Who Went Home on SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE? - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

Saturday, March 15, 2025


November 25, 2009 by  

Are you ready to meet your Top Ten? At the end of this hour you will know who you might be seeing on tour after this season ends.

Last night’s episode, in which the 6 couples each performed two dances was the most exciting episode to date.  Not sure who will end up in the bottom tonight. It’s anyone’s guess.

I’ll be live blogging key moments in the hour. Join in on the discussion below.

  • What a Wade Robson-esque opening routine tonight. If I didn’t already know that it was a NappyTabs piece, I’m not sure I would have guessed.
  • Nigel is going on about family and Thanksgiving. Shut it Nigel. I am such a cynic.
  • While all this prattling is going on, let me apologize for not recapping last night’s episode.  I had a difficult day and I just couldn’t get in front of the computer until now. But let me say, that I LOVED both of Sonya’s piece as well as the Tango.  Legacy & Katherine are insane and I’m so upset to see them break up.  But, not as upset as I am to see Jakob & Ashleigh split.  I really love Ashleigh…who would have thought. I’m a big fan of her husband too. Ryan & Ellenore have been outstanding.
  • Cat brought out the first two couples. Ash & Jakob and Karen & Victor. Both of these couples had an outstanding first routine.  But Ask & Jakob went on to have an incredible second routine too, while Karen & Victor fell short on their Hip Hop number.  For me this is easy.  It should be A&J sticking around.  No doubt.  I’d actually like to see Victor leave tonight.  And while it seems many want to see Karen go, I think she deserves to stay more than Mollee. The votes are in and…Ashleigh & Jakob are SAFE meaning Karen & Victor will be in the BOTTOM THREE.
  • I have no problem saying that I think Mollee & Nathan should be in the bottom as well. But as for the third couple, I just don’t know. Maybe Russell & Noelle (although I would hate for them to be gone).
  • The next two couples are up and are about to learn their fate.  Mollee & Nathan and Legacy & Katherine. Which two will be in the Top 10? Joining Karen & Victor in the bottom are…Mollee & Nathan. Meaning Legacy & Katherine are SAFE! (Thank goodness!!) So far so good on the couples.
  • I think I am the only one that is really not feeling all the Nathan hate.  I wonder if behind-the-scenes the kid is a douche. I hate to think it, because I don’t think he comes across that way, but I don’t ever remember the judges being so harsh, and so personal to a contestant.  He’s been called immature, arrogant, and ignorant. That’s a lot of talk. Is there something behind it? I wonder.
  • The last two couples join Cat.  Will it be Russell & Noelle in the bottom three or Ellenore & Ryan?  I’m pulling for both couples, but the latter deserves it more. But I’m not too concerned because I think whatever couple of these two end up in the bottom three will ultimately be safe.  So here are the results. Ellenore & Ryan are  in the BOTTOM THREE leaving Russell & Noelle are SAFE. Um, what? What it going on? Again, these two are ultimately safe.
  • As the American Ballet Theater takes to the stage, I’m going to take a quick break.

Dancing for Their Lives

  • Karen was just ok. Nothing special. Victor’s solo on the other hand was spectacular! Nathan better be amazing. His partner Mollee was just ok. Lots of gymnastics. Not my cup of tea but neither is she so I’m perhaps biased.  Nathan was up next, and while I liked his solo, he was definitely not better than Victor. Ellenore sometimes tries to hard to be quirky, but she was good. Ryan’s solo was cheesy but aren’t all solos by Latin ballroom dancers?
  • Fond Farewell: The judges are back and the decisions are in. Tonight we are saying goodbye to Karen (ugh, what are they seeing in Mollee that I’m not?) Karen really hasn’t received bad remarks all season, while Mollee gets critiqued every week. I call foul!! As for the guys, it’s Victor leaving the show.

So goodbye to Karen and Victor. Here’s to hoping they’ll be asked to join the tour as alternates.

Did the right couple go home? Are you happy with your S6 Top Ten?


12 Responses to “Who Went Home on SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE?”

  1. Vanessa on November 25th, 2009 9:47 pm

    I’m not really a fan of Karen and her solo seemed to be more about how “sexy” she is…did not impress me. I thought Victor’s solo was just okay. Seemed a little desparate. I actually like Nathan’s. There is just something about that kid that I like. I’m confused by how personal the judges are towards him. I would like him to stick around so we can see him with a more mature partner. Mollee…eh. Did she pay attention in past seasons when the judges said they were not fans of the gymnastics tricks week after week? Elenore and Ryan were both good and I don’t expect to see them go anywhere.

