AMERICAN IDOL Top 4 Performances: Rock Week - May 5, 2009 : Give Me My Remote

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AMERICAN IDOL Top 4 Performances

May 5, 2009 by  

It’s Rock Week on AMERICAN IDOL and the drama is turned up to an all time high. I for one couldn’t be more excited about having Slash as a mentor tonight. Who knows what that crazy cat will do. But it’s really more about what the four contestants left will do.

If she picks the right song it could be another great week for Allison Iraheta.  I’m expecting to hear the Adam screech, but I have high hopes for him tonight.  Not sure what The Gokey is going to do, but this might be a tough week for him.  Kris is the wild card here.  Will he stick to his laid back vibe or really rock it out?  If he chooses the rock route I might just faint.  (Just a warning in case this recap suddenly ends.)

Ryan lets us know that’s it’s been a bit of disaster on the set of IDOL. No, Gokey and Adam didn’t brawl, but there were issues with the set breaking.  Because of this, the IDOLS didn’t get a chance to do a proper dress rehearsal. Interesting.

Seacrest let’s us know that the IDOLS will be performing duets tonight for the first time!  How did I not know this?  I’ve been dreaming of duets for a long time and never knew why they hadn’t done them to date (outside of the finale of course).  I’m officially excited (ok I was way before this, but guys, duets!!)

As we do here every week I watch, share my thoughts, then listen to what the judges have to say.  The last part is all YOU! Leave us YOUR feedback on each of the contestants.

Let’s do this…

We get a little glimpse into the Idols meeting Slash for the first time.  Allison (who is looking all kinds of Kelly Clarkson tonight) looks truly frightened.  But I know she’s ready to rock it out. But she’ll have to wait her turn.

Adam Lambert
First up tonight is Adam Lambert with “Whole Lotta Love” by Led Zepplin. The look and the performance (not to mention the guyliner) might have been a bit over the top but with vocals like that there is no denying Adam owned that stage tonight. Killer, flawless vocals. That ending commanded your attention.  A rock star not in the making – already made. The perfect song choice. I’m not sure I found anything wrong tonight.  And I know some people just don’t get Adam. They certainly won’t get him tonight. But I thought he rocked the shnikey out of that song. And I have to say, he’s such a performer that when’s he doing his thing on the stage he sells the rock star bit so much, but I also loved that the second the music stopped he went back to humble, eager Adam. His whole demeanor changed.

Randy loved it and suggested he go the rock route on his album.  Kara said he was more than a rock star, he was a rock god. Paula thought it was perfect.  Simon said it was his favorite performance of Adam’s of all time.  He said the only problem he found was that Adam was first and no one can possible top him tonight.

Who has to go next? My apologies.

Allison Iraheta
Aw Allison. You’re next.  Please please rock this.  Allison Iraheta is taking on Janis Joplin’s “Cry Cry Baby”. Love this song selection! I don’t know what’s going on with me right now but I have to tell you I got a little teary during that performance.  I was just so proud of Allison. She’s only 17 (technically young enough to be my daughter), and she took on such a legendary song.  I thought her vocals were strong, but I really loved her runs that she added in to section in her lower register. She made it a bit more bluesy.  If the judges pan her I’m going to go to their houses and pan each one of them (whatever that means).

Randy didn’t love the song choice.  He didn’t love the performance. (Coming to pan him).  Kara wasn’t in love with the performance but did give her props on her on-stage personality.  Paula wasn’t overly enthusiastic but she did say that if there was a Janis Joplin biopic that Allison has the role (her and every other rock chic…oh and Jenna Maloney). Simon thought her vocals were strong but he did say he didn’t see much originality.

Kris Allen & Danny Gokey hit the stage together for a duet of “Renegade” by Styx. Um, what’s wrong guys? Both Kris and Danny look like they could throw up at any moment.  Was it the lack of rehearsal time? Of these two Mr. Allen looks much more comfortable in the role as rock star.  He was a true performer tonight.  Sorry, but Danny what happened up there? He’s usually a man of confidence.  Hmm. The harmonies were tight, I’ll give them that, but I don’t think either of the guys had a break out performance with that one.

