GLEE's Chris Colfer on his First Emmy Nod: 'I just collapsed on my living room floor... I'm in complete shock right now' - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

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GLEE’s Chris Colfer on his First Emmy Nod: ‘I just collapsed on my living room floor… I’m in complete shock right now’

July 8, 2010 by  

Chris Colfer is having quite the year. He’s strutted his stuff in 10-inch Lady Gaga heels, traveled to the White House to chill with President Obama, met Ms. Oprah Winfrey and earned a fan in Madonna.

But this morning (July 8), the 20-year-old GLEE star from Clovis, California — who was cool enough to meet me at the bar for some “underage drinking” a couple months back — got the television industry’s official seal of approval with a Primetime Emmy Award nomination for Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Comedy Series.

Say wha–?! was Chris’ reaction to the news, being the humble kid that he is.

But was he truly surprised?

Chris took the time to chat with me during this crazy, special day and I asked him…

Chris Colfer:
Oh, thank you, I’m so excited.

Now, I’m sure you knew the nominations were this morning, so did you stay up all night?
I knew they were this morning. I did get some sleep though. But with these awards shows, when you know you have a chance of being nominated [you do get anxious]. I think I was more worried about the show than I was about myself. I mean, my own nomination was a complete surprise, but I was a little nervous for the show.

Was it really a complete surprise? You didn’t expect your nod at all?
I mean, I knew there was a possibility because I’m on TV — for one… it helps if you’re on TV — and I knew that I had been mentioned in everyone’s prediction polls and whatnot. So I knew there could be a chance, but I never really thought about it, because I didn’t want to jinx myself or be disappointed, so I really was surprised and I’m in complete shock right now.

Did you watch the nominations live on TV or did you get a phone call?
I wasn’t watching. I got a phone call from my publicist and they told me the news and then I just collapsed on my living room floor and laid there for like an hour.

So, you’re home in L.A. right now?
Yeah, I’m in L.A.

That’s great, because I know you’ve been traveling like crazy for the show over the past couple months.
Yeah, we’re like The Jacksons. We’ve just been everywhere.

Well, it’s cool that you’re in town to celebrate. Who’s the first person you called after finding out you were nominated?
I called my parents first and then [my] aunts and uncles and then old friends and, like, the lunch lady and teachers from my hometown and pretty much everyone I’ve ever met.

And how about Ryan Murphy or Brad Falchuk or Dante Di Loreto or any of your fellow cast members?
Yeah, I saw all of them this morning because we went to Paramount to do like a press junket of sorts. Everyone is ecstatic and excited and we all couldn’t be happier.

What about Mike O’Malley, your TV dad? How cool is it that he got a nod for Outstanding Guest Actor?
I think I’m more excited about his nomination than mine, just because I feel like, without him, there’s no way I would’ve personally been nominated. We have such great chemistry. And he’s the type of guy that just puts everything into everything he does. He deserves it so much, I’m so happy for him. I know I’m not really related to him, but I feel like a proud son.

Now that you’ve been nominated, which episode will you submit for the Academy to vote on?
Um, well, what do you think?

You know, it’s interesting, because GLEE is obviously in the comedy category, but–
–my best stuff is dramatic.

Yeah, so much of your best stuff is dramatic, so it’s a bit of a tough decision.
Right. I think right now I’m leaning towards “Laryngitis” when I did “Pink Houses” and “Rose’s Turn” just because there are funny elements in that and it gives a good contrast of the character, so that’s what I have my eye on right now.

That’s a perfect choice. Kurt going all butch on us and dating Brittany was hilarious, and then there was that very poignant scene with Mike too. That will represent you well. Now, tell me, have you sized up your competitors?
You know, I’m honestly not expecting anything whatsoever. Just to be a part of the category is amazing. Every one of [the nominees], I know personally, and every one of them is a great person and just great to hang out with. Like, I’ve known [MODERN FAMILY’s] Jesse [Tyler Ferguson] for awhile and Neil [Patrick Harris], you know, I got to work with him on [GLEE], so there’s no way that winning the award could make me happier than I am now, just being nominated.

I do, yes, of course. To be with them in their category, knowing what their capability is, it’s so surreal to think that I’m a part of that.

So, kids, what do you think?