    I’d like to see Karen and Victor go. I’d be okay with Mollee going too.

  2. Vanessa on November 25th, 2009 9:57 pm

    Does Nigel also work for Dancing With the Stars? Why does he keep bringing that show up?

  3. Vanessa on November 25th, 2009 10:04 pm

    I’m satisfied! Have a great Thanksgiving. May it be relatively pain free for you, GMMR!

  4. LaLa on November 25th, 2009 10:04 pm

    Karen got sent home, but Mollee has been put through to the Top 10??? BOOOOOOOOO!!! That girl is a cutesy child gymnast at best, but she has no business being on this show for mature, professional dancers. And now she’s going to be on the tour? Well, that settles it: I am not going to see the tour this year.

  5. Kimber on November 25th, 2009 11:57 pm

    I’m not Mollee’s biggest fan, but Karen’s solo was terrible! She looked like a stripper, and it wasn’t impressive at all. I’m glad Ryan and Ellenore were put through, since I do like them. Top 10 already? Wow!

  6. Katey on November 26th, 2009 10:20 am

    I thought the same thing as you about the group routine, it was very Wade-like. Especially the people coming out of that box thing, that looked the exact same way as the routine Wade did on Dancing With The Stars…

  7. Jane on November 26th, 2009 12:22 pm

    First off, I had no idea the opening number was NappyTabs while I was watching it and was quite surprised to hear it was theirs. It didn’t look like all their other work! I really enjoyed it!

    I have to agree with Nigel on Karen’s solo; it did look like she had pretty much already given up. I know there is more of a challenge for the ballroom dancers, but, honestly, since she has been doing so well in other styles, couldn’t she have pulled on something new and different rather than just sort of wiggle around the stage in that odd tutu. (Was she trying to channel the “naughty ballerina” girl from last season? Why can’t I remember her name?)

    I do think it will be interesting to see Mollee and Nathan dance with other partners.

  8. Forts on November 26th, 2009 4:45 pm

    They critique them all on different levels. Nathan and Mollee get harsh critique because the judges expect a lot from them. Karen has been lackluster the entire time.

    I’m very sad about Victor though! He looks like my uncle, cousin, and brother combined. Could totally be a part of my family. Except we’re native american/swiss not latin… 🙂

  9. Lisa (aka lmr) on November 27th, 2009 10:12 am

    My dislike of Mollee knows no bounds so I think it’s a sacrilege to have her in the Top 10…my jury is out on Nathan as I had so looked forward to him being part of this season. I think he will benefit most from new partnering.

    I’ve been trying to put together my fantasy league match-ups but Mollee doesn’t go well with any of the other guys and I’m not sure they’ll put the married couple together right away (may be unavoidable at some point.) The only blend I could come up with:
    Russell – Ashleigh (she’d help his ballroom)
    Jakob – Elenore (quirky + quirky, I think I’d like it)
    Legacy – Mollee (they might be in deep doo doo)
    Ryan – Kathryn (both elegant)
    Nathan – Noelle (Noelle has a young enough look to blend with him)

  10. toast with JAM on November 27th, 2009 6:43 pm

    Pure and simple, they choose who will be in the top ten based on their “library” of routines that they have to select from for the tour. Karen and Victor have nothing to take on tour since they kept getting split from their partners. If they didn’t have the tour hovering over their decision-making, I have a feeling that Karen would have stayed and Mollee would have left. Pity, since I couldn’t give a hoot about the tour. It’s become a negative because it shouldn’t affect the outcome of the show.

    Mollee does nothing for me. For Nigel to tell her that her solo was so great (with a straight face) was laughable. I thought that Mollee didn’t perform the Can-Can as well as some past contestants would have. She had the same expression throughout the whole dance and the character of the dance seems like it would have more of the cheesy, funny expressions. Mollee is a one-note dancer.

  11. Whitney on November 29th, 2009 8:28 pm

    Did anyone else think that it was painful to watch Noelle doing that Samba??? I was literally cringing. Poor girl! I totally agree…Mollee needed to go home…annoying in so many ways…gymnastics, giggling, etc. Also, do you have any behind the scenes gossip on Kathryn and Legacy (my absolute faves)? I totally think they are a couple…did you notice they were both wearing red Kaballah bracelets in the rehearsal footage?

  12. mixa on December 12th, 2009 4:54 pm

    i think im the only one that loves mollee. whatever idc who goes home as long as russle wins<3