PARKS & RECREATION: Beauty Pageant - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

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PARKS & RECREATION: Beauty Pageant

October 2, 2009 by  

I apologize for omitting a recap for last week’s Parks & Recreation. Much like Leslie Knope would expect, I have a good excuse and a note to return to class. Last Tuesday night, my car was stolen from my driveway. Because my local PD’s approach to public service mirrors Ron Swanson’s, I received very little help from the men in blue. A few trips to the insurance company, rental car office, and my real job later, my ability to connect sentences was shot.

Fortunately, my DVR delivered a miracle in the form of “The Stakeout.” Any lingering car-related stress disappeared as Ron Swanson tried to eat a hamburger using my strategy for winning “Ring Toss” at the local fair. Nick Offerman and Aubrey Plaza destroyed their scenes together, and the prospect of more Ron/April scenes is reason enough to add P&R to your Season Passes. Veteran stand-up comic Louis C.K. took a nice bow as Officer Dave, giving Amy Poehler a romantic foil that fits Leslie’s values. All in all, last week’s P&R was the best remedy for a victim of Grand Theft Auto.

This week, the selection of Miss Pawnee was a solid premise for generating consistent laughs. Unlike the pit-focused Season One, the writers of P&R have been wise to present storylines that are ripe for comedy, rather than dig for chuckles in the junk yard of local civics lessons. Once Tom Haverford finagled his way onto the judging panel, the stage was set for Leslie Knope to fight the good fight for talented young women who may not have won the genetic jackpot.

A quick tangent about Aniz Asnari and his role as Tom Haverford. I wrote extensively last season about Tom’s disdainful attitude toward Leslie, and how the show would benefit from a more collegial atmosphere between the two. Thankfully, Aniz Asnari has done an amazing job in reining in Tom’s brashness and adding levels of sensitivity. From his debate with Leslie over the effeminate shirt in the premiere, to the encouraging “Get over Mark, you can do better” speech last week, and ending with the embarrassing results of his house key distribution plan, Tom Haverford has stepped down from his high horse to become a more likable character. Another one of NBC’s new comedy stars could benefit from this approach. I am looking at you, Joel McHale! (For more on Community, and a raucous debate between SB & I on that program, stay tuned to GMMR)

Though Nick Offerman’s presence was missed, as he nursed Ron Swanson’s hernia back to health off-camera, Aubrey Plaza continued her phenomenal Season Two run. Who wouldn’t love to see April in the Miss USA pageant? A smart, dispassionate young woman making a cash grab, taking the place of lifelong beauty queens with perfect skin and imperfect brains? Tell me when to tune in! April’s entire story arc was pitch perfect, as her impassioned plea to capture the crown dissolved instantly when the prize package turned into gift certificates. If Rashida Jones’ role in P&R continues to be that of straight woman to the outrageous players around her, Aubrey Plaza’s ability to evoke laughter will be vital to a successful season. Based on the early returns, I would say Plaza is up to the challenge.

Despite a host of supporting players who are stepping up in Season Two, Amy Poehler remains the lynchpin of the Pawnee family. A rising political star (even if only in her own mind) like Leslie Knope can fall victim to the trap of being judgmental, and the Deputy Director certainly threw a roadblock into her budding relationship with Officer Dave. After years of being discarded by men who would fit her political biography, Leslie had no clue how to respond to a man who mistook Madeleine Albright for her grandmother. Kudos to the writers for acknowledging this flaw in Leslie’s armor. Poehler and Louis C.K. have an onscreen chemistry that is as quirky as Officer Dave’s accent. For me, they are the couple worth watching on P&R, while I root for Andy to emerge from the pit and have a fighting chance with Ann.

Right now, my only gripe with P&R is the emotionless dynamic between Mark & Ann. Paul Schneider and Rashida Jones are not doing it for me, though I cannot pinpoint anything unlikable about either one. It’s a long season, so I am optimistic that the brilliant creative forces behind the show have an end game in mind.

Let’s turn it over to the Pawnee faithful! What were your favorite moments? Would you have voted for “The Hot One” or did another contestant deserve the crown? What do you think of Louis C.K. so far? Is a good match for Leslie? Could Andy’s talking head in the tent have been any more awkward or funny? Comment early and often, and let’s see where the discussion leads…

Erik’s summer was wasted with marathons of The Next Food Network Star and MTV’s 16 & Pregnant. After weeks of comparing risotto dishes and dishonest baby daddies, he is thrilled to be writing about House and Parks & Recreation for GMMR again.


4 Responses to “PARKS & RECREATION: Beauty Pageant”

  1. Carli on October 2nd, 2009 11:47 pm

    Really liked this episode. Good laughs. I’m also liking Tom more, this season and I don’t find myself rooting for Ann and Mark. Don’t like them at all. I’d rather her with Andy. Hope Louis C.K. sticks around.

  2. Give Me My Remote on October 3rd, 2009 7:36 am

    I was thrilled when Chris Pratt was made a series regular. But it seems that the writers knew they had something and wanted to keep him around despite the fact that they have nothing to do with him. I like Ann, so I have no reason to pull for Andy. The guy treats her like crap and lives in a dirt pit. She’s too good for him.

    I want to like Ann and Mark, but right now their courtship is too brother and sister’ish for me.

    We need to see more of Ann and Leslie bonding time. Throw a little April in the mix and I’m happy.

    Loving the changes they’ve made with Tom, but I still think Aniz plays it all a little too broad.

  3. Sheriff of Pawnee on October 3rd, 2009 9:28 am

    This show is miles better than it was last year and is the best thing in NBC’s Thursday lineup (at least until 30 Rock returns). Save P&R!!!!!!

  4. big mac on October 5th, 2009 3:22 pm

    my car was stolen from my driveway two years ago, but it was found a couple of months later. It sucks and I feel for you. parks and rec is so hilarious.