pm

    Oops clicked submit on accident.

    To answer your questions…

    It think the second episode was better then the first. I understand and do somewhat agree with your observation that David is given unrealistic free reign, but one thing i would say in it’s defense would be that Silas is the kind of guy who likes bold action and might be more inclined to let it slide.

    I think the princess and the picture are connected somehow. Maybe Prince and Princess really aren’t Silas’ children and they are actually the rival former king’s offspring? That would be my only guess at this point.

    David is going to start his slide from being loyal to Silas to realizing he’s a corrupt king and he its his destiny to lead the country. I’m sure Rev. Samuels will push him in that direction as well.

  3. Mattie B on March 24th, 2009 11:10 am

    I’m intrigued by Rev. Samuels. I wonder if he’s really as ‘good’ as he seems to be right now. The show-runner has said that no one in this show is black-and-white good or evil, but shades of grey. I’m curious what the Reverend’s shade is.

    I also wonder how many sketchy things David will do for Silas before he realizes what’s what.

    I think they’ll probably show all the 13 episodes, but I’d rather we didn’t have to burn them off in the summer. Either way they’ll make it onto the DVD set.

  4. SB on March 24th, 2009 12:37 pm

    I totally agree about Silas’ OH HELL NO moment. I looooved that. But one of the things I’m enjoying most are those two security guards. Billy and I (in case anyone is out of the loop, that’s my boyfriend) were talking about how they’re really the only comedic relief, and that too is very Shakespearean.

    I really like this show … I wonder if they’d get more viewers in a weekday time slot?

  5. Jordan on March 24th, 2009 3:51 pm

    My first thought about the picture was that it’s Silas’ mistress, and the other half is their son. I think it would be a great development if not only is Silas’ mistress the daughter of the man who Silas deposed and (non)executed, but the deposed king’s grandson is the current king’s illegitimate heir.

  6. Mattie B on March 25th, 2009 12:15 am

    Silas said “There are more of them” so I feel like there have to be at least 3 people he was mentioning. I hadn’t considered the mistress, but that would be pretty cool. The picture was horribly fuzzy but it looked like a woman with long brown hair.