BIG BROTHER’s Coup D’etat – Vote for Jeff
August 1, 2009 by Kath Skerry
Hey BIG BROTHER fans and even non-BIG BROTHER fans. The voting is open. One Big Brother house guest will be granted a mystery power, the Coup D’etat.
Over the next two weeks, the winner of Coup D’etat will have the ability to overthrow the Head of Household and replace the nominations right before the August 6th or August 13th live show evictions. The winner of this power can only use it once and only the winner will know they have the power.
Which house guest do you want to receive the Power of Coup D’etat? Jeff! Jeff! Jeff! Jeff! Jeff! Jeff! Jeff! Jeff!
Yes, I’m completely caught up in this addictive summer reality show. So whether you are a fan of BIG BROTHER or not, could you do me a favor and click on the link below and VOTE FOR JEFF?!
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Filed under Big Brother, TV News
I’ve voted for him about 10 times already. I’ll go vote another 10 times for you!
I’m on Team Jeff as well. From what I’ve seen online, Jeff should win the Coup d’Etat pretty easily. I’ll still be voting like the dickins for this fine a$$!
Where can I vote for the Coup D’Etat?
I am on board for Jeff too! I was heading in to do a few more votes before I call it a night.
I vote for Jeff to receive the power
i want to vote for Jeff, however, the website has been down since Friday. If you go up there right now, you still can’t vote. All that appears is the icon to vote but no pics of the houseguest for you to select. this better not be rigged. if ronnie, natale or jessie wins this power, it must be a sham!! how can we vote for him if CBS is not ensuring the website works properly?
Saw your note. I think it might be your computer. I’ve voted every day, a few times. I just checked it and I was able to vote again.
Jeff is the only honest, nice person in the house with a shot of winning the game. Go Jeff! (Plus Jeff and Jordan are cute together)
Jeff would have absolutely no idea what to do with it. He is a good player and I like him and all but you have to know that he is just not that good. He would get and put the wrong people up because he is just not a leader like that. I hope he does well in the game but I would love to see what Michelle does if she got it.
Im 100% down for Jeff winning, he was my first thought. Im down with him working with Russell too if he does keep his word. I on the other hand am also having trouble voting. I go to vote and it goes to the food have or have not vote. Any help?
Go Jeff!
Vote for Ronnie, He’s our man. Stir the pot a little.
I am voting jeff also. I am able able to vote over and over, is it counting all votes? I have seen others say they were only able to vote 10 times?
vote Ronnie he makes the game interesting if Jeff gets it we already know what he is going to vote Ronnie and Jessie of. If Ronnie get coup detat something cool and unperdictable will happen if Jeff wins i will stop watching show plus tell up to 100,000 to stop watching show if you don’t believe me you are wrong i have connections if that happens the shows viewers good go down bad plus they might cancel it my dad has connections with many people who control many people who control many people and so on.
Sorry for length and no coma’s and periods in hurry
I’m voting for Jeff like crazy!!!
MY VOTE is For JEFF!!!!!! He’s the Man! He’s Honest and Loyal!!! Go Jeff !!
I would Love to see Ronnie,Jessie, Chima and Natilie G- O- N- E !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ronnie being interesting? HA! Last night when he was trying to pander to America to chose him because he’d use it for “good” and pointed to Natalie and Jessie I laughed out loud! He has no idea that America is tired of that whole click. I suppose they’ll all get a wakeup call when Jeff gets the power
Oh and I’ve probably voted for Jeff 50 times. I just hope he’ll put up Jesse and Natalie. If he has any chance of winning he’s going to have to get rid of one of them in the next two weeks.
If Ronnie wins the power I think I would barf in my mouth. He might be the most annoying, dishonest, and unlikable contestant the show has ever produced.
Jeff FTW
Why is no one on team Russle? i really like Jeff too and i will be fine if anyone from the new aliance ( Russle, Jeff, Jordon, or michele) wins it
joe: you sound like ronnie or related to ronnie. if jeff wins im gonna quit watching and tell all of my well connected friends…give me a break. ronnie is a rat and super anoying, thinking he is so cool and smart, the dude it just anoying
i have tried and tried to vote but the page come up blank except for the vote button what am i doing wrong?
oh yeah did anyone notice that natalie’s number for the phone voting is #8 and the code u put in is 81818 or something like that so its possible alot of people could end up voting for her by mistake…gawd that would be horrible…she is soooooo disgusting! she eats like a pig and walks like she has a cob up her butt sideways…..she is a total liar too, can’t wait to see how people feel about her when they find out she was lying about her age the whole time on the show….
