Chuck vs. The Network Pick Up…Inside the Intersect
April 6, 2009 by Kath Skerry
It’s CHUCK Week on My friends and I are going to do what we can to get you to give CHUCK a shot. Check out Chuck vs. The Network Pick Up for more on why we think you should watch.
Inside the Intersect…
Need a little more intel before you decide to give CHUCK a shot? Here’s some CHUCK special features by a few of your favorite TV bloggers. New posts will be added throughout the day so be sure to check back soon and often. (The newest posts will be added to the top). Be sure to visit these sites and leave a comment thanking them for supporting CHUCK.
The past few days…
- Can Twittersphere Save ‘Chuck’ – Thank you to Josef Adalain for this fantastic piece outlining the recent ‘Save Chuck’ efforts from around the web. It was a pleasure to be mentioned in the article. (TV Week)
- Save One Show: CHUCK – WWK’s annual ‘Save One Show’ poll is live. Please go vote for CHUCK. Vote often.
- Jordana Brewster Returns to Help ‘Save Chuck – “The wonderfully fun NBC comedy “Chuck” has just three episodes left in its excellent, awesome, amazing sophomore season. And we want it to be renewed.” (Redeye)
- The Finale & Footlong Campaign – Reader Wendy shared her idea with us: The ‘Finale & FOOTLONG™’ campaign will call on fans to show their dedication by pledging to purchase a $5 FOOTLONG™ from Subway on the evening of the Chuck season finale (which hopefully isn’t the series finale). If enough Chuck fans ban together to do this and Subway sees a rise in sales Monday April 27th as a result, it would give NBC/Universal an actual metric to gauge the fan dedication in relation to the return on investment of a key sponsor.Be sure to send a letter to NBC and Subway letting them know why you bought a footlong on that day.
- Top Ten Reasons to Watch Chuck – Another reader inspired to put together a top ten list. Love it! (Saved by the Tube)
Thursday, April 9th
- Top 5 Episodes of CHUCK – GMMR’s own SB put together her fave five. What are yours?
- Top 10 Reasons to Watch Chuck – gives us a few more reasons to watch Chuck
Wednesday, April 8th
- Michael Ausiello has supported us through his Twitter account and through his site at EW. Thanks Ausiello.
- Chuck Week Day 3: Just Because – “So not only is it one of the funniest shows on TV, it’s one of the hottest. Start watching!” (My Take on TV)
- Poll: Chuck vs. The Superlatives – “Nothing like pitting CHUCK fans against each other in an effort to help try to save the show, right? Kidding of course, but we did put together a few fun questions for you CHUCK fans.”
- Reason to Watch Chuck #3: The Soundtrack of Chuck’s Life – Today is Day 3 and Just Jody schools us on the brilliant music of CHUCK. Music is an innate part of the CHUCK experience. Jody is going to help us put together a special feature for Friday all about the essential CHUCK soundtrack. If you have any suggestions, please let us know. (Ramblings of a TV Whore)
Tuesday, April 7th
- Reasons to Watch Chuck #2: The Art of the Throwaway – “One of my very favorite things about Chuck is that it constantly hides plot points in throwaway gags. This is very efficient writing! Don’t know what I’m talking about? Let’s examine some case studies, shall we?” (Ramblings of a TV Whore)
- Chuck: Chris Fedak Talks About the Rest of Season Two – “How long ago did you decide that Chuck’s father would be the creator of the Intersect?” (What’s Alan Watching?)
