Series Inspiration Kathy Reichs talks BONES
May 4, 2010 by Sarah Curtis

Hey, BONES pals! How are things? If you are like me, you are looking forward to this week’s episode, especially because it was written by Kathy Reichs, who, as you know, created the character of Temperance Brennan.
Are any of you fans of the books? I have to say that after participating in this conference call, I think I might have to check them out.
Kathy Reichs is fascinating; that’s all there is to it. It’s really no wonder that Hart Hanson, Barry Josephson, et al, wanted to tell her stories and her story.
Also, for those of you keeping score at home, this post is spoiler free. Crazy, right? But it’s true…Ms. Reichs didn’t want to spoil anything from the episode she wrote: this week’s “The Witch in the Wardrobe” (airs Thursday, May 6th, 8 PM EST on FOX). No spoilers? I can dig it!
Not to say I didn’t try a little bit…I asked her what the mood would be between B&B in this episode…would they be getting along, would they be bickering? Since the 100th, we’ve seen little snippets of both of them trying to figure out how this whole ‘moving on’ thing is working. But she was tight lipped about it, preferring to let HH and company manage the character development. She even said later on in the call, “What they’ve done, especially Hart, has been very successful. People have grown to love these characters, so who am I to question what he does with their future relationships?”
Some would argue that she is the ONLY person who could question what he does. After all, Temperance Brennan IS her creation. And the way she sees it, “I think of TV Tempe as an earlier point in Book Tempe’s life. She’s 30-something, rather than 40 something. She’s unmarried; she’s living in Washington, which I find very appropriate, as that’s where I started my career…” well, that kind of makes me nervous. I do know enough about the books to know that the character from them is not married to Seeley Booth, haha, or even a Booth prototype, right? The idea that this character of Brennan that we have now is the character that will evolve into the book character is intriguing to me. I am interested in your thoughts, too of course!
Season two fans will remember that she guest starred as part of the committee Zack was presenting his dissertation too, and Kathy said she might like to try that again. She also told us that she liked the new challenge of writing an episode for TV vs. writing a novel, and that if she got the chance, she’d do it again too. Although we have to wait until the episode airs to make a final judgment, I’m guessing that most of us will agree that she has what it takes.
We’ll find out Thursday night! Talk to you then!
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Having read the books, it’s intriguing to hear that Kathy Reichs sees TV Brennan as a younger version of Book Brennan, especially as Book Brennan has a kid and is a recovering alcoholic!
I’ve heard her say that before abou the tv Brennan being an earlier version of the one in he novels, but I don’t really think that when i’m reading or watching the show. I kind of think of them as two distinctly different characters who happen to have the same name and a similar profession.
I think any similarities end there, as Sarah mentioned, book Brennan has a daughter, is divorced and a recovering alcoholic and she’s not as socially in the dark as tv Brennan.
I really like how the relationship with Detective Ryan has unfolded n the books, it’s not without frustration for the reader but maybe that’s because I read the majority of the books within 2 months a few summers ago and I’m just tire of the tv relationship being dragged on and on.
Let’s just say I hope TV Brennan and book Brennan never meet! They are two completely different people…pretty much connected in name only. I love them both for their different personalities and thinking that they could be different versions of the same person is just wrong to me. And book Brennan is not with Booth. She is with Detective Ryan, who I like very much, but in my world B&B are destined for each other. If she truly is a later version of TV Brennan I shudder to think that the turmoil we’re going through now was never resolved. Although it has crossed my mind that TV Brennan has been drinking a lot lately and book Brennan is a recovering alcoholic…could there be a connection or is it just a coincidence?
I’m kind of worried about Reichs writing an episode because of the fact that she thinks of the two Brennans as the same person…but if she lets HH and the rest write the character development it can’t get any worse on continuity than it has been before.
i love the bones series on tv love the fact that they finally got tempie and seely together and cant wait to see what happens next season