My vote is for Jeff!!!!!!! Ronnie makes me sick to my stomach111 ahhhhhhh barf111 Get rid of him….ASAP After that get rid of Jessie, Natilie, and Chima!!! ASAP!! Ronnie is the scum of BB 11
My vote is for Jeff!!!!!!! Ronnie makes me sick to my stomach111 ahhhhhhh barf111 Get rid of him….ASAP After that get rid of Jessie, Natilie, and Chima!!! ASAP!! Ronnie is the scum of BB 11
Jeff is the man, he gets my vote !!!!! Ronnie must go ASAP
Joe – wow, you go with all your connections…lol. LOSER!!
dont vote 4 ronnie. hes a snake. vote jeff or jordan. they r the only worthwhile people. jessie natilie and ronnie r horrible and if one of them win im going 2 be soooooooooooooo mad! I LUV U JEFF!
i voted jeff 29 times and jordan 10!
i voted jordan another 9 times!
vote for Ronnie – it will be SO much more fun to watch the dirty dog in action – have fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Love all of you voting…no matter who you vote for. I’m big Jeff and Jordan fans, but I’m not voting for Jordan. (1) She’s done nothing in this game to deserve this kind of power. (2) She has the potential to spill the beans and hence negate the power completely. I would be a waste.
I respectfully disagree with those who say giving it to Jeff would be boring. Personally I would like to see how Jessie’s team steps up their game when they aren’t in power. This is week one where Jessie has been on slop and he’s been unbearable.
Giving the power to Jeff would shift the weight of the house. Floaters will have to stick their necks out. Would be interesting.
But that’s just me…to each their own.
i voted for jeff as well! i really hope he wins.
i’ve voted for jeff like a bunch of times i hope he wins if ronnie, jessie, or nataliewin the thing is rigged and i’ll be pissed off! if jessie doesnt win i want jordin to win. i wish casey was still her.
dont vote jeff..screw honesty! you think hes not gonna lie to win like everyone ronnie keep this game interesting! if anyone thinks that jeff or jordan arent gonna lie at some point your retards! atleast ronnie is playing the game!
Has anyone heard of this bots scam brought on by ronnie’s camp? Just wondering how that will affect the vote….still think jeff will win by a landslide.
Anyone who says vote Ronnie is disgusting and well, just plain WRONG! That dude is delusional and anyone who thinks otherwise must live in la la land with him. Just sayin….JEFF ALL THE WAY!
Just like Ronnie the bots scam are lying jerks just like Ronnie so that does not surprise me. Win by any means right guys? Sounds like there is more than one Dorkopotomus out there!
PS I think Natalie is the biggest liar and most disgusting, negative, self absorbed, twit that has EVER been on Big Brother. She has ZERO empathy for anyone and thinks she is so entitled, I have no idea why. She is so self rightous because she works at Blockbuster? Umm, yeah, have fun with that honey. She is just gross and needs to shower and wash her hands after she uses the bathroom. Nasty girl in spirit and in cleanliness. ICky poo.
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Why doesn”t other names show, those who submitted cmments? Only mine!
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I spent a whole afternoon voting for Ronnie. He keeps the show interesting. And he’s not a smoker.
Im Gonna vote for either jeff or jordan. Those two are my favourite this season! Plus hes a hot guy, and Him and Jordan are soo cute together
Why is everyone sac riding Jeff He has not even played the game
I voted 800+ times for Jeff over these past couple of days!
I’m one of the people that’s having a time voting too for some reason. I can’t get through. but if I could I surely would vote for jeff. He just a nice guy and I hope he can turn this game around and get jessie, natilie, chim and don’t forget that little worn ronnie out of the house. I hope he can at least find someone to help him turn this game around because I’m getting tried of seen jesse, ronnie and natilie running the show.
Ive voted for jeff about 300 times!!! and still voting up til the last minute!!! i hope he gets it!!! he is well-deserving!! so happy to see others feel the same way!!! GO JEFF!!
JEFF! Yes, you folks are all 100% correct in your decisions to vote for Jeff! I mean, who else is a great person and an honest guy on the show? He and Jordan are cute, and I appreciate the ppl that notice that also, and say so. Every season there is one clique that America hates, and this year it’s obviously the Jessie-Natalie-Ronnie-Shema clique! They will be voted off one by one – let’s hope!
OMG: If we got Ronnie, this would go ‘to his head’ more than he already is full of himself (for no good reason) and we can’t have that.
Whoever voted for Jeff: We love you guys – you rock! GO JEFF!
If Jeff doesn’t win the mystery power than Big Brother is clearly rigged and I will unfortunately never watch the show again.
BB Fan
Sorry, I’ve been refreshing the page to continue to vote for Ronnie. Without him on the show, the other houseguests don’t give me any reason to watch.