Are you as happy for the sweet Chris Colfer as we are?

And do you think “Laryngitis” is the right episode for him to submit for contention? Or do you have another suggestion?

Let’s talk it out in the comments section…

2010 Primetime Emmy Nods: Our Pumped and Pissed Listss
TV Tweets: Emmy Nomination Reactions

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Filed under #1 featured, Emmys, Glee


55 Responses to “GLEE’s Chris Colfer on his First Emmy Nod: ‘I just collapsed on my living room floor… I’m in complete shock right now’”

  1. Danielle Turchiano on July 8th, 2010 7:55 pm

    That is the PERFECT photo of him to go with this article. I love him and am so happy he got the accolades he deserves. I want to party with CC!

  2. Simone on July 8th, 2010 8:06 pm

    Laryngitis is the perfect choice for him! It shows his range and acting the best

  3. Bearly.Sara on July 8th, 2010 8:06 pm

    I am so happy for him! He’s from my hometown, so it’s great to see someone from a (smaller) place doing something extraordinary! Way to go, CC!

  4. Rosemary Kelly on July 8th, 2010 8:09 pm

    JOY! So wonderful. Such a talent ( it’s a huge wonderful talented bunch, that Glee group!) So well deserved! Such a great story line, such moving performances. I wish Glee was watched by every North American!
    Well done, hooray! Thank you.

  5. Laurissa on July 8th, 2010 8:10 pm

    I think “Laryngitis” is absolutely perfect for him to submit! I think Chris is so amazing and he does such a good job on the show! Big CONGRATULATIONS!

  6. Jason Canhoto on July 8th, 2010 8:13 pm

    I totally believe that “Funk” and “Home” were his best performances! He gave so much emotion in his scenes!

  7. Estaban on July 8th, 2010 8:15 pm

    My favorite episode in the one with the “sing-off” where Kurt sang “Defying Gravity”. There was so much emotion in Kurt’s performance, it made me cry. I watched it over and over again.

  8. Kaelee on July 8th, 2010 8:16 pm

    Larygitis is THEEEE perfect episode to submit!!!
    Chris is sooo talented, and humble.
    I hope he wins(:

  9. Mary Anne Bruno on July 8th, 2010 8:17 pm

    “Laryngitis” is a great choice! I agree that it best shows his range. I am so excited for him. He is my favorite character and always cracks me up. I love his chemistry with Mercedes. And those scenes with Mike O’Malley made me cry. They were so poignant.

  10. Aliceisn'tmyname on July 8th, 2010 8:20 pm

    I’d go with Preggers, if I were him. Just cause you can’t really watch that episode and not fall in love with Kurt. And the coming out scene was so, SO nicely done.

  11. Ashley on July 8th, 2010 8:20 pm

    I honestly thought the episode Laryngitis was horrible… I was bored out of my mind watching it and didn’t laugh at all. I think the Lady Gaga episode would be much better.

  12. Helen on July 8th, 2010 8:22 pm

    Oh, absolutely Laryngitis. This is a comedy actor nom and that episode had it all, comedy, drama, great singing, family bonding, and Kurt’s killer fashion sense. *THUD* Congrats, Chris, on your well deserved Emmy nomination!

  13. EMB on July 8th, 2010 8:28 pm

    I also vote for Preggers. It’s a better episode on a whole than Laryngitis, and it’s got enough range of funny and poignant to really show CC’s strengths. “Can I pee first?” Brilliant.

  14. Bilga on July 8th, 2010 8:28 pm

    congratulations! 😀
    “Laryngitis” is a good choice..
    and i really love his version of “Defying Gravity”
    soo ahh-mazing!

  15. Megan on July 8th, 2010 8:32 pm

    I love Chris Colfer so much! He’s so talented and he deserves every bit of his nomination. Glee is such an amazing show and I’ve been a Gleek since the Pilot. 🙂

  16. Galvin on July 8th, 2010 8:33 pm

    Loved “Single Ladies”!!

