Latest SAVE CHUCK Update (and Giveaway) - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

Friday, March 14, 2025

Latest SAVE CHUCK Update (and Giveaway)

May 1, 2009 by  

Are you keeping the Save CHUCK faith alive?! Good. You should be. Monday will be NBC’s announcement about their fall schedule but DO NOT freak if you don’t hear anything about CHUCK. Time will tell. The Save CHUCK efforts really took hold the past few weeks and maybe that forced some rethinking on NBC’s part. Who knows. But again, I know we were all thinking Monday was the due or die date. I don’t think it will be. I’m sorry to be so vague but that’s all I can really say at this point int time.

Just as the season finale of CHUCK ended, I will end this post: TO BE CONTINUED…

Keeping talking up CHUCK. Keeping Twittering about it and keeping watching it online. Continue to contact NBC ( Just keep keeping on.

I’m proud to report that I just received the following Facebook update from my big sis: “5 episodes into season 1 and ADDICTED TO CHUCK!” — see it’s not too late to get new eyes watching our show!

UPDATE: AMAZING! Just got an email from GMMR reader Reina who did her part to Save CHUCK by buying three copies of S1 of CHUCK on DVD (from her local Best Buy no less).  She is gifting GMMR with two of her copies to giveaway to you!!!  Thank you, Reina!

To enter to win S1 of CHUCK…

  • Follow @gmmr on Twitter and post the following message: “Bored? Watch CHUCK on or Hulu. Enter to Win S1 of CHUCK on DVD from @gmmr. Find out how: #savechuck

Filed under Chuck, Save CHUCK


12 Responses to “Latest SAVE CHUCK Update (and Giveaway)”

  1. Kim on May 2nd, 2009 12:23 am

    WOW! that is awesome! Thanks to Reina & GMMR!! I hope I win!!! and I hope more that Chuck gets renewed for season 3 because that show just keeps getting awesomer. I was disappointed when I heard that there probably wouldn’t be an announcement about Chuck on Monday, but I like your theory that maybe they’re rethinking a bad decision!

  2. SB on May 2nd, 2009 1:35 am


  3. Lisa (aka lmr) on May 2nd, 2009 7:47 am

    I thought the NBC upfront is on 5/5 which is Tuesday?

    True confessions of a Chuck addict, I didn’t watvh S! *hides face* I sure could use that DVD to catch up on the back story.

  4. Michele on May 2nd, 2009 8:24 am

    Ooh! Me, me! I would love a copy of S1 – I have added it to all my gift lists in the hope that anyone is listening, lol. Thanks Reina, and GMMR you rock for keeping Chuck alive!

  5. Pat on May 2nd, 2009 11:10 am

    Any suggestions on how to contact NBC to give support to saving Chuck? The contact us on the website doesn’t get you anyhere to send a plea. I do love the show and have from the beginning and would just be so sad to see it end….Thanks!

  6. Laila on May 2nd, 2009 4:44 pm

    ^^even more updates on that front. io9 seems pretty optimistic about Chuck, at any rate.

  7. AstronomySnap on May 2nd, 2009 4:55 pm

    This makes me soooo nervous. I just dont want them to string us along for another week only to disappoint us. I am keeping the efforts up, telling every single person I know to watch.

  8. Karen (Kath's sis) on May 2nd, 2009 7:52 pm

    I’m watching on Hulu. Making my way thru both seasons!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Judith on May 2nd, 2009 9:53 pm

    The reason I can get through Mondays is knowing that I get to come home and watch Chuck. I love that show and the characters. There are not too many tv shows that pack suspense, romance and humor into a one hour show. Bring Chuck Back!!!!!!

  10. Salome on May 3rd, 2009 8:16 am

    🙁 I don’t want Chuck to go away. Seriously, there is no other show with such awesome characters. I love this program 🙁 the storyline between Chuck and Sarah, the Jeffster guys, Awesome and Chuck’s sister and even Casey or KC … man that is awesome. 🙁
    Don’t take Chuck away from me 🙁 . I was so happy watching him get the intersept in his head again. Chuck is a hero!!!! heheh

  11. Ryan on May 3rd, 2009 9:55 am

    This is an interesting news flash from Check it out. It is somewhat encouraging.

  12. Janna on May 3rd, 2009 2:24 pm

    I love me some chuck- I am following on twitter and twittered the message…. hoping for good news on Monday- I would hate to see my husband cry and I think he would if Chuck was canceled! (I would cry too!)