Tonight's TV Spotlight...Friday, April 24, 2009 - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

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Tonight’s TV Spotlight…Friday, April 24, 2009

April 24, 2009 by  

It’s Friday! Woo to the Hoo!!  Looks like I took some of the warm weather from L.A. back with me to Boston.  It’s going to be in the 80’s this weekend! Mama’s going to work on her tan. Are you doing anything fun this weekend?  Drop me a line and let me know.

Here’s a few highlights from tonight’s lineup.

Prison Break | 8pm on Fox
It’s Linc vs. Michael over Scylla as Christina (Kathleen Quinlan) sets her plan in motion and a sniper targets Linc. Meanwhile, Sara receives some news; T-Bag makes his presence known at the Indian embassy; and Pad Man’s paranoia intensifies. [GMMR:I continue to be disappointed that I’ve fallen so behind on PRISON BREAK. I really wish I were watching right now. I guess I need a weekend with horrible weather and nothing to do so I can catch up.  Who is watching?]

Dollhouse | 9pm on Fox
After a friend of Adelle’s is slain, Adelle has Echo programmed with the dead woman’s memories and personality in order to find the killer. In other events, Ballard investigates Mellie’s past and Topher imprints Sierra for a secret engagement.

Head Case | 10pm on Starz
“Short on Love”
Elizabeth does battle with her ex from NYC and tries to get back into the dating pool, but the pickings are slim; enterprising Lola starts a refreshing business from the Los Angeles office.

Party Down | 10:30pm on Starz
Taylor Stilstkin Sweet 16 Party
A film producer throws a sweet-16 party for his daughter, but nobody shows up; Henry and an old friend have a reunion; and a pair of rappers offer Ron some business advice. [GMMR:You guys need to be watching this show.  It’s so damn funny. Even if you don’t have Starz you must find a way — on demand, Netflix…you need to be watching.]

What will YOU be watching?


3 Responses to “Tonight’s TV Spotlight…Friday, April 24, 2009”

  1. Kimber on April 24th, 2009 10:45 am

    I’ll be catching Dollhouse … it’s actually been getting good the last few episodes!

  2. Patty on April 24th, 2009 12:23 pm

    Don’t feel bad about Prison Break. I used to be a diehard fan but last season left me a little bleh on it. I hear it’s good this season so I will be catching up when the DVD comes out. You know it’s best that way anyhow!

    Interested to see if Dollhouse is any good tonight. I saw a clip this week when Eliza was on Bonnie Hunt and it looked a little creepy. And since I don’t have Starz, I will be catching up on Harper’s Island!

  3. Nicole on April 24th, 2009 2:45 pm

    Patty, I highly recommend that you try to seek out Party Down online. We don’t get Starz in Canada, but I always make a point to find it online because it’s so damn funny. (That being said, I’m finding Harper’s Island to be an awesome guilty pleasure and I will be catching up tonight too).