April 2009 - Page 9 of 11 - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

The CW Announces Two New Summer Series Premieres

April 6, 2009 by  
Filed under The CW

The CW announced today that it will launch two original series for the summer: the reality relationship series HITCHED OR DITCHED and the docu-series set in Washington, D.C., BLONDE CHARITY MAFIA.

“We’re very excited to be launching original programming during the summer months for the first time,” said Dawn Ostroff, president, entertainment, The CW. “We want to keep this season’s momentum going by freshening our schedule with two new reality shows with fun, relatable concepts aimed squarely at our young female demo.”

Why CW…why?! You’re like the kid that just got off punishment but insists on misbehaving. I absolutely refuse to believe that there are talented minds out there with pitches for a shows a million times better than this reality farce. Get young talent…they’re cheap. You have GOSSIP GIRL, SUPERNATURAL, PRIVILEGED (if you would just renew it already)…you had VERONICA MARS – you’re better than this CW. I know you have it in you!

HITCHED OR DITCHED premieres Tuesday, May 26 (9:00-10:00 p.m. ET), following the season finale of REAPER (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET). Encore presentations will air Wednesdays (9:00-10:00 p.m. ET), beginning May 27. The six-episode run will continue until the season finale on June 30.

For more on each of these new shows, continue reading after the jump.

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KINGS: Insurrection

April 6, 2009 by  
Filed under #1 featured, Posts by Mattie B.

I know that I said from the beginning that I loved KINGS and was very angry when it got low ratings. “Insurrection” was an excellent indication as to why, so I’m kind of expecting that when the ratings come out tomorrow and they’re horribly low that I will throw things. Preferably things that break, to give my anger more effect.

The main plot of this week’s episode centered largely on an ‘insurrection’ by the people whose land is being given to Gath in exchange for peace. But as I’ve mentioned before, the main plot takes a back seat to the character interactions that take place in connection to the big issue. We get to see Jack try a bold move to get his father’s attention, David fight with his conscious about the King’s decision, Princess Puppy be petulant as per usual, and Silas be generally awesome. But before I get into that, can I ask just how large Gilboa is? It seems like everything is within 20 minute driving distance, be it Port Prosperity or the random river he goes fly fishing in. It’s very “24”-like in that respect sometimes.

Want to know the most surprising part of the episode? That Silas was awesome! No, I kid; we expect that. I was actually surprised that I liked David’s arc this week. The writers went and did exactly what I hoped, and gave him a moral dilemma that he came down on the wrong side of. I felt sure he was going to go to Port Prosperity and do what HE wanted rather than what the King wanted. But he didn’t, which I think was good as his recent streak of increasingly outlandish insubordination I was sure would end with him pistol-whipping someone. Maybe just because I enjoy a good pistol-whipping. It was interesting to see him struggle within himself about whether it was more right to follow his King or to help his family, and it was more interesting that he chose the King at the possible loss of his brother. I’m curious to see how far he’ll follow Silas.

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Go GREEK with Gamma Mu Mu Rho

April 6, 2009 by  
Filed under #1 featured, Greek, TV News

My first week back at school and I already skipped class.  Looks like I’m going to have to put in a little extra credit in order to get my GPA up.

Last week I partied a little too hard with the KT’s and missed my first GREEK assignment. I’m especially disappointed in myself because I crammed so hard to get caught up with the class work. Having taken the first semester and a half off, I had a lot of episodes to catch up on.  So in the beginning of March, with the help of ABC Family’s PR firm and a little iTunes, I was able to watch every single episode of GREEK.  And I did it in 7 days. I drank the kool aid from the keg and I was hooked right from the start.

My preconceived notions about what a college show on ABC Family would be like held me back from watching GREEK when it first aired, despite so many of you telling me how much I would like it.  “7th Heaven Goes to College” it is not.  There’s underage drinking, one night stands, bitchy sorority girls, hot frat boys – everything I would want to see in a show about college.  But GREEK goes beyond the stereotype in a non-judgmental, non-preachy way to let us know that there is more to college life and these college kids than their rambunctious nature.

What surprised me the most about GREEK was how funny it was.  The dialogue is sharp and witty and the pop culturific one liners bring even more edge to the show. Maybe the students of Cyprus Rhodes are a just a bit smarter and more ambitious than your average college kids…or not.

Cappie: Classes don’t start for a week That’s an entire week of eating, sleeping, drinking beer, watching the entire series of “Full House on DVD.”

