Poll: Who Do YOU Want to See Win SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

Tuesday, March 18, 2025


December 15, 2009 by  

The final night of competition for SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE kicks off tonight at 8pm on Fox. The Top 6 dancers will compete for your vote and the chance to be named America’s Favorite Dancer on tomorrow night’s result show.

Before the final dances take place, I wanted to see who YOU want to win it all. I’ll poll again tomorrow before the results show.


9 Responses to “Poll: Who Do YOU Want to See Win SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE”

  1. Lisa (aka lmr) on December 15th, 2009 10:39 am

    I’m an early voter as I just saw your Tweet…I voted Russell but I’d be okay w/ a Jakob win.

  2. Justin on December 15th, 2009 10:42 am

    #teamjakob all the way!

  3. Elizabeth on December 15th, 2009 11:06 am

    Anyone know why they only have a one hour episode tonight? First we get shafted with a six person finale, and now this. FOX needs to step it up.

  4. Casper on December 15th, 2009 11:14 am

    where is the: “nobody, i hate SYTYCD” option?

  5. Lisa (aka lmr) on December 15th, 2009 12:55 pm

    This tweet from Adam S is intriguing – does he mean top vote getters will be on the oscars? Is this telling us that there may be both a favorite guy and a favorite gal named?

    U MUST vote 2nite 4 the guy & girl u wnt 2 C dance on the oscars!!!! 1 or both will have the same srt I got!!! yr votes decide!

  6. ColoradoKila on December 15th, 2009 2:07 pm

    Jacob is #1 choice, with Russell as a close second.
    But have to see how they dance tonight, obviously.

    If Russell steps it up again this week, I might send all of my votes his way.

  7. Patty on December 15th, 2009 3:35 pm

    I honestly will be happy with most anyone who wins. This has been one of my favorite seasons. Not since S2 have I liked more dancers than I disliked.

  8. toast with JAM on December 15th, 2009 5:38 pm

    I voted Ashleigh, but Jakob helped make me love her. She was so cute on stage during her interviews with Cat when she couldn’t dance. I’m glad they let her talk when she was injured instead of just waving from the audience like Noelle in week 1. Russell sure is doing well under his stressful circumstances with his injured partners (maybe he’s injuring them??? JK) I would be happy if Jakob won also. He’s invincible and makes all his partners better (like Brandon did last year and the opposite of Evan who cost Janette her title when they were partnered).

  9. Jacob on December 15th, 2009 7:44 pm

    Can i just say I have no understanding of all the Jakob love? Granted, those blessed with the name are quite wonderful, but I’m kinda sick of how contemporary dancers are so prevalent in SYTYCD. Yeah, it’s the easist (it seems) to blend into the various styles the show demands, but it often makes the dancers pretty bland on stage (dance wise). Ellenore has comtemporary, but she also has jazz which adds…well, “flavor” to her style.

    Russell all the way for me. He’s interesting, both on and off stage, his style is something you can’t look away from, and any time he’s on stage with the group, you’re eyes seek him out.