Joel McHale, Zachary Quinto, Colin Hanks: TV Tweets of the Past 24 Hours - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

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Joel McHale, Zachary Quinto, Colin Hanks: TV Tweets of the Past 24 Hours

July 7, 2010 by  

Every day, GIVE ME MY REMOTE scours the web to find the best TV-related tweets of the past 24 hours, so you can enjoy them all with just one easy click.

Occasionally something newsworthy will slip in here, but you know, not often…

Yes, Joel McHale (COMMUNITY), you will weep when you see TOY STORY 3. But after this tweet, we no longer want to be the shoulder you’re leaning on in the theater: @joelmchale: So many people have told me how bad they cried during Toy Story 3 that I’m a little scared. You see, I poop when I cry.

Former HEROES star Zachary Quinto tries to bribe MODERN FAMILY star Jesse Tyler Ferguson… then he remembers he don’t got no job: @ZacharyQuinto: @jessetyler i will pay you a million dollars. oh wait. my show got cancelled. i will pay you a hundred dollars.

The glamorous life of an actor, via THE GOOD GUYS star Colin Hanks: @Colin_Hanks: It’s not even 10 AM and I’ve already had five cups of Gatorade. #actingwhiledehydrated

BONES star Joel David Moore has an interesting take on Lindsay Lohan’s upcoming time behind bars: @joeldavidmoore: This just in: Jail has been sentenced to 90 days of Lindsay Lohan.

HAVEN star Eric Balfour tells Jose Molina (a writer on HAVEN) what he’s up to while not working: @ERICBALFOUR: @JoseMolinaTV I’m in New York and I’m already drubnk and going to gay night at The Box. Whoo!!!

Have a favorite tweet of the day that we missed?

Make sure to let us know in the comments section!

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Filed under TV Tweets


One Response to “Joel McHale, Zachary Quinto, Colin Hanks: TV Tweets of the Past 24 Hours”

  1. McHale Fan on July 8th, 2010 2:10 am

    Love Joel David Moore’s Tweet. Very funny.