Casey: That’s all you did all summer?

Cappie: Of course not, I also watched Jon & Kate Plus 8. It’s amazing how they make it all work.

Oh and did I mention Cappie?  Yup, move over boys, there’s another TV boyfriend joining the team.  Some of you know me so very well. You called it.  I’m a Cappie girl, in a Cappie world.

Despite airing in the most horrific of time slots (serious, must every awesome show air Mondays at 8pm?) GREEK has become must-see TV for me. I know you might be weary about taking on another Monday night show, but please take my word for it – GREEK is worth it! Use iTunes. Go online. Find a way to watch the show – you’ll thank me for it…just as I’m thanking all of YOU who told me to enroll in GREEK this semester.

Extra Credit…

And now for that little extra credit I promised you.  I got a sneak peek at Monday’s episode “From Rushing With Love” and I thought I’d share a few lessons learned.

Let’s start with a few quotable notables from tonight’s episode.

English – It’s important to phrase your sentences correctly so as not to mislead.

Rusty: “Nope. Still hard Evan. My feelings that is. My feelings are still hard.”

Physical Fitness – Never discount the important of keeping a fit body.

Evan: “I didn’t think the KT’s believed in exercise.”

Cappie: “Well, we just want to keep our heart rates up for when your mom is in town.”

History – It’s important to know the accomplishments of those who went before us.

Rebecca: “I’m 19. I’m not Sydney freaking Bristow.

Visual Arts – If visual aids are more your thing, I’ve also included a few pics from tonight’s episode and a short promo.

*Extra credit points if you can name the WONDERful director of this episode featured in the photos above.

Brothers and Sisters of Gamma Mu Mu Rho – it’s rush week.  Time to use the comments to convince the pledges to join the GREEK fraternity!

Watch GREEK Mondays at 8pm on ABC Family.

CHUCK vs. The Network Pick Up – It’s CHUCK Week on GMMR

April 6, 2009 by  
Filed under #1 featured, Chuck, Save CHUCK

It’s Monday. The weekend is over. It’s back to the grind. You’ve got a full week ahead of you before the weekend arrives again. Things look gloomy, but then you remember…Chuck.

In only its second year, CHUCK has made its way on to the list of my favorite TV shows – ever. In my jam packed weekly TV lineup, CHUCK is one of the brightest spots. It’s one of only two shows on television that is 100% must see appointment TV for me.  No going out on CHUCK nights. The DVR can’t be trusted.

It was Spring two years ago when I got an early screener of the premiere of CHUCK. By the end of the summer I think I had seen it 9 or 10 times. When my friends asked what was worth watching in the Fall of 2007, CHUCK was at the top of the list. I was a fan from the start. But somewhere along the way, and I’m not sure when this happened, I realized that CHUCK was one of those shows that made TV worth watching. I was hooked, and I mean hooked. Hooked as in when there was a rerun on Monday my day was just a little bit darker. Hooked as in found myself scouring the web reading anything and everything about the show. Hooked as I found myself keeping a DVR full of old episodes so I could watch them over and over again.

TV is subjective. You like what you like.  But much like FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS, I really feel like CHUCK is one of those shows that would appeal to everyone, given the chance. It’s truly unlike anything else on TV today.  The mix of comedy, drama and romance offers something for everyone.  The writing is sharp. The acting is woefully overlooked, but off the charts good. CHUCK has so much going for it…except the ratings.

With so much working for the show, what’s working against it? The time slot. The #1 reason people give me for not watching the show is the time slot. I mean there are an insane amount of incredible shows all airing at that same time (curse you networks!). But here’s the deal. I watch ALL the same shows you do. I watch ‘Big Bang’, ‘HIMYM’, ‘House’, ‘Greek’ and  ‘Gossip Girl’.  And all of those shows are appointment TV for me. Some of my very favorite shows on TV. I never miss an episode. But you know what?  As much as I adore every single one of those shows, CHUCK is the one that I watch LIVE. It’s my favorite of the bunch, and if you know me then you get how big that is given my love for the competition.

That’s why I’m writing this today – the ratings. With only a few episodes left in the season, NBC has yet to pick up CHUCK for Season 3. It’s getting close to decision time and we the fans need to give NBC a little incentive.  We need to let them know we care.  Fan campaigns are great and I would never discourage anyone from doing what they can to let NBC how much they love CHUCK, but I honestly think nothing gets the attention of the network more than butts in seats…eyeballs on the screen.

