GLEE Nabs Joss Whedon & Johnathan Groff
October 20, 2009 by Kath Skerry
Being confined to bed and hopped up on pain killers, I went the whole day without being able to comment on the announcement that Joss Whedon will be directing an upcoming episode of GLEE. So although I’m late to the game may I just say ‘woo to the hoo.’
If you’re a TV Talk Podcast listener this might not come as such a huge shock. As we told you, last month when we were in L.A. at the Fox party, we were with the cast of GLEE when Joss came over and told them how much he loved the show and if that they got picked up for the back nine how much he was going push to direct an episode. Well, it looks like it happened. And aren’t we all better off for it. So fun!
It was also on the same podcast from the same party that we spilled that Lea Michele had confirmed that her BFF and Spring Awakening co-star, Jonathan Groff, would also be guesting on the show. It’s now been confirmed that Jonathan will play the lead male vocalist in Vocal Adrenaline, the rival choral ensemble. Sparks will most definitely fly.
Can’t wait! Can you?
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Filed under Glee
I second that “woo to the hoo”! Joss working on GLEE is going to be awesome!! He’s done amazing musical things in the past (see: Buffy’s OMWF, Dr. Horrible…), so I think he’ll make a fantastic episode!
I am, however, concerned about Dollhouse. Is this bad news for my little-loved show?
I had heard that he would do this after Dollhouse had wrapped filming its episodes.
btw— woo hoo for all of it!
Oh, Kath… the painkillers are going to your mind. It’s “Jonathan” not “Johnathan.”
Both pieces of news make me happy.
So very awesome. But now the interwebs are a twitter with whether or not Joss will bring one of his Whedonverse buddies along with him for a cameo. I know, I know… it is waaaay to early to get that kind of info as I can’t imagine anything has been decided about WHICH ep he is directing, but people are just screaming for NPH or SMG. Mostly NPH. Which would be awesome and apparently both shows are owned by the same company or film at the same studios or something like that. So who knows!
This is great news… I am such a Gleek!
Hope your back heals quickly… must be awful.
also confirmed in a recent E! interview with Ryan Murphy, that Groff’s character in Vocal Adrenaline will also be Rachel Barry’s new boyfriend! (note: Ryan Murphy said “boyfriend” not love interest…)
I thought they were great on the show together! They also make a very cute couple! I really hope that on the show they get back together.
I love Jonathan and his voice is magnific.. i adore his play in Glee.. and his interpretation of Bohemian Rhapsody… it’s just cool!
I hope to see in the second season of Glee! PLEASE!
When’s he back on bway?