Who Won SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE Season 7? - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

Friday, March 14, 2025


August 12, 2010 by  

The seventh season of SO YOU  THINK YOU CAN DANCE certainly had its ups, downs and, oh yeah, all those injuries.

But who would be named America’s Favorite Dancer?

Would it be contemporary jazz dancer Kent Boyd? Contemporary jazz dancer Lauren Froderman? Or perhaps contemporary dancer Robert Roldan?

Keep reading to find out who took home the title…

With Robert the first contestant to be eliminated, it all came down to Kent and Lauren.

Only fitting it came down to those two, right?

But there can only be one winner of SYTYCD and season 7’s champ is Lauren!

To celebrate her win, GIVE ME MY REMOTE is looking back at some of our favorite Lauren moments, including her initial audition and her hip hop routine with tWitch.

Check it out…



Make sure to keep checking in with GMMR, because Korbi is backstage at the SYTYCD finale to chat up the judges and finalists after the show!

Are you happy Lauren won? Or was your favorite robbed?

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5 Responses to “Who Won SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE Season 7?”

  1. Kath on August 12th, 2010 10:45 pm

    Thanks so much for that. I never watch the audition weeks so it was great to see where Lauren came from!

    The best dancer (because Alex Wong never got to prove if he was or not!) won!


  2. Tanya on August 12th, 2010 11:13 pm

    I was shocked Lauren won, because I was sure Kent had it in the bag – however I would have been happy to see either of them win. I’ve loved them both since the auditions! I wish it could have been a tie!

    Can’t wait til next season so Alex Freakin’ Wong can come back and claim the title he (in all probibility) would have won this year!

  3. Kelsey on August 13th, 2010 2:57 pm

    I am so proud of Lauren for winning America’s favorite dancer! Lauren will be joining 6 finalist and 5 All-stars on tour! Too see her perform live check out dance.aeglive.com for tickets and additional information!

  4. toast with JAM on August 13th, 2010 5:21 pm

    Great outcome, felt bad for Kent who really had everything to lose since they put him out there as the favorite week after week….but just remember Kent, Travis Wall and Neil Haskell both came up short of victory also! They seem to be doing pretty good!

  5. Hillary on August 17th, 2010 5:27 pm

    I’m not so sure that Alex would have gone all the way even with out the injury. This show is called So You Think You Can Dance and he can DEFINITELY dance. However, the judges and the show itself looks for more than just dancing ability. They also look for personality and I’m not so sure that Alex had the personality. Althought, the audiencemay have voted him through solely on his stellar contemporary dancing skills.