  17. Chris Garcia on July 8th, 2010 8:36 pm

    PLEASE TELL HIM TO THINK ABOUT the episode when he and Brittany made up just to prove to his dad that he could also be a tough guy as what his dad wants, i think if i’m not mistaken it’s about the “BAD REPUTATIONS” episode TO SUBMIT TO THE EMMY’S TO VOTE ON… I really loved how his dad accepted just the way he really was after he sang alone on stage… 😀

  18. Marianne on July 8th, 2010 8:39 pm

    I think Preggers would be a good choice. Not only do you have the comedy aspect with the Single Ladies Dance…but you have the dramatic aspect with coming out to his dad…

  19. Wendy from Aus on July 8th, 2010 8:41 pm

    I think Chris is the most amazing actor! So many moments to choose from but I really loved the seen with Kurt and Finn in the bedroom where Finn gets all homophobic and Kurt’s dad steps in on the defense. Really shows why both were nominated. Much credit for a great voice and awesome dance talent. This show really is a great showcase of pure talent and I’m glad Chris has been recognised. I will be watching and holding my breath for him and the entire show.

  20. fiona on July 8th, 2010 8:45 pm

    Congrats Chris, you deserves every bit of his nomination,well done ……. all the Glee cast are deserving …..

  21. Lori on July 8th, 2010 8:46 pm

    I loved “Home” the most. That was the episode that really made me fall on love with Kurt’s character. When he sang that song, I was totally blown away. I was obsessed by it and listened to it over and over for weeks. It wasn’t just his gorgeous voice, but the emotion involved. Amazing!

  22. Stephanie on July 8th, 2010 8:48 pm

    I love Chris Colfer! He is an outstanding actor and he seems like a really genuine guy. I loved Laryngitis and Preggers, they were both really great and showcased him really well. I really hope he wins this, you deserve it Chris!!

  23. Charlie on July 8th, 2010 8:51 pm

    you are simply amazing and totally deserve this.
    I expect much more amazing things from you in the future 😉 can’t wait!

    also, I vote for ‘Preggers’!

  24. anna on July 8th, 2010 8:55 pm

    i amso incredibly happy for him! and i think larengytis is the perfect episode!!

  25. Chris Garcia on July 8th, 2010 8:55 pm

    I’m sorry i cannot find the right answer but i think I really love the episode like how his dad accepted just the way he really was after he sang alone on stage… 😀

  26. KimiTheJazzDiva on July 8th, 2010 9:04 pm

    Chris is the whole she-bang (that is either a pun or a misnomer!) I love him! I love all my gays. Chris is at the top of the list, even above NPH, although NPH was the bomb as a guest on the show, as was Kristin Chenoweth. But, back to Chris, honey, Laryngitis is the episode to go with, but I loved the Power of Madonna episode. I listen to the CDs constantly. Can’t wait for the DVD! Good luck! XOXOXO

  27. Bery on July 8th, 2010 9:16 pm

    YESS! Perfect nomination for the emmys, this guy is fantastic, he’s made a huge name for himself in only his very first acting job, he reeks talent!!

    That was a fun interview, thanks for sharing 🙂

  28. amy on July 8th, 2010 9:20 pm

    OMDFGHJREXHR RHRXHAWHRUA WA RXUWHR CWA W`XR ZAWHXWR ` ZX RZHXARHUAXTGET AZRWXRG 4CVX QWGXRJEW RC`R !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH MY CHRISNESS :D!!!!!!! WOOOOOOOO!!!! SOOOO DESERVED!!! XD LOVE YA CHRIS d:¬PX X X X X X X X X X X X XX *dances around her room lika looney tuney* x x xx x x x x x x x x xx x x x x x x xx x x x xx x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x xx x x x x x x x x x x

  29. Sandra on July 8th, 2010 9:22 pm

    ‘Preggers’ and the ‘Defying Gravity’ episode were the best ones…among others, of course !! Chris has the most amazingly beautiful voice and i think he should get A LOT MORE solos!!! He has the best voice out of everyone and he deserves to be heard on his own MORE !!! Congratulations on your nomination, we think you are already a winner !! xoxo

  30. Sandra felty on July 8th, 2010 9:22 pm

    I think that Preggars would be the episode to submit. The award is for comedic performance, and his “single ladies” was genius. If I am not mistaken that was also the episode where he came out to his father, so it had a great dramatic storyline as well. Laryngitis actually didn’t do much for me. I didn’t even like the songs in it much.

