Tonight's TV Spotlight...Friday, November 20, 2009 - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

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Tonight’s TV Spotlight…Friday, November 20, 2009

November 20, 2009 by  

Aw, man. This is going to be a tough Friday. Of the ten Thursday night shows I recorded, I’ve only watched one. I’m going to do my best to get caught up as quickly as I can, but that means I’m going to have to avoid Twitter, Facebook and the enormity of the world wide web or risk being spoiled.

Keep checking GMMR throughout the day as we’ll be sharing reviews of BONES, THE VAMPIRE DIARIES, PARKS & REC, THE OFFICE, SUPERNATURAL and more.

Before we get into tonight’s TV lineup, I just wanted to say thank for all the well wishes I’ve received as of late from some of you.  The emails have been so nice and they brighten my day. I wanted to let you all know that I found out yesterday that I have to have back surgery (wah wah) sometime over the next few weeks. A little scary, but if it means I’m up and walking around again soon I’m all in! With the help of the always kick ass Team GMMR, we’ll try our best to keep the site going with as little disruption as possible. Thanks!

Geesh, enough of that.  We need to talk Friday night TV! Here are a few highlights from tonight’s lineup.

Smallville | 8pm on The CW
JTess kidnaps Lois in an attempt to find out where she went during her disappearance; Clark makes a significant decision about Zod.

Monk | 9pm on USA
“Mr. Monk and the Badge”
Monk’s return to the police force becomes more challenging than he anticipated when he becomes involved in investigating a serial killer.

Stargate Universe | 9pm on SyFy
Lt. Scott and Camile Wray use the communication stones to visit Earth; the crew discovers a piece of ancient technology that carries a promise of a way home.

Medium | 9pm on CBS
“The Future’s So Bright ”
When an odd sensitivity to light affects her eyes, Allison must don a pair of sunglasses. But the shades bring into view mysterious numbers that might allow her to predict people’s life expectancies. Allison also has visions of Joe’s dad (Bruce Gray), nudging Joe to turn to a healthier lifestyle

White Collar | 10pm on USA
“The Portrait”
After an expensive portrait is stolen from a young woman, Neal tries to uncover the secret behind its origin while working with Peter to set up a sting in hope of catching the cunning and deadly culprit.

Sanctuary | 10pm on Syfy
When Dr. Magnus is charged with murder, Will must go up against the heads of the Sanctuary Network to defend her.

Numb3rs | 10pm on CBS
“Con Job”
When robbers strike a diamond exchange and take hostages, the team thinks the culprits are copying a convict’s criminal strategies.

Crash | 10pm on Starz
“Endangered Species”
Ben’s search for Cassie’s killer leads him and Anthony to a coke dealer (Tania Raymonde) with whom Cassie was friendly; Bo tries to recover funds that his mother donated to Seth’s homeless project.

Also playing…

  • Ghost Whisperer | 8pm on CBS: Allison’s eyes develop a sensitivity to light; Joe starts taking better care of his health after Allison dreams about his father.
  • Law & Order | 8pm on NBC: Detectives Lupo and Bernard think a violent armed robbery might be a scare tactic for a shakedown.

On the late night couch…

Which shows will YOU be checking out tonight? Leave a comment here or send me a message via Twitter.

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