BACHELOR PAD WTF Moment of the Week: Bad Romance - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

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BACHELOR PAD WTF Moment of the Week: Bad Romance

August 10, 2010 by  

ABC really gave us no time to miss THE BACHELOR franchise after last week’s THE BACHELORETTE finale, did they?

But ready or not, BACHELOR PAD premiered Monday night and the drama was present, right from the start.

I figured things were going to be trashtastically crazy from the promos.

But what I didn’t realize was that many of the contestants already knew each other and there were already a few established relationships.

Juan and Nikki hooked up and it ended badly. Apparently he only slept with her so he’d have a place to stay when he visited her hometown.

Um, ouch.

Needless to say, neither was particularly thrilled to see the other.

Jesse K. and Elizabeth had been dating for a couple months — casually in his mind, but she was in love with him. Since the rules of the game state that the women get to decide which men will be voted off each week — and vice versa — Jesse K. quickly decided that having Elizabeth around was going to be a problem for him, because the other girls would be more hesitant to approach him.

Silly boy.

Didn’t he realize that pissing Elizabeth off meant that he also risked pissing off all of her friends, which increased his chances of getting axed?

Clearly he didn’t.

In fact, the only reason he stayed around was because Elizabeth assured her friends that she wasn’t ready for him to leave. But he’s going to have to kiss some major behind — or win some challenges — if he hopes to keep his BACHELOR PAD dreams alive.

Jesse B. and Natalie had mad chemistry from the start and were apparently hooking up after the second day in the house. But their new closeness had several of their competitors realizing that breaking up some of the couples in the house could be beneficial to their game.

Speaking of couples, the creepiest duo award goes to Craig M. and Michelle. Craig M. is the dude whom Jonathon (the Weatherman, who is also a contestant on BACHELOR PAD) deemed dangerous during this last BACHELORETTE run. Michelle is the crazy girl from Jake’s season.

And the two of them got together.

Tenley told several BACHELOR PAD contestants that she heard Craig M. and Michelle hooking up on the first night. Michelle denied it — and locked Tenley in a bathroom to confront her about the rumors.

However, after Craig M. cast his vote to kick Michelle out, he told the camera crew he felt guilty, because “I’m her bunk buddy, you know what I mean?”


And he fibbed straight to Michelle’s face when she questioned whether he voted her out. Let’s hope Jessie — who received a rose, which kept her safe this week — is smart enough to resist him, because she seemed to be digging the liar during their date.

A highlight of the evening? The Weatherman’s commentary after Michelle was booted: “There weren’t enough roses for all of Michelle’s personalities. Besides, it’s hard to put a rose on a straight-jacket.”


We’re taking bets on whether he and Craig M. will come to blows this season.

And since Juan was voted off this week, it will be interesting to see how much longer Jesse K. sticks around. My gut says he’ll get burned for the way he treated Elizabeth. Women have a hard time forgetting these things.

P.S. Tenley, slow down on the drinks, lady. Are you trying to be the REAL WORLD Ruthie of this reality show?

What did you think of the BACHELOR PAD series premiere?

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Filed under #1 featured, Bachelor Pad


One Response to “BACHELOR PAD WTF Moment of the Week: Bad Romance”

  1. Emily on August 10th, 2010 1:33 pm

    I enjoy the Bachelor/Bachelorette…just for a guilty pleasure and mindless entertainment so I thought I’d at least give this show a try. But after last night, I’m just not sure how I’m supposed to enjoy it when there’s not one likeable person on there. I guess I’ll give it one more week but then I may bail.