  31. Christopher Lynch on July 8th, 2010 9:32 pm

    I love love LOVE Chris Colfer and it was such a delight he was nominated! I have really Fallen more in love with his performances-they just get better and better! I love all the scenes with his dad and I think “HOME” was just perfect. I see a lot of me back then in him now. He has to win!

  32. jimena on July 8th, 2010 9:37 pm

    Laryngitis is one of my favorites episodes!! I loved Rose’s Turn and I think it’s a great choice!! Thumbs up for Chris!! he deserves this nomination so much!

  33. Jake P. on July 8th, 2010 9:41 pm

    Awesome! Kurt is one of my favorite characters on the show, and Chris definitely deserved the nomination. I like his choice of episode, and even though “Laryngitis” didn’t do much for me as a whole, I think it gives a good representation of Chris’s range as an actor, especially considering that he’s being nominated in the “Comedy” category.

  34. anita on July 8th, 2010 9:46 pm

    Laryngitis is my absolute least favorite episode. He needs to pick the work that shows his talent the best. If he feels it’s laryngitis then that’s what he should go with. He has a variety of work to choose from and I’m sure he knows his craft best. Very happy for Chris Colfer and all the folks on Glee.

  35. Jim on July 8th, 2010 9:59 pm

    As one of the 50+ age group of Gleeks, and also as a parent, I have to say that my favorite episode with Chris was “Preggers,” but the one that I would recommend was “Wheels” where Chris got to sing “Defying Gravity” with Lea Michelle. According to Chris’s bio on the Glee website, he had asked to sing “Defying Gravity” every year that he was in his high school choir at the year end performance, and was turned down each time because “it was a girl’s song.” Mike O’Malley’s performance in that episode was on the same level as his performance in “Preggers” and all-in-all, I believe that this episode best shows all of Kurt’s character, as portrayed by Chris. Thank you Chris for your outstanding work. God Bless you.

  36. Kath on July 8th, 2010 10:42 pm

    Oh my goodness I could not heart him more! What a lovely and humble young man! (Yes, I just called him “young man” because he’s so polite and seems so sweet and genuine!)

    And I am so very pleased with Mike O’Malley’s nomination too!!

  37. Samantha Miley on July 8th, 2010 10:56 pm

    I’m ecstatic! I’m so happy for Chris!!! Kurt is one of my favorite characters on the show, and I just adore Chris. I think “Laryngitis” is a great choice. And if he chose any other episode, I think I’d vote for “Preggers” where he does the “Single Ladies” dance and joins the football team. That episode has so many hilarious moments and lines delivered by Kurt, as well as his emotional coming out scene with his Dad. So, yeah….

  38. Sara on July 8th, 2010 11:31 pm


  39. DeAnn on July 8th, 2010 11:31 pm

    I agree with Jim, the episode where he sang Defying Gravity with Lea Michele was nearly perfect, as was Preggers, because we got to see Kurt teach the football team to dance to Single Ladies, which was hilarious! Also, his coming out to his dad in that episode was just poignant and beautiful. WAY TO GO Chris! Congratulations!

  40. Sara on July 8th, 2010 11:32 pm


  41. Kristina on July 8th, 2010 11:37 pm

    definately ‘Single Ladies’..whenever I hear the song I think of Kurt..Beyonce who??

  42. Ramona on July 8th, 2010 11:40 pm

    Preggers!!!! It is the episode that sold me on Kurt!!! His determination, his willingness to try footbal HIS WAY, his vulnerability, it’s all heart!!! Submit this!!!

  43. Peafrog on July 9th, 2010 12:09 am

    When I think they created that role for him, I am just so happy for him. I am a single working mother (widow) just trying to get by like everyone else and when I get home, kick the cat (kidding), make dinner, fold laundry, and then turn on Glee, it makes me happy. Tell the creators and cast that when I watch their show I smile the whole time (well, not when Rachel got egged 🙁 but you know what I mean); their show makes me really happy and has given me something to look forward too. THANK YOU.

  44. Allen on July 9th, 2010 2:18 am

    Definitely “Single Ladies” when he sees his dad in the stands, does his warm up kicks, ask if he can pee first, does the dance, kicks the ball, wins the game and then His father’s reaction in the crowd. I have played that clip over about 30 times and it makes me laugh and then cry. I feel the same kind of pride his father felt when he kicked the winning field goal…Go Kurt!