- Chuck Week Day 2: Giveaway – “In the continuing celebration of CHUCK Week 2009 and because I’m feeling generous this morning, it’s my great pleasure to give away 2 copies of Season 1 of CHUCK because it’s one of the best shows currently on TV!” (My Take on TV)
- Chuck Rundown: Episode 19, “Chuck vs. the Dream Job – “I’m not sure, but having your dad get kidnapped by a rogue arm of the government in order to save you might be even worse than thinking your dad just walked out on you one night while making pancakes.” (Buzz Sugar)
- What the F#%k? What Aren’t You Watching Chuck? – “Why hasn’t NBC picked up Chuck (also critically lauded and ratings deprived) for its third season yet? Seriously? Meanwhile they have time to bully the Boston affiliate and force them to show Leno 5 times a week? And they don’t have time to renew the awesomeness of Chuck yet?” (Tapeworthy)
- Chuck: Episode 219 – “This episode was one of the more hilarious in recent memory.” (Great Minds Think Different)
Monday, April 6th
- Chuck vs. the Chances of Renewal – “…if you have to question my overall “Chuck” allegiance, you haven’t been paying enough attention” (Alan Sepinwall)
- Tonight’s a Good Night to Watch Chuck – “…NBC’s “Chuck” is the most purely entertaining show currently airing on network television.” (HitFix)
- Chuck, Don’t Freak Out…Too Late – Another Save Chuck campaign. (Addicted to the Idiot Box)
- TV Tonight: Chuck – I want Chuck to get a third season, so if you’re in the same boat, do what you can to make your voice and viewership count. And if you’ve never seen the show, well, Gossip Girl’s a repeat tonight, so if you’ve got a free hour, why not check it out? (Buzz Sugar)
- Chuck vs. The Wonder Con – My friend Kimra had the crazy awesome honor of being asked to moderate the CHUCK panel at Wonder Con. Here’s the recap of that panel. (Buzz Sugar)
- Chuck Campaign: Watch/Buy/Share – Chuck TV has had their own Save Chuck campaign going on for a while. Support the cause people! (
- Save CHUCK – GMMR reader Scott has heard the call & updated his own site with a plea for CHUCK! (ADA Updates)
- Early Look: CHUCK vs. The Dream Job – I hope you won’t dismiss me when I say tonight’s episode is top-notch. I wouldn’t say a game changer though some of what we (and Chuck) learn tonight will eventually contribute to a game changing episode. (Ramblings of a TV Whore)
- Ducky’s Top 5 CHUCK Episode (So Far) – “It’s my little way of honoring the show and getting the word out there that people need to watch the show or it may disappear.” (DuckyDoesTV)
- The Hottest Token Hot Chick Pictures of the Week Ever – “If any red blooded American boy takes a look at these pictures and doesn’t start watching Chuck immediately, you may want to move to Iowa.” (Scooter McGavin’s 9th Green)
- Chuck Versus the Daddy Issues: An Advance Review of This Week’s Chuck – “”Chuck Versus the Dream Job,” which airs on Monday night on NBC, is perhaps one of the more pivotal episodes that the series has seen so far.” (Televisionary)
- Five Reasons We Can’t Wait for the Second Season of Chuck | Number One: Tricia Helfer: For those of you in the UK who are still watching S1.”First up it’s Battlestar’s Tricia Helfer’s guest appearance in the episode Chuck vs the Broken Heart. And what else would Tricia be playing other than a stripping spy?” (TV Spy)
- Chuck Week, Day 1: All New Preview Clip – Our first CHUCK Week celebration post is for some preview clips of tonight’s all new episode, featuring Scott Bakula and Chevy Chase! (My Take on TV)
If you are a blogger that would like to contribute, please send me a link to your post at info(at)givememyremote(dot)com
At and it’s Chuck Week every day so please check out their sites daily.
Thanks in advance for putting up with my self indulgence this week. I know it might be a bit much for some of you, but I couldn’t let another one of my favorite shows slip by without putting up a fight.
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Filed under Chuck, Save CHUCK
Oh, GMMR, the headline got my hopes up that Chuck indeed had been picked up…*walks away with head down and sad face*
Very cool with what you are doing to the website. Chuck needs all the help/publicity it can get for a 3rd season.
I just wanted to point out that over at (the biggest unofficial Chuck fan site) they have a campaign going on to get Chuck renewed. Here’s the link:
It would be cool if you would provide a link somewhere on the webpage so people can see the renewal effort. It’s truly a growing effort, as various websites including have supported the cause.
thank you so much for dedicating your site to the renewal efforts!…this is awesome ;)…like mentioned above has great resources and information for fellow chuckaholics and new viewers…another great site full of chuck info is…it‘s an amazing yvonne strahovski fan site!
thanks again for spreading the word 🙂
Hey, I just went over and commented at ChuckTV! Thanks for the heads up on that, I didn’t know anything about that. Hopefully we can get some sweet ass synergy going on. 🙂
[…] If you’re looking to read more about the show we all love, check out a list of what our friends are doing to spread the word on CHUCK vs. The Network Pickup…Inside the Intersect. […]
Chuck is one of my favorite shows (if not my number one favorite), and I really appreciate GMMR for doing this campaign this week!
Here’s my campaign idea for “Chuck” over at my blog:
Enjoy and keep watching CHUCK!
I give five reasons ( plus a bonus reason) why Chuck deserves a third season. This list is a prelude to a piece I’m working on about network shows that deserve to stay on the air despite the low ratings they appear to get.
It’s on my blog:
I’m the webmaster of (an Yvonne Strahovski website). Chuck fans unite!
