THE GOOD GUYS: Pictures From Tonight's Episode - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

Friday, March 14, 2025

THE GOOD GUYS: Pictures From Tonight’s Episode

July 19, 2010 by  

You guys know that FOX is airing a new episode of THE GOOD GUYS tonight, right?

And while we’ve already shown you some Emmy-worthy video clips of the hour, we figured we’d show you some photos of what will go down, too.

Oh, and in case you want to be able to better spot the special guest star (aka the blue blur), a shot of me with the real star of the show…the car.

Will you be watching THE GOOD GUYS tonight?

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Filed under The Good Guys


4 Responses to “THE GOOD GUYS: Pictures From Tonight’s Episode”

  1. Bruce_F on July 19th, 2010 1:32 pm

    Yeah, I’ll be watching. It’s not the greatest show in the world but it’s worth it just to see Bradley Whitford do his thing and to hear all the ridiculous things that pop out of his mouth.

    Nice picture, btw. Maybe next time they’ll let you “bust some punks.” 😛

  2. ForensicMama on July 19th, 2010 3:10 pm

    AWESOME!!! I love what they did to your hair lol! This is the best thing ever! hehe 🙂

  3. Marisa on July 19th, 2010 7:16 pm

    @Bruce_F- Thanks! My goal is to find a show that’ll let me kick some butt. Or be a fake cop so I can have a fake gun.

    @ForensicMama- HA! Glad you like my hair. I actually did it myself while half asleep at like 5:45 in the morning!

  4. Summer on July 20th, 2010 6:04 pm

    As a whole, do you think this show is getting any better? Do you think it will be renewed? I like Whitford and Hanks and think they would be well suited for a buddy cop movie (a la Lethal Weapon, without as much crazy), but this tv show is a little weak to me. Maybe the one hour each week premise is stretching thin…