John Krasinski on ‘Jimmy Fallon’
June 11, 2009 by Kath Skerry
Ask and ye shall receive. By popular demand, here is John Krasinski’s appearance on LATE NIGHT WITH JIMMY FALLON. Enjoy!!
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Filed under Jimmy Fallon, John Krasinski
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[…] Couldn’t stay up late enough to enjoy John Krasinski on Jimmy Fallon’s show last night? Thank goodness for Hulu. […]
This was an incredible interview. Looks like John has traded in Madden for Guitar Hero. Love that he beat the devil.
JKras was on Live with Regis & Kelly this morning. I had to go to work of course. GMMR – can you please find a Hulu clip and inbed it for us? I haven’t had enough JKras in my day yet.
Thanks. Luv ya.
Hands down the best episode of Jimmy I’ve ever seen. The slow-mo sequence….GENIUS! Also who knew Stephen Moyer was so funny! The three of them could go on tour
strunkette… i agree. i totally thought stephen moyer would be more reserved and what not… but he’s totally hilarious. i’d pay big bucks to see the three of them on tour, doing non-sense comedy.
but then again, i’d pay big bucks to see JKras any day. 
Could he be any cuter? love it.