You can read some letters people have sent to NBC over at our forums:
[…] and even redone its banner for the week to read “Give Me My Chuck.” (For that matter, check out their collection of links to various “Save Chuck” […]
[…] To read my campaign ideas on how to save chuck, click here! To go to GMMR main save Chuck page click here. To follow me on twitter for more Chuck updates and others, click […]
tonight’s episode should help. It was the best one yet!
Not sure if this is the right place to put this, but Zac has written a thank you to all the fans for their effort at getting Chuck a renewal. He basically says on behalf of the cast and crew how great it is to see the support. Head over to for his full quote. Hands down, what a classy and humble guy! It makes me even more of a fan!
This is a great show, the best hour long on network television, and NBC needs to renew it pronto. If they were smart, they’d give it a 3 season renewal and reap the rewards of syndication for years after because this one is going to hold up over time.
Chuck is anticipated in our house every week. It inspires my kids to get their homework done early so they don’t have to miss it. NBC shouldn’t even have to give this a thought…WE WANT CHUCK!!!
Best show on NBC. Chuck is anticipated in our house every week. It inspires our kids to get their homework done early so they don’t have to miss it.
hey guys, “Watch with Kristen” at eonline is doing this SAVE ONE SHOW: HAVE YOUR FAVE SEE ANOTHER SEASON
please VOTE OF CHUCK and tell more ppl about this
here is the link
Funny that it ended up on a Wall Street Journal page randomly, even if it just a link to elsewhere:
I’ve loved this show since it first came one since I used to work at a Best Buy. It combines retail humor/nerd humor/ and real emotion and drama. Seriously it is the best show on tv right now with great acting and writing in every episode. WAR JEFFSTER!
SAVE CHUCK! This show is one of the best shows on the airwaves and never fails to crack me up! It is one that not only I watch, but most of immediate family as well. Please keep one of the few shows we can all enjoy together! Not too mention it has yet to get stale or boring by any means.
Chuck is amazing. I really hope they renew it. All of the characters are memorable. The latest episode “Chuck vs the Dream Job” is definately my favorite.
I’m speaking out for all the Chuck fans I know. They range in age, and species. Yeah, I’m saying my really smart dog is gripped, get’s his snack during the commercials, and dude — he’s back in his spot when Chuck is back in action. Smart and FUN. That’s what we want. Good characters, great momentum, rockin’ plotlines with suspense and humor, the whole enchilada. That’s what we want. So what is going on in the programming departments at the networks? Who is responsible for dumbing down America? It’s clear quality TV programming lovers (like fans of Chuck) are not being heard, and well-scripted story-based series are in jeopardy, while the mediocre reality-stuff just keeps comin’. Hi – how many commercials for “The Biggest Loser” are you seeing vs. promos for shows like Chuck? Hmmm??? If you love Chuck, get on your phones, or broadcast E-mail people! Encourage the your friends and family — text them before the show. Tell them to tune in and TURN ON. You have the power to help get the viewing numbers up (so the programmers don’t make another BIG MISTAKE). We all got together and elected ourselves a decent president — maybe we could keep some decent tv shows on as well, eh?
thanks for a chuck-filled week! let’s hope nbc removes head from bum and renews this gem of a show. i’m hopping on the pro-chuck train with my own reasons why everyone should watch. check ’em out:
I really love watching “Chuck”. My family loves to watch it because it is an all in one show. I really like watching “Chuck”, I can’t think of any show that I like more than tis. For me watching this show relaxes my mind to face problems. I see my self in Chuck that’s why I allways find time to watch it on TV. This show is very spectacular I even bought a copy of season1 so that I can watch it over and over again if I want to. Please save this show!!! 🙂 we really love it here in the Phillipines and I’m pretty shure that people all around the world who have watched it would like to see another season of it. I hope that this comment could reach far so that the show would be saved and will be given the chance to produce many more seasons for the Fans.
-Thank you for giving me the chance to comment, I hope that the show would be saved 🙂
I love Chuck…. I cannot believe the network is even considering not renewing it… when I asked around recently… everyone said how much they liked the show… so who’s not watching???
Gah! I just found out I have to work Monday night and I’m going to miss Chuck. I’d watch it on Hulu on Tuesday but Hulu ALWAYS stops and starts because it’s”buffering” no matter how close I get to the wireless router. And even though I’m not a Neilson viewer I still feel guilty for missing it live. Is there any other way I can watch it while still supporting Chuck in the ratings? never works for me either.. I think it’s my computer… help me!
