TWILIGHT “New Moon” Poster – I Apolgize in Advance
May 18, 2009 by Kath Skerry
Update: Um, I meant to say that I’m sharing the poster for “New Moon” starring many TV alums including Peter Facinelli (Fastlane), Billy Burke (My Boys & Gilmore Girls), Kella Lutz (90210), Jackson Rathborne (Beautiful Girls), Michael Welsh (Joan of Arcadia), Nikki Reed (The OC) and Elizabeth Reaser (Grey’s Anatomy)
(Thanks Jen!)
Previous post…
I know this isn’t TV related (believe me, I tried to find some small TV connection to Twilight, and outside Nikki Reed’s brief appearance on THE OC and Billy Burke’s stint on MY BOYS I was at a loss), and you can’t possibly know the shame I feel in posting this. But I must. I can’t help it. Someone* who follows me on Twitter and knows of my confusing and shameful addiction to “Twilight” sent me this picture of the new promotional poster for “New Moon”. And now I share it with you. What is wrong with me?
*I can’t find the email of the person who sent this my way. Please email me so I can thank you personally.
Oh and in case I haven’t embarrased myself enough, please know that this Thursday has been deemed “Twilight Thursday”. Friends, almost all of whom are in their 30’s, who have not seen the movie (and some of us who have, many many times), will be gathering to experience Twilight together. I know, I know…bring it…I can take it. Ha!
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Oh, and Raelee was giving me a hard time about One Tree Hill tonight! While I liked the Twilight books I am not a fanatic by any means. Plus I liked The Host best.
I just got an email from someone wanting to know why I’m so ashamed of Twilight. I mean no disrespect to fans. More of an inside joke.
I hated the movie when I first saw it and now I’m completely obsessed. Like I watch a portion of it almost every single day obsessed.
So please know I’m not making fun of anyone. I’m right there with ya!
TV connections to justify the movie poster:
Peter Facinelli – Fastlane
Billy Burke – Gilmore Girls (he played Alex)
Kellan Lutz – 90210
Jackson Rathborne – Beautiful Girls
Michael Welsh – Joan of Arcadia
Elizabeth Reaser – Grey’s Anatomy
Is it sad I had to look up the actors’ names but not the shows they appeared on?
I never make fun of peoples obsessions (unless it’s one of those Hell’s Kitchens shows because um, why?) Since I am obsessed with Supernatural (nothing new there) and watch that almost every day.
Are you telling me that if I watch the movie again I will like it more?
And there you go….
I am fully justified in posting.
Kath…totally agree with you on the movie!!! I hated it at first but now I just LOVE it. I find myself thinking about the movie more then the book which is really crazy! But I must say…Im really happy they went and got a new director for New Moon. I have a good feeling that New Moon is going to be awesome.
Eh, I don’t know. I’m not a fan of Jacob at all. I don’t know if I’m in the minority or not but he really bothers me. It’s not just because he’s not Edward, but Jacob is borderline creepy with Bella in “New Moon”, and borderline abusive towards her in the later books.
I know you’re just kidding about being embarrassed, but you’re right, loving these books can be embarrassing, but it wouldn’t be if it weren’t for the movies. I read the books back in the winter in a week and half and was absolutely obsessed. I think it was unhealthy of me to read them so quickly, but I was on winter break from school so there was nothing else for me to do anyway. I later saw the movie (always read the books before you see the movie, because the books are always better), and I thought it was good. But it’s because of the movies that people just picture screaming teenage girls obsessing over how hot Rob is that people look down upon those of us who aren’t screaming teenage girls, but do like it. I’m not going to be at the midnight premiere of this movie because of those annoying girls, but I definitely will see it the next day, a matinee, and maybe with a disguise on.
Thanks for sharing this Kath! I too am obsessed and gave up trying to be ashamed about it haha
i love it and whoever doesn’t doesn’t have to watch it! That poster is making me anxious for November…dang it! Until then I’ll just keeping watching the first one…can’t wait for “Twilight Thursday!”
