FRINGE's John Noble on His 'Disappointing' Emmy Snub and Season 3 - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

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FRINGE’s John Noble on His ‘Disappointing’ Emmy Snub and Season 3

August 29, 2010 by  

Despite our passionate pleas, one name that won’t be called out during tonight’s Emmy broadcast is that of FRINGE star, John Noble.

Yeah, I’m still bitter about that.

And while Noble himself isn’t bitter, he told me he was disappointed that he wasn’t among the nominees.

Sigh. Bad Emmy voters.

Thankfully, it seems like Noble will have a ton of Emmy-worthy scenes in the upcoming third season of FRINGE, so here’s hoping they don’t ignore him next year.

But what did he spill about the new season?

Check it out…

How is the new season of FRINGE going so far?
John Noble:
So far so good. It’s almost like we didn’t take a hiatus and everyone’s in full-form. The writers are very excited. So, the answer is really, seriously, it feels like it’s going as well as ever.

It’s been reported we’re going to switch back and forth between “our” universe and the alternate universe every other episode. Do you know if it’s going to continue that way for the entire season?
Certainly in the first half of the season. Where we go from there, we’re still discussing. It’s an interesting experiment. But Walternate is very much alive and appearing in the first half of the season. We spend time in both universes. I don’t know where we’ll go after that.

And obviously the alternate universe Olivia has infiltrated our team. Will Walter be the first one to suspect something is up, seeing as he has the most experience with that AU?
Walter — when he gets his mind off his own problems and his own concerns — then he’s going to start to twinge [that something is off with the AU Olivia]. He will. We’re still working out exactly when that will start to happen in the first portion of the season, certainly, he’ll start to notice things. He’ll doubt himself, of course.

And how about the Peter-Walter dynamic? How is that in season 3?
It’s one of the major issues we face. Joshua [Jackson] and I talk about it every day, to get it right. I think it’s a fantastic opportunity for us to chase that arc further. We literally say, “What would we do? What would we have happen here?” He and I say this, and we work so hard together as well.

You do have amazing chemistry together.
We’re very good friends.

What would you like to see happen for Walter this season? Would you like to see him face off against Walternate?
Wouldn’t that be fun? We gave payoff [last year] because people wanted to see William Bell and Walter [together] and they did. And we saw Olivia and Olivia face off, which was pretty cool. I think the audience will — I think the audience does have some say in that. I know they’re going to want that payoff between the two. And they’re going to want our Walter to kick that Walter’s ass.

I will say I was incredibly disappointed when you weren’t nominated for an Emmy this past year. Was it something that you put a lot of thought into?
I do. I do. [long pause] It was a shock. It was a shock to us all. We have to move on. I won’t say I didn’t spend two days being shocked. But I can’t stay there. You have to move on. It was disappointing.

I don’t know if you’ve seen the “Many Dimensions of Walter” video FOX put out, but it did an amazing job of showcasing how much you have to do in the series.
Was it that good?

It was amazing. And I will be rooting for an Emmy nod for you in 2011.
Thank you!

Make sure to keep checking Give Me My Remote because we’ll be rolling out our on-the-set coverage of FRINGE as we get closer to the season premiere!

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Filed under Emmys, Fox, Fringe

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