THE BACHELORETTE: WTF Moment of the Week: Jake and Vienna Edition - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

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THE BACHELORETTE: WTF Moment of the Week: Jake and Vienna Edition

July 6, 2010 by  

Is it cheating if our ‘BACHELORETTE: WTF Moment of the Week’ focuses on THE BACHELOR couple Jake Pavelka and Vienna Girardi?


But since ABC chose to air the Jake/Vienna showdown during Monday (July 5) night’s episode of THE BACHELORETTE — and since the Frank drama that they teased to in last week’s promo didn’t air at all — we’ve decided to give the dissolution of the Jake-Vienna relationship its due.

I mean, wow, it was like watching the worst (and best) kind of TV trainwreck.

This was apparently the first time the two former lovers had seen each other since they broke up and we thought it was awesome how Jake wouldn’t even look at Vienna when she spoke.

Of course everyone who cares about this drama — and surely a few who don’t — had already heard the accusations: Vienna cheated! Jake wouldn’t sleep with her! Jake tried to hit her during the taping of the follow-up segment!

And those claims were continuously repeated during Jake and Vienna’s onscreen reunion, which lasted nearly 40-minutes. Jake kept saying she cheated with GREEK actor Gregory Michael. She insisted she didn’t meet him until after she had broken up with Jake… though Jake says he broke up with her… yeah, we’re not buying that story. If that was the case, he probably wouldn’t have been so blind-sided by her running to the nearest tabloid.

But anyway, most of the big stuff from their he said-she said segment was already old news, however, we did get one fresh reveal: Seems Vienna tried to leave Jake twice before. He called those incidents “temper tantrums” and she said no, that she was actually trying to break it off, but didn’t because he said he’d change.

Watching the two of them interact, the failure of their relationship is no big mystery.

We’re pretty sure Jake was a big fan of Vienna’s need to interrupt him every five seconds.

But he didn’t come off looking too good either. First, he admitted that he threw a GPS in anger when Vienna tried to use it to get directions. Then he said he felt cut down because she remeasured the furniture in their apartment. Um, okay, control freak.

By the way, loved how ABC opened the second part of the segment with footage of the Jake and Vienna proposal. Such an awesome contrast to what’s going down with them now.

Ahhh, love…

Got your own thoughts on Jake and Vienna’s onscreen reunion? Was it as dramatic as you hoped it would be? And whose side are you on? Speak to us in the comments section…

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5 Responses to “THE BACHELORETTE: WTF Moment of the Week: Jake and Vienna Edition”

  1. Kath (GMMR) on July 6th, 2010 8:17 am

    How quickly the tides turn. Maybe it’s picking the lesser of two evils, but I am 100% Team Vienna now. Jake was creepy and controlling. As others have said, he came off like a sociopath. He was clearly lying about pretty much everything she brought up.

    The GPS navigation, the dog, the bureau. I’m sorry, but a man who feels and disrespected “underminded” by a woman either sharing her opinion or not listening to him clearly has some issues. I don’t want to go too far, but after hearing what I heard last night, if she said she were afraid of physical violence in the future, I might be inclined to believe her.

    Chris Harrison looked like a complete douche too. The way he was doing his best to make Vienna look like the bad guy….he was just as much a bully as Jake. Asking her to apologize? It was so wrong.

    Chris spent so much time trying to make Vienna say she wouldn’t say any more about this in the press, but he didn’t ask the same of Jake.

    Why am I so fired up about this? Damn you Marisa for making me watch this show!! HA!

  2. DC on July 6th, 2010 9:52 am

    I don’t enjoy this show but I have enjoyed the fallout. Jake and Vienna both seem like better stick figures (can’t you see those giant melons plastered on some popsicle sticks for a kid’s theatre?) than people. It is interesting to me that ABC milks anything Bachelor-related for all it can get, yet can’t bother with keeping truly funny shows (Better Off Ted anyone?) on the air.

    The one “spinoff” of theirs that I am looking forward to is The Bachelor Pad. Why not have all of those crazy fame mongers (gals and guys) square off in a Big Brother style locale, sequestered like High School Reunion, with all of their baggage and no where to go like Survivor? It seems like more of a return to Paradise Hotel. Bring it on!

  3. Marisa on July 6th, 2010 10:58 am

    HA! Sorry, Kath!

    But yeah, I agree. I actually liked Vienna when I watched her on THE BACHELOR. To me, it seemed like a lot of the girls saw her spark with Jake and didn’t like her personality, so they spent much of their time trying to get her out of the competition. (including Ali, which made me wonder WTF she must have been thinking to have one of her final episodes cut by 1/3 of the time for that Jake/Vienna reunion)

    But man, Jake came off looking like an asshole. She’s right, he needs someone who has no opinions or backbone, because he clearly wasn’t okay with her having a brain of her own. And I do believe her that she was afraid of physical violence.

    @DC- THE BACHELOR PAD looks insanely, awesomely, trashy. I cannot wait!

  4. Kath (GMMR) on July 6th, 2010 7:40 pm

    @DC – “Paradise Hotel”, god I loved that shit show!

  5. John Kirby on July 6th, 2010 8:01 pm

    He’s gay, right? Frustrated at being in the closet. Angry at himself, not Vienna, for choosing to live a lie. We’ve all been there, Jake.