Randy loved the harmonies. Kara agreed that the whole was better than the sum of the parts (meaning she wasn’t a fan of the solos.) Paula liked the duet.  Simon was completely rude and said straight out that Danny was better than Kris – -so awkward. Kris looked completely defeated. (And just so you know if Simon said flat out that Kris was better than Danny I would have said the same thing.)

Kris Allen
Here’s Kris’s chance to turn his night around.  He’s taking on “Come Together” by the Beatles. Interesting. Kris certainly wasn’t the hard rocker that Adam was but he was 100% Kris Allen and I’m ok with that. Nothing felt false about the performance. I thought his voice sounded amazing. Again he looked like he was going to throw up.  Did Simon’s comments rattle him or was something else off?

Randy complimented his song choice and felt that stayed true to himself. Kara didn’t think it was a great performance. She thought he tried too hard.  Paula thought his signature was all over it and said he was an artist.  Simon didn’t like it that much. He said it was like eating ice at lunch. (Yeah, not worth explaining).

Tough night for my boy. Don’t worry Kris with a K, I’m still voting for you…a lot.

Danny Gokey
Closing the night is The Gokey with “Dream On” by Aerosmith. Yikes. I hope he pulls it off because his vocals during the pre-video with Slash were scary bad. Again with the nerves. I think it’s the lack of dress rehearsal. Listening…listening…Oh. My. God. Did that really just happen?!  Yeah, I know I’m down on Danny but even his most die hard fans (you know, like the judges) had to recognize how off the charts terrible that was. Really bad, and Danny knows it…or does he?

Ok, I’m going to throw something at these judges!!  Randy gave him an A+ for effort because “it’s not his thing”. What?! No mention of that dog call at the end? Kara said he took it too far, but of course commended him on taking chances.  WTF is going on?!  Is iit n their contract that they aren’t allowed to say anything bad about this kid.  As a fan of the show I feel cheated right now. Paula gave him an A++ for effort. Simon agreed with the judges but finally (finally) someone commented on that last note saying it was like a horror movie. But Simon said it was he would still be safe tonight. Wait until the judges go home and watch it on TV — they will be horrified.

At this point I just want to shut off the TV. I am so bad ass that I just twittered Paula Abdul:

From @gmmr: I hope the IDOL judges (@paulaabdul) are embarrassed tonight. Their (lack of) critique of Danny was insulting to the fans. Shameful.

Oh yeah. I’m really tough. I just twittered. Ha!

Ok one more performance of the night. And I’m hoping it’s a good one.  Allison and Adam are kicking it to “Slow Ride”.  Someone quick, get me a guitar. I kick all kinds of ass on this song on Guitar Hero. (It’s the only one I can get through on the ‘Hard’ level).

And with that performance I have put down the rocks and cancel my hit on the IDOL judges.  Nice work Allison and Adam!!! I’ll be grabbing that one on iTunes in the morning.

All the judges loved it. Well I think they did. Simon got cut off because after this many seasons IDOL doesn’t know how to end a show on time.

And with that another episode of IDOL is over.  This was definitely Adam’s night. And Allison has nothing to worry about this week.  Gokey was by far the absolute worst but I think it’s going to be Kris going home tomorrow. Say it ain’t so.  I’m going to have to end this recap as I have to spend the next few hours voting for Kris Allen.

Now I turn it over to you.  I’m ready to feel the heat from the Gokettes. I call ’em like I see ’em, or in this case hear ’em.

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15 Responses to “AMERICAN IDOL Top 4 Performances”

  1. chelsea on May 5th, 2009 11:29 pm
  2. Tim G. on May 5th, 2009 11:39 pm

    Hokey was an absolute mess. His wife died, he loves the jesus, and he’s NOT that good a singer. Would anyone really buy an album by this guy?