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Chuck vs. The Network Pick Up…Inside the Intersect

April 6, 2009 by  
Filed under Chuck, Save CHUCK

It’s CHUCK Week on GiveMeMyRemote.com. My friends and I are going to do what we can to get you to give CHUCK a shot. Check out Chuck vs. The Network Pick Up for more on why we think you should watch.

Inside the Intersect…

Need a little more intel before you decide to give CHUCK a shot? Here’s some CHUCK special features by a few of your favorite TV bloggers.  New posts will be added throughout the day so be sure to check back soon and often. (The newest posts will be added to the top). Be sure to visit these sites and leave a comment thanking them for supporting CHUCK.

The past few days…

  • Can Twittersphere Save ‘Chuck’ – Thank you to Josef Adalain for this fantastic piece outlining the recent ‘Save Chuck’ efforts from around the web. It was a pleasure to be mentioned in the article. (TV Week)
  • Save One Show: CHUCK – WWK’s annual ‘Save One Show’ poll is live. Please go vote for CHUCK.  Vote often.
  • The Finale & Footlong Campaign – Reader Wendy shared her idea with us: The ‘Finale & FOOTLONG™’ campaign will call on fans to show their dedication by pledging to purchase a $5 FOOTLONG™ from Subway on the evening of the Chuck season finale (which hopefully isn’t the series finale). If enough Chuck fans ban together to do this and Subway sees a rise in sales Monday April 27th as a result, it would give NBC/Universal an actual metric to gauge the fan dedication in relation to the return on investment of a key sponsor.Be sure to send a letter to NBC and Subway letting them know why you bought a footlong on that day.

Thursday, April 9th

Wednesday, April 8th

  • Poll: Chuck vs. The Superlatives – “Nothing like pitting CHUCK fans against each other in an effort to help try to save the show, right? Kidding of course, but we did put together a few fun questions for you CHUCK fans.”

Tuesday, April 7th

  • Chuck Week Day 2: Giveaway – “In the continuing celebration of CHUCK Week 2009 and because I’m feeling generous this morning, it’s my great pleasure to give away 2 copies of Season 1 of CHUCK because it’s one of the best shows currently on TV!” (My Take on TV)
  • What the F#%k? What Aren’t You Watching Chuck? – “Why hasn’t NBC picked up Chuck (also critically lauded and ratings deprived) for its third season yet? Seriously? Meanwhile they have time to bully the Boston affiliate and force them to show Leno 5 times a week? And they don’t have time to renew the awesomeness of Chuck yet?” (Tapeworthy)
  • Chuck: Episode 219 – “This episode was one of the more hilarious in recent memory.” (Great Minds Think Different)

Monday, April 6th

  • TV Tonight: Chuck – I want Chuck to get a third season, so if you’re in the same boat, do what you can to make your voice and viewership count. And if you’ve never seen the show, well, Gossip Girl’s a repeat tonight, so if you’ve got a free hour, why not check it out? (Buzz Sugar)
  • Chuck vs. The Wonder Con – My friend Kimra had the crazy awesome honor of being asked to moderate the CHUCK panel at Wonder Con. Here’s the recap of that panel. (Buzz Sugar)
  • Save CHUCK – GMMR reader Scott has heard the call & updated his own site with a plea for CHUCK! (ADA Updates)

If you are a blogger that would like to contribute, please send me a link to your post at info(at)givememyremote(dot)com

At ChuckTV.net and Zachary-Levi.com it’s Chuck Week every day so please check out their sites daily.

Thanks in advance for putting up with my self indulgence this week. I know it might be a bit much for some of you, but I couldn’t let another one of my favorite shows slip by without putting up a fight.

Be a Nerd…Join the Herd. Save CHUCK.

April 6, 2009 by  
Filed under Chuck, Save CHUCK


For more on what the renewal means, click here: CHUCK Saved! NBC Renews CHUCK for Season 3

But that doesn’t mean we can sit back and relax. If you’ve joined the herd, it’s time to be heard.  Do your part to get new people watching this summer. Keep reading below and use the tactics from the SAVE CHUCK campaign to get new people watching.


Sarah and Casey put their lives on the live everyday in order to protect the Intersect, but today it’s YOUR turn to save CHUCK.