I really hope Jeff wins. And if he wins, I think he will put up either Jesse or Natalie and have a pawn go up like Chima. It’s the only way to ensure that Jesse goes home if you put a pawn up that a lot of the houseguests somewhat like more than Jesse. Russell, Jordon, Lydia, Kevin and Michelle will vote for Jesse to get evicted if that was the case. In my opinion, Natalie is no threat. She just follows Jesse around and she would be lost without him. And if it was Natalie and Jesse up for eviction, I could see Natalie going home and not him. Chima, Russell, Michelle, and Lydia would vote for Natalie to be evicted. Just my opinion guys, correct me if I’m wrong please!
Has anyone watched the live feed to see if Jeff won it?
Seriously , What has Jeff did in the game other than hit on goober brain
Nothing he has no skill in the game and he will eventually be put out
the coupe will save his butt once but not twice ….
All you are voting for the wrong reason his looks …
people like you guys are what makes these games so damn boring
I agree with whats his name Ronnie even Nat anyone but Jeff and Jesse or even Russel jesus make the game interesting
not to worry I hope ronnies will get it
I have all my friends on twit my space and face book pull out a Ronnie vote and when they voted casted on my website so far we have over 48 thousand votes for Ronnie
A lot of you think BB is some honest played game or something. You think there is no scheming involved. Ronnie is all of that. That is what the game is about. The game is more interesting when things change from week to week. If Ronnie goes I don’t think I’ll watch. It will be very predictable and not much fun to watch. Pure boredom then…..
Okay seriously Jeff is a cool guy…
but do you think he’d use it? i dont think so… i rather someone i know who would use it 100% to shaken the game win the mystery power!
I honestly think Jessie is the best player there he should win regardless of his attitude or cockiness. His aliance is the strongest and that the reason why everyone wants them out I think ( Jessie, Natalie, Chima or even Russel) should win the rest are are lame and boring. If you notice all HOH was in his aliance included Ronnie. I think the best player deserve to win not the whiney ones. Best BB ever. To Be Continue
jeff is the best. if theres anyone says about jeff is no skills are stupid jeff is cute wiyh jordan. I want jeff ti win for cou’p Detat and all the way to the end. jessie, natalie chima are not smart, chima is a cheap chick and ugly, jessie is small guy who eat a lot like a pig, natalie is sloppie chick she think shes a 18 years old but …..she looks a 27 years old of age to us what embarassing. you dont have to lie your age to fit on the game. natalie you have to thankful that your 25 that what you said 25 by the way after big brother go straight to the salon fix your hair, and change your swaet pants to you always wearing that gray pants its already stinky from your ass change pls.. lydia is hotter than you your a trassy little lady
haha my mom and i are on his team as well
i voted for like 4 hours straight
Why does everyone want Jeff to use the power this week when he is not in danger he has it for two weeks if he or jordan are not on the block he shouldn’t use it he would become a target if he uses it this week let russell leave then put up natalie and jessie the next week because russell does not have jeff’s back he’s playing both sides so let him go this week and next week let jessie go so he can beat the other people in the house once russell and jessie leaves
also michelle is going around saying stuff about everyone so if jeff was to put her up he would be smart she uses people like russell then turn against them
I finally watched Tuesday’s episode (don’t subscribe to the live feeds either) but when were the houseguests told that only the current HOH and the winner of the POV were safe from the “mystery power”? I didn’t think that was the case – that anyone could be nominated in the place of the current nominees. And if they do know that for a fact, are they truly THAT stupid to not figure out that the mystery power is the choice of 2 new nominees? What did I miss????
ok so I voted for jeff and he usded the “wizard” power exactly as he should have… that was the smartest move he could have done was break up that alliance… ya its about game and he’s playing without having to be the scum of the world like ronnie was.. even michelle is unreal.. she’s a sneaking lil twit… chyema is probablly the most annoying one there… i am a female and she is embarassing… she is ignorant and a diva this is a game, get real feminist… .jordan,kevin are clean players and kevin actualy tries to win.. and lydia is kinda creepy with the whole jessie thing… natalie is like jessie’s lil puppy dog makes me feel sorry for her…
why does america like jeff so much. he hasnt won any powers in the house and never really played the game until russell offered him a deal the week russell won HoH. people say jessie made natalie his puppet but didnt jeff do the same thing to jordan maybe im crazy but it sounds the same to me. america loves one of the weaker players in the game and hand delivers the game to him on a silver platter
for some reason everybody wants the strong players out of the game. why??? jeff jordan n michele suck n they just float thru. they are americas favorites because they just look good on tv. while the rest of the house PLAYS the game jeff jordan n michele just sit back n float