PS: I’m kind of sad Chuck week is ending.. I wish you could keep it up until we all hear Chuck’s fate
i really hope chuck stays for another season i really loved season 1 and season 2 was alot better i just got sooooo attached to the characters and how chucks and srahs chemistry is amazing in the show =] it looks like there dating fer real!? i hope NBC i smsart and keeps it for another season…..heck i hope for 5 or more seasons really!? I been ready much about chuck the the season finale will be a game changer!??? those words….are like perfect! you cant end a show leaving the fans wanting more and confused on how you ended it!? the truth i think you shock us with a finale ( chuck get the intersect out and get sarah) i hope!? then chuck finally becomes a spy then chuck casey and srah will finally be a team fer real!? thats how the show should be! =]
Im sad Chuck week is ending to. Why cant it be Chuck month? We’ve got three more eps to go and then one week of waiting…Everyday I wrestle with accepting it as gone and then thinking it cant be because I cannot live without it! My heart will break without Chuck Bartowski 🙁
Monday, monday, monday! C’mon people tell your family, friends, neighbors to watch Chuck tonight! 🙂
[…] and incidentally, if you don’t watch Chuck, you should! Here are my reasons why. And the online buzz has gotten really loud lately. The show airs on NBC on Monday at 8:00–just about the hardest […]
[…] Chuck vs. The Network Pick Up…Inside the Intersect […]
Hey guys,
I’ve got another save chuck video:
It is really cool, maybe you can add it to your list
Here’s a video designed to get new viewers caught up on what’s been happening with Chuck so far (all in 6 minutes!) If you’re new to the show check it out:
[…] HERE to read all the reasons why you should watch […]
I live in the Philippines but that doesnt stop me from getting my weekly dose of Chuck! I watch a lot of shows but Chuck stands out of all of them. At the top of my head, I think that it is the best show on primetime! It tackles love, family relationships, friendships and life lessons and these are all delivered in good taste. One thing that I hate about other shows is that they try to convey something (for example lessons on love) but end up delivering it in the most cliche and common way possible. With Chuck, we get the moral and laugh at the same time. There are a lot of reasons why WE LOVE CHUCK. It is the humor, the geeky-ness, the action, the romance, the family, the friendship and so much more.
NBC would be wrong if they dont save Chuck!
The ratings went up,and I think it’s partly due to all the buzz that’s been spreading about the show. Keep up the good work.
[…] more information on the efforts to save Chuck, visit ChuckTV or Give Me My Remote’s Chuck Vs the Network Pick-up page for the latest. If you haven’t purchased the first season order it today and think about […]
EVERYONE in our family absolutely adores CHUCK!! It is the only show that we all agree on…and we count the days till Monday night arrives so we can see it again. And we’re always disappointed when it’s a repeat. Keep CHUCK on the air…it is the very best of all shows!!!!!
My husband and I have watched every episode of Chuck since it began! We love the show, the characters, the music, and all the action, zaniness, and romance the show has to offer. My husband has been moping around the house this past week fearing the loss of our favorite show and I have to admit that I am pretty bummed as well.
We just need to save CHUCK..I just love it and it has too much potential to waste it by cancelling it. They should give it a chance at least one more season to see how it works out!
SAVE CHUCK!!!!!!!!!!!
[…] Kath at GiveMeMyRemote got this whole ball rolling three weeks ago with a concentrated effort to get things started: I was sadly too busy to contribute, but head over to GMMR for the initial postings that really got things moving. […]
If you’re on facebook (or even if you’re not it’ll work), go to this website:
Create your own “Nerd Herd” badge easily by using the simple Paint app. Insert your pic into the box, type your name using a text box w/ Arial text (20 pt is good), and you’re done. Quick and easy. You can use it for your profile pic too.
And of course I want Chuck back. It defies all genres.
Chuck has changed family time for us… When you have teenagers in the house it is hard to get any “family time” together. They are busy running out with their friends, working or doing homework… or just being anti social in their rooms. Chuck is a show that we ALL sit down to watch together. This is a show that is intelligent, funny, has characters that you can relate too with jobs that are all to familiar with my teenagers. We really love the wit and humor and the just plain sillyness the writers have given these characters. I honestly feel that this show desrves another year at the very least.