  3. Kim on May 5th, 2009 11:43 pm

    Gokey needs to go. That performance was painful and the judges pissed me off so much when they all ended up saying something positive. It was AWFUL. I really, really hope he goes home tomorrow bc I love Kris & Allison and Adam is like 50 kajillion times better than Danny. And for the first time, and probably the last, I’m going to buy one of Adam’s iTunes songs … his duet with Allison, of course. That was ridiculously awesome.

  4. Vance on May 5th, 2009 11:43 pm

    I’m definitely NOT a Gokettes and have been gunning for him to GO but I”m also one that is starting not to get Adam and he’s slowly losing me every week. I think I’m done after tonight. So much so that I’d almost prefer Adam gone than Gokey (I know, never gonna happen).

  5. Carli on May 5th, 2009 11:55 pm

    I was really hopeful for tonight, but I really didn’t like anyone beside Adam. And good God, Danny was AWFUL! Bad. Just bad.

  6. Sara on May 6th, 2009 12:28 am

    How unfair was it that Kris had to 1) sing with Danny and 2) perform his solo song IMMEDIATELY after the duet.

    Also, Adam got to both open and close the show. Hmmm.

    I question the neutrality of the Idol producers a bit, it just feels they want certain folks to succeed and others to fail. I don’t like it at all.

  7. Keri on May 6th, 2009 12:46 am

    Loved Adam and Allison tonight. Kris did okay but it just didn’t play to his strengths.

    The end of Danny’s song made my ears bleed. He needs to go but it’s highly unlikely that he will. sigh….

  8. Randi on May 6th, 2009 12:51 am

    I was hoping for Danny to sing Huey Lewis. I know that is sooo rock & roll but it would be perfect for him.

    I was also hopeful for a Danny/Adam Under Pressure duet. No luck for me there.

    I looooved Adam. I was waiting for him to sing some Zeppelin. That boy is all aces with me. I’ve voted a kajillion times already. By the way, it looks like Allison may be in trouble so vote all!!

  9. Chancay on May 6th, 2009 1:46 am

    how clueless is Kara? Her advice to Danny was that he should have picked an OLDER Aerosmith song, like Crazy or Cryin’. Really??? “Dream On” is way older than those two, you idiot!
    btw, Danny’s performance was HORRENDOUS. never been a fan of his, but this was excruciatingly bad. my cat would’ve been proud of that screeching at the end.

  10. Michele on May 6th, 2009 8:48 am

    Gokey was by far and away the worst of the night, and I would LOVE to see him go home. Dial Idol has him in second, though, with Allison at the bottom. (Though, they haven’t always been correct this season..) I thought Kris held his own, and the judges really threw him under the bus. They clearly have their favorites, and for some reason they can’t fathom anybody else in the finale with Adam but Danny. Man I hope he’s out tonight!!!

  11. strunkette on May 6th, 2009 10:43 am

    Gokey was so stinkin’ pleased with himself after that performance! Did you see the smirk on his face and then he was clapping…for HIMSELF! Ugh! The dude needs to go in the worse way. I kept waiting for him to go up to the high part and when he did I was saying, out loud to the tv, No, no, oh, no, make it stop please, please make it stop. I was pained.

    The song order was all screwed up. They should have had one duet at the beginning and one at the end, so that no one had to sing back to back like Kris. How horrible was that. Kris was just told by Simon that he pretty much sucked and then he had to go sing right away. It’s amazing he didn’t fall apart. I would have. It was just a way to get Adam to open and close the show. SO not fair!

  12. Amy on May 6th, 2009 11:22 am

    Adam redeemed himself from last week in my opinion. I thought his performance was amazing (and I liked the guyliner!). I understand why the producers put him first AND last, but it really was not fair at all to Kris. He barely had time to get a drink of water while, on the other hand, Adam had the whole show to relax, get focused, change costumes (?), etc. The Adam/Allison duet was one of my favorite moments of the season. I didn’t like Allison’s song choice that much, but I don’t think she deserved the critiques she got from the judges. Overall, I will be shocked if Gokey doesn’t go home. At this point, I think people are being judged more on individual performances. Adam got nailed last week to the shock of the nation, and Gokey should be nailed this week.

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