  45. Jayne on July 9th, 2010 5:38 am

    I personally like “Wheels” …Not just ’cause I’m in a wheelchair and it makes my brethren look good, lol, but because Chris did “Defying Gravity” in that one and KICKED BUTT!!! Such a pretty song and he made it EVEN BETTER!!!

  46. janicke73 on July 9th, 2010 6:07 am

    congratulations to you Colfer! love your performance & the show so much. “the Single Ladies-episode” was hilarious & your scenes with O’Malley deeply touching & quirky at the same time, however one doesn’t get your top singing in that episode so I totally agree with the “Laryngitis” pick, if not the one where we get that painfully beautiful version of “Defying Gravity”! the latter is definitely one of my (many 8) favorites on the soundtrack. either way, best of luck to you, both in your private endeavors & on the the set/stage! can’t wait to see more from you all again / gleek-cheers from Zürich, Switzerland

  47. Sandy Mitchell on July 9th, 2010 8:38 am

    I’m thrilled Chris was nominated; he’s my favorite character. There are so many episodes where he stole the show; Laryngitis was not one of my favorite episodes. His singing A House is Not a Home in the Home episode was so beautiful it made me want to get an IPOD just to download that song. Defying Gravity also showcased his talent. But no matter the episode, I’m rooting for him to win.

  48. Amanda on July 9th, 2010 9:31 am

    Congrats to Chris!!!! I’ll definitely be rooting for him to win, he is sooooo amazing on Glee! Laryngitis was a great ep for him, but so were Theatricality and Preggers. So hard to choose!

  49. a gleek from England on July 9th, 2010 10:57 am

    he should put forward ‘Home’! he was amazing in that ep!! i love him soooo much! (L) hes got my votes!!

  50. Gaby Goubaud on July 9th, 2010 12:58 pm

    OMG!!!!!!!!! i sooo hope he wins he totally deserves it!!!!!!!i loved him in the gag episode and in wheels love ya kurt/chris

  51. Johanna on July 9th, 2010 1:39 pm

    Chris is amazing! Congrats for the nomination, I hope he wins, he deserves it. Laryngitis is the way to go, his best performance the whole season by far.

  52. elise on July 9th, 2010 6:35 pm

    Chris is pure wow factor to me to me so I’m happy as hell Laryngitis is a great one to pick 🙂 <3

  53. Megan on July 9th, 2010 8:45 pm

    Chris was the one actor i was most surprised about getting a nod, but I’m so happy for him because he is so funny!!! i wish they didn’t have to submit just one episode because if he didn’t, i would compose a video of his funniest/dramatic moments all in one, for example, i would put in when he came out to his dad & when he gave up the Defying Gravity for his Dad for dramatic, at least, and for funny i would put “Can i pee first?” scene & “oh, Bambi, I cried so hard when those huns shot your mommy.” from Rhodes Not Taken because i crack up every time i see that scene & Emma’s reaction!!

    But all in all, Chris congrats on being nominated & the rest of the cast for their own nods as while!! YAY GLEE!!!!!

  54. Evangeline on July 9th, 2010 9:38 pm

    Chris Colfer is just amazing. He deserves that nomination and a thousand more. I loved Laryngitis and I think it is a great choice. Yet I also think that scene in Theatricallity with his dad is just stunning.

  55. hamai on July 10th, 2010 2:26 pm

    Chirs Colfer is by far my favorite character on Glee and def deserved this nomination. “Laryngitis” is a good one for showing his rang but I think that “Preggers” “Theatricality” or “Wheeles” may be a better pick for him to show. “Preggers” has all the comedy from “Single lades” down to the “Can I pee first” and the coming out to his dad was very heartfull. “Theatricality” has that scene with him Cory and Mike in his room defending him. “Wheeles” is personally mi second favorite ep from him, with all the emotion of him singing his favorite all time “Wicked” song “Defying Gravity” and how he blew it to protect his dad from the phone calls about his son bein a fag. I’m expecting great things from him in the future and hopeing more solos in the show. Congrats again and you have my vote!!!