The correct link for the E!Online Save this Show poll is:
I’m not the sort to intercede on behalf of TV shows, and I don’t think I represent the typical Chuck fan demographic (I skew a little older 🙂 ), but I would be saddened if “Operation Moron” was shut down permanently…
my husband and I look forward to Chuck each monday night. There is no
other show like it (thank god not another reality show). Please keep the
show for those of us who enjoy good writing, lots of action and sweeeeet
love scenes,
Do I fall into the demographic that you already know you’ve got in your pocket? Probably. Do I have a comic book collection? Yep. Do I get more than 90% of the pop cultural allusions the show makes? You betcha. Am I a heterosexual male who wouldn’t mind being saved by Yvonne Strahovski or used by Jordana Brewster, and at one point or another wanted to be either James Bond or Neo from the Matrix. Look at you: you got me pegged! And I like the show for all the reasons a man of those measurements would like the show. But here are some other reasons:
1) Quality writing. I feel like Chuck must have the most talented writer’s room in LA. Line by line, there is wit, humor, and honesty in scenes as diverse as familial disputes to better-than-average heat-of-the-moment action-sequence one-liners. Every line is well-fit for not only the character but the actor. And, big picture, here is a show that actually feels like it knows where it’s been and where it is going. It isn’t playing episode to episode. This is one of the many reasons not having a Season 3 would be a disappointment: the final scene of the Season 2 finale is one of the best between-season forwards ever. Heroes, a show I have derided on this blog before, could take a lot of pointers from Chuck. For all its glitz and glam, Heroes has no idea what’s its doing. Does it? I mean every season starts completely over. Half the “heroes” have different powers from when they started, presumably because the writers didn’t know what to do with a character who could go back in time to unmurder people or a protagonist who could become the most powerful mutant just by empathizing with other people with powers. Heroes has no discipline. Yet it has a franchise. Of course you can’t drop Heroes for Chuck.
2) Actual morality. The reason why many people are suggesting that Chuck is a family-friendly show is that it’s trying to project a sense (or many senses) of morality. Again, this is the opposite of Heroes, which is built around the subversion of the right-and-wrong dichotomy. That’s fine for Heroes. I respect it. But it is refreshing in this postmodern world to have a protagonist who embodies a clear, uncomplicated, modern-day, non-denominational, human decency towards friends, family, and love interests. This is fleshed out even fuller with other equally valid codes of behavior: Morgan as the almost obsessively loyal friend; Casey as the patriot; Ellie as the loving, nagging older sibling; Devon as the live-life-to-the-fullest but-don’t-be-a-douche about it friend/brother; and so forth.
3) New relationships. As a devoted older brother, I adore that the central family structure of this show is a brother and a sister, opening up some dynamics that, to my knowledge, have not been explored in a humorous honest way on television. Add Awesome to this mix, and you have a perfect example of the functional unconventional American household.
I know there are other more popular reasons to support the show, and I’m sure you know they all. Hopefully this added to the conversation. It’s a damn good show, well-thought out, well-written, super well-cast, and an f-ing fun ride. It gives me joy.
I love this show. I have been following Chuck since it’s inception. My two favorite shows on Mondays are Chuck and Heroes. The concept of this show is great and very humorous. Chuck is such a likable character, which is somewhat rare, with many brainless comedies fighting for airtime. I am currently living in South Korea for a job that I am working on, but I ALWAYS catch Chuck online. I even downloaded the first season on my IPod so I can always have access to my favorite episodes, and there are many!
Bill Schettini
Subway – Chief Marketing Officer
325 Bic Drive
Milford, CT 06461
Subway has done well with product placement and its sponsorship of the current NBC series Chuck. There is a good size, devoted fan base who have shown their loyalty to the Subway brand for its’ dedication to this show with increased purchases and a “Save Chuck” campaign that involved the
purchase of Subway product, kicked off by series star Zachari Levy himself.
If NBC isn’t smart enough to keep this series, I believe it would be a wise investment for Subway to order at least a partial 3rd season of full episodes to be made available, complete with exclusive Subway commercials and promotions, on your website at:
This is a unique opportunity for Subway to make their website a “must see” content portal for its’ core demographic, and the Good Will that this would engender simply cannot be purchased through normal advertising mediums.
As well, the cover place where the character Sarah works, the frozen yogurt shop, could easily be changed to a Subway store instead, as it changed between Season 1 and 2 from a Weiner Hut.
Last, the devoted fan base would respond positively to a partnership between Subway and the principal Actors in the series (Zachary Levi, Yvonne Strahovski and Adam Baldwin) to promote Chuck Season 3 and Subway on the Subway website.
Thank you for your time.
Hugh Montgomerie
Devoted Chuck Fan
Please remember to be respectful and positive.
[…] are also hosting a LIVE CHAT this evening at 8pm EST during Chuck vs the Dream […]
hey , im from the uk. it screens here on a tuesday at 9 .i love chuck and really hopes it make a third season . its the only thing i enjoy . please dont take it away 🙁
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