Who Won HOH on BIG BROTHER? - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

Sunday, March 16, 2025


September 2, 2010 by  

Only two more weeks until the last houseguest exits the house and the winner of BIG BROTHER is named. But before we can get to the winner we need to get rid of another roomie and the new Head of Household needs to take over the crown.

Before we get to the eviction and winner of the HOH competition, we needs to first head over to the jury house.

After last week’s double eviction, it was Matt and Brendon’s turn to enter the BB12 jury house. Rachel and Kathy waited with much anticipation to find out who they’d be living with over the next few weeks.

Rachel’s evil smirk let us know just how happy she was that her nemesis Matt was out of the game. But when her boyfriend Brendon followed in just a little while later, she was none too pleased. I think she was happy to see him (who really knows), but not happy that he had been eliminated from the game.

Here’s to hoping Big Brother provides earplugs, because without the