SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE: Top 12 Perform - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

Friday, March 14, 2025


November 24, 2009 by  

It kills me when I don’t have control over the remote. I mean…do you not know the name of my blog? Well, such was the case tonight. While I should have been watching SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE, I was forced to watch NCIS. With all do respect to NCIS fans, SYTYCD is my show.

I’ve managed to tune into the second half of SYTYCD tonight, but I figure it might be best to wait until the morning to share my thoughts on the full show.

But I wanted to open the comments early in case you wanted to share YOUR thoughts with other SYTYCD fans.

So…until tomorrow.

UPDATE: What a show! I can’t get a computer right now but once I can you’ll be hearing why I loved Legacy & Kathryn, Jakob & Ashleigh, Ryan & Ellenore so much! And what about that tango with Victor & Karen.


8 Responses to “SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE: Top 12 Perform”

  1. Lisa on November 24th, 2009 11:08 pm

    Nigel’s dis of “concept” routines was surprising to me. Several of my favorite SYTYCD routines have had a “concept”. The addiction routine (Kayla/Kupono), the conference table routine (Sabra/Neil), the park bench (Travis/Heidi), the door routine (Katee/Twitch).

  2. Rebecca on November 25th, 2009 12:36 am

    I LOVE Kathryn & Legacy, Ashleigh and Jakob, and Ryan & Elenor. They all performed so well tonight! I think the judges like Karen more than the viewers do. Same with Victor. Karen, Victor, Mollee and Nathan are all disposable, in my opinion. I’ll be so sad if any of the others go.

  3. Randi on November 25th, 2009 3:02 am

    Russell & Noelle had the most beautiful routine so far. I loved it!

  4. Michele on November 25th, 2009 9:52 am

    Karen, Victor, Mollie, and Nathan are disposable for me as well. I thought everyone else was AMAZING. It wa a really good show tonight!!

  5. jackie on November 25th, 2009 11:36 am

    for some reason i love legacy even though he can probably do much better than he has been doing. So my favorites are ashleigh and jakob. Ashleigh has proved that she wants to be here. she almost didnt make it to the top 20 but she deff proved that she is a really good dancer. i think victor mollee and nathan should be worried tonight. they haven’t been doing good for weeks. ill be sad if someone else leaves besides them.

  6. Forts on November 25th, 2009 12:00 pm

    Lisa I think he was only talking about ballroom. All of the “concept” routines you mentioned were contemporary which typically have more story behind them. Ballroom is usually just straight up dancing.

  7. Lisa (aka lmr) on November 25th, 2009 1:22 pm

    Am in rabid agreement with you all – let’s lose Karen or Mollee and Victor or Nathan. My heart breaks if it is anyone else. I am sad to see a few re-pairings after this week, though.

  8. Alison on November 25th, 2009 4:38 pm

    I pretty much agree with everyone, Mollee, Nathan, Victor, and Karen can go. I’m going to be really sad when some of the couples split up like Ashleigh and Jakob (who I LOVE) and Legacy and Kathryn. This week was SO good!!