If you are a fan of CHUCK I’m going to need YOUR help in order to help save the show. No, I’m not asking you to send any miniature Buy More dioramas to NBC (although if you’ve made one I’ve love to see it). I’m just asking that you simply take a minute to tell others why YOU love the show and why they should give it a shot.  What the show needs more than anything right now is an increase in the viewership. Let’s recruit a few friends to watch the show during these last three episodes of the season.

Inside the Intersect
To help you spread the word, TV bloggers from all over the Web are their thoughts on CHUCK this week. Check out what they have to say about CHUCK and then pass on the links to your friends (and foes – we are equal opportunity around here) and encourage them to watch CHUCK at 8pm on Monday nights! I’ll be adding new links to this page daily so keep checking back for the latest. Click here: Inside the Intersect

But Wait There’s More…

There are a few simple things you can do right now to help spread the word of CHUCK. Consider me General Beckman…here’s your assignment.

Tell people you Digg CHUCK. Please click on this link and Digg this post. Thanks to all of you who have done this so far!!

Buy More Customer Service Feedback Card

  • Use the comments section on this post to tell others why you love CHUCK.  I’ll be featuring some of your comments every day on GMMR.

Please save this show. I don’t watch a lot of television, but this show is one I have suggested to friends to watch. Don’t ruin the only good thing about Mondays!

Chuck is what gets me through Mondays. It is the perfect mix of comedy, action, angst, and topped off with the adorkable Zachary Levi. I LOVE it!

This was the first episode I’ve watched of Chuck, even though I’ve heard nothing but praise for it….I’ve had no good excuses for not watching before now, but I can tell you I will be squeezing it into my already overburdened schedule…I cannot get enough of Buy More and the Nerd Herd! Hilarious!” – Wally on “Chuck vs. The Broken Heart”

Read and then pass on all the wonderful CHUCK articles written by TV bloggers all over the web this week.  I’ll keep a running list of the shows all throughout CHUCK week.  They can be found here: Inside the Intersect

CHUCK Fan is….

Use your Facebook status update to let others know that you love CHUCK. Remind the to
watch CHUCK Monday at 8pm

What are you doing…

Twitter Updates – If you are on Twitter, be sure to remind everyone to watch CHUCK at 8pm on NBC every Monday night. Send them a link to CHUCK vs. The Network Pick Up or Be a Nerd…Join the Herd. Save Chuck. Be sure to RT (retweet) any CHUCK related posts from your favorite TV bloggers.

Twitter Backgrounds – Download these images to your desktop and upload them as your Twitter
background. (courtesy of our friends at Zachary-Levi.com)


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Tonight’s TV Spotlight…Monday, April 6, 2009

April 6, 2009 by  
Filed under Tonight's TV Spotlight, TV News

Most of the Monday night shows are in reruns tonight. Woot!! Obviously this is not usually a reason to celebrate. You know I love me some Monday night TV, but with this being CHUCK week on GMMR it’s only fitting that the one show I’m trying to get you watch (LIVE) doesn’t have it’s usual competition.

Of course there are still other shows to choose from, but tonight, do me a favor…if you’ve never watched CHUCK before just give it one episode. One hour.  See what you think.  You’re going to be pestered with CHUCK news every day for a whole week here on the site so you might as well give in and check it out…just so you know what we’re all talking about.  Please?  For me?

Ok, on to tonight’s slimmed down by fabulous night of television.

Chuck | 8pm on NBC
“Chuck Versus the The Dream Job”

Chuck is thrilled when he lands his dream job and finds his long-absent father, but things don’t turn out to be what he expected. [GMMR: Fans of CHUCK (and newbies) you are going to love this episode.  It’s funny, sweet and very emotional. Experience CHUCK with us when SB and I host a LIVE CHUCK chat tonight at 8pm right here on GiveMeMyRemote.com. Enter your email address below to set a reminder. This will be fun!]

Greek | 8pm on ABC Family
“From Rushing with Love”
Rusty and Calvin each try to recruit Andy during Rush Week; Casey and Ashleigh suspect Rebecca may be a double agent for Frannie’s new sorority. [GMMR: Check back to GMMR later this morning for a a few teasers from tonight’s all new episode.]

House | 8pm on Fox
Simple Explanation”
A woman (Colleen Camp) who has spent the past several months caring for her dying husband (Meat Loaf) collapses and her condition deteriorates while her husband’s mysteriously improves.

Heroes | 9pm on NBC
“Turn and Face the Strange

Someone close to Danko is put in the line of fire; Hiro and Ando have a special delivery for Matt Parkman; Angela unearths demons from her past.