But they’re good books so whatever.
I agree w/ everything you said. You basically summed up why some people are ashamed of liking the Twilight series–b/c of the screaming teenagers. I thought the books were amazing and I totally got into them, but when I went and saw the movie and, when Edward came on the screen for the first time, all the teenage girls in the theater started to scream. I felt ridiculous for just being there, ha ha
Anyway, I’m excited about New Moon! I’m also glad they have a new director for this movie and agree that it will probably be better and not as cheesy in some areas like Twilight was. As far as the poster itself…looks WAY too photoshopped and touched-up, etc. which makes it seem weird. I don’t know how to describe it.
I’m almost finished with the last book. A girl I worked with – her sister was obsessed with all of it so she loaned me the books. i watched teh movie first and was not impressed at all. I was bored and practically falling asleep. I could tell watching the movie that if I was reading the book tehre would be so much more to pick up on. THe books are very enjoyable, though, and I’ll definitely try to watch the second movie.
But, I have to disagree wtih GMMR. I was pulling for Jacob. Honestly, Bella’s relationship with Edward is just so unhealthy. THe girl was way too obsessed from the very beginning. I mean, I get it soul mates and all and (although I haven’t finished) I”m assuming it will all work out in the very end. But that girl was nutty about it. Her relationship with Jacob actually seemed healthier to me and I never ever got borderline abusive out of it.
Thank you for posting the picture and since I”m in my thirties as well, I don’t feel so insane.
I can’t criticize. I own the Twilight movie and have seen it several times. I loved the books and own those also. I don’t know what it is, but I can’t seem to get enough of it. There are certainly plenty of us here who aren’t screaming teenage girls and still have some kind of Edward obsession. Plus, I love that Robert Pattinson is so down to earth and humble, while being so hot. I am keeping up with the progress of the New Moon movie, so I appreciate knowing there are others here who have a similar interest in Twilight.
Oh, hot damn, I love Twilight!
I totally agree with Patty. I never make fun because I too am addicted to Supernatural, and I absolutely hate it when someone disses my obsession in front of me. I don’t care if you don’t like the show just don’t start unloading on me.
Also, I’m a recreational fan of Twilight. I read all the books because my roommate in college loves them and I had never heard of them before. I also saw the movie opening night. If nothing else it is fun to make fun of and it’s just good pop culture knowledge :]
GMMR, don’t be ashamed. Hello, my name is Candice and I am a 33 year old Twilight addict. Is there a support group I can join?
I was so anti-Twilight when the movie first came out. I did not understand all the hype. Then, later, I started seeing the DVD commercials. I am a sucker for a love story. After getting confirmation that it wasn’t scary (I hate the horror genre), I bought the 1st book for $5. By chapter 3, I’d ordered the whole set and the movie off Amazon. Before I knew it, I was reading at stop lights, in the drive thru, at 3:30 in the morning, and in the bathroom at work. It consumed my life for 3 weeks and I literally cried when it was over. Edward and Bella forever!! I appreciate Jacob and what he offered Bella but he was always so possessive and sort of “you will love me” with her. With Edward, he just wanted her to be happy. even if that meant Jacob. For anyone wbo hasn’t read Midnight Sun (Twilight from Edward’s persective), go to Stephanie Meyer’s website and download the as-yet-unfinished version now. For me, it brought so much to the story and was almost better than Twilight.
Also, the 1st time I saw the movie, it was a letdown. But, it was so much better the 2nd time (and every time after). Not sure why but it gets better with age
I read your blog almost daily, but am just now catching this entry — probably (mostly) because I just began reading the Twilight series myself over the 4th of July weekend… I am on “Breaking Dawn” now… I only loved the first movie after watching it more than once. The first time (as people here seem to agree) sucked for some reason… But the new movie looks fantastic! You shouldn’t be ashamed to post about Twilight. I actually didn’t know where most of those actors came from, so your post was rather enlightening…
I’m glad this it turned out so nicely and I hope it will continue within the future because it really is so fascinating and meaningful towards the community.
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