24 | 9pm on Fox
Day 7: 12:00AM – 1:00PM”
Jack and the FBI work on a strategy to ward off further terror attacks, but a surprising turn of events occurs when the politics of the administration unfold beyond the White House.

Castle | 10pm on ABC
“A Chill Goes Through Her Veins”
The frozen body of a missing woman is discovered at a construction site; Beckett is forced to confront some difficult memories.

Medium | 10pm on NBC
“All in the Family”

Allison begins to suspect that a missing woman may be a victim of her peculiar children; Joe’s sister shows up for an unexpected visit.

Also playing…

  • Dancing with the Stars 8pm on ABC | Celebrities compete with their professional dance partners.
  • Surviving Suburbia | 9pm on ABC | Series Premiere: When Steve accidentally starts a fire while house-sitting for Onno, he gets caught up in being praised as a hero.
  • Roommates | 9pm on ABC Family: Hope’s lies come back to haunt her when Katie seeks a job interview at her old company.
  • Sophie | 9:30pm on ABC Family: Rick invites Sophie to his agency’s launch party.

Certainly a lot to choose from. Share YOUR Monday night TV lineup in the comments below.

Tonight’s TV Spotlight…Sunday, April 5, 2009

April 5, 2009 by  
Filed under Tonight's TV Spotlight

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I love me some Sunday night TV. I’m especially excited for KINGS as this is the first episode I haven’t seen yet.  And if you have HBO you must check out THE NO. 1 LADIES DETECTIVE AGENCY. I thought the pilot was fantastic and I’m excited to see more.

The Country Music Awards means no new ep of THE AMAZING RACE tonight, but since Mel & Mike are gone I’m almost ok with it.

What does YOUR TV lineup look like tonight?

Kings | 8pm on NBC
David’s loyalties are tested after Silas leverages Port Prosperity during negotiations with Gath. Michelle takes action when Gilboa’s citizens rebel against Silas’ decision. William tries to persuade Jack to disobey his father.

The Academy of Country Music Awards | 8pm on CBS
Festivities honor excellence in the recording industry at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas; Toby Keith, Miranda Lambert, Tim McGraw, Heidi Newfield, Rascal Flatts, Sugarland and Taylor Swift are scheduled to perform; Reba McEntire is host.

The No. 1 Ladies’ Detective Agency | 8pm on HBO
“The Big Bonanza”
Bereft of clients and cash, the agency recruits an eager young boy to hand out leaflets to drum up business, which quickly leads to two new cases. Meanwhile, Precious does a favor for JLB by checking out the strange mood swings of a Nigerian dentist.

Breaking Bad | 10pm on AMC
Tensions mount at the White household; Hank suffers from the aftermath of his encounter with Tuco; Jesse assembles a crew to get their product out on the streets.

United States of Tara | 10pm on Showtime
In the season finale, Max and Dr. Golden (Joel Gretsch) persuade Tara to submit to a face-to-face meeting with a pivotal character from her past, and though the encounter proves uncomfortable, progress is definitely made. Marshall and his mother clear the air and get back on good terms, which leads to a family outing at the bowling alley, where she makes a striking breakthrough.


April 5, 2009 by  
Filed under So You Think You Can Dance

This is some horrible news. SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE judge/choreographer, Alex DeSilva, was arrested for alleged sexual assault against four former students.

According to the L.A. Police Department, the four victims in this case were all students of DeSilva at the time of the assaults. The victims alleged that he lured them to his homes in North Hollywood and Van Nuys. He then used a ruse to get them into his bedroom where he raped them.

In addition to his work with SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE. DeSilva won the World Salsa Dancing Championships in 2002 and 2007 and currently teaches at the Los Angeles area dance schools.

The Los Angeles Police Department released a booking photo as authorities believe there may be other victims. DeSilva’s bail has been set at $3.8 million dollars.


FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS: Tyra’s College Essay

April 4, 2009 by  
Filed under Friday Night Lights

This is one of those moments that make me sure in my belief that FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS is the single best television series I have ever seen.  I know others have their favorites, but for me this is it.

A little background for those of you who don’t watch the show, but are considering it. Tyra Collete, the narrator, has had a tough life. She’s a beautiful girl who until about two years ago thought that her looks were her only ticket to something more. Her well meaning mother never gave her daughter hope she could be more than she was. Her sister, a stripper, represented everything Tyra didn’t want out of life. But thhen she had people come into her life that believed in her and she started to believe in herself. Tyra’s past mistakes put college at arms length. She was determined to make it happen despite the odds. Everything was riding on the all important college essay. After many failed attempts, her best friend Landry urged to dig deeper and speak from the heart…this was the result.

DOLLHOUSE: I Think I Spoke Too Soon

April 4, 2009 by  
Filed under #1 featured

Two weeks ago was the big “game changing” episode of DOLLHOUSE.  It was the episode that was to set the show in a new direction. It was supposed to right the wrongs of the previous five episodes. It did. I thought “Man on the Street” was an engaging and interesting episode and it was what I hoped DOLLHOUSE would be. I was even on the record encouraging others to come back to the show. But now I wonder if I spoke too soon.

I was cautiously optimistic after the sixth episode. Was it a fluke or were things truly on a new path?  Last week’s episode, “Echoes”, wasn’t as good as it’s immediate predeccesor but it certainly was better than the eps of earlier in the season.  Still I waited to be back and fully committed to the show.  But I have to be honest here. I just finished watching this week’s episode, “Needs”, and once again I felt left down.

On paper the plot was interesting enough. Some of our favorite actives were awakened and escaped the confines of the Dollhouse.  While not with their full former capacities, Echo, Victor, Sierra and November had regained enough consciousness to know that they were being held against their will in the Dollhouse.  The escaped and set out on their own paths only to be once again put to sleep and brough back to the house when it was revealed that their freedom was only an illusion set up as an experiment by the very people that held them captive.

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P.S. I Love You | 9pm on MoreMax

April 4, 2009 by  
Filed under (3) TV Spotlight

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A grieving widow receives a series of messages that her husband left to encourage her to establish a new life and ease the loss. Based on the novel by Cecilia Ahern. Hilary Swank, Gerard Butler, Lisa Kudrow, Gina Gershon, James Marsters

Never Back Down | 9pm on Starz

April 4, 2009 by  
Filed under (2) TV Spotlight

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At his new high school, a rebellious teen is lured into an underground fight club, where he finds a mentor in a mixed martial arts veteran. Djimon Hounsou, Sean Faris, Amber Heard, Cam Gigandet, Leslie Hope

In the Land of Women | 7:45pm on HBO Signature

April 4, 2009 by  
Filed under (1) TV Spotlight

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After a bad breakup leaves him heartbroken, a young man moves in with his ailing grandmother and gets involved with the family across the street. Adam Brody, Meg Ryan, Kristen Stewart, Olympia Dukakis, Makenzie Vega

Tonight’s TV Spotlight Guessing Game…Saturday, April 4, 2009

April 4, 2009 by  
Filed under Tonight's TV Spotlight

Saturday is theme night here in the GMMR spotlight. Each week I try to pick movies or shows that have something in common. Today’s theme is perhaps a little less obvious, or maybe now. Can you figure out the theme using each of the movies below?

Share your guesses below.

Van Helsing | 6pm on FX
A monster hunter joins forces with a beautiful woman to battle Dracula and otherworldly creatures in Transylvania. Hugh Jackman, Kate Beckinsale, Richard Roxburgh, David Wenham, Shuler Hensley

In the Land of Women | 7:45pm on HBO Signature
After a bad breakup leaves him heartbroken, a young man moves in with his ailing grandmother and gets involved with the family across the street. Adam Brody, Meg Ryan, Kristen Stewart, Olympia Dukakis, Makenzie Vega

Untraceable | 7:15pm on Starz
FBI agent Jennifer Marsh is tasked with hunting down a seemingly untraceable serial killer who posts live videos of his victims on the Internet. As time runs out, the cat and mouse chase becomes more personal. Diane Lane, Billy Burke, Colin Hanks, Joseph Cross, Mary Beth Hurt

Never Back Down | 9pm on Starz
At his new high school, a rebellious teen is lured into an underground fight club, where he finds a mentor in a mixed martial arts veteran. Djimon Hounsou, Sean Faris, Amber Heard, Cam Gigandet, Leslie Hope

P.S. I Love You | 9pm on MoreMax
A grieving widow receives a series of messages that her husband left to encourage her to establish a new life and ease the loss. Based on the novel by Cecilia Ahern. Hilary Swank, Gerard Butler, Lisa Kudrow, Gina Gershon, James Marsters

Did you figure out the theme?

Hint: If you follow me on Twitter (twitter.com/gmmr) then you’ll know that tonight’s theme has to do with a recent personal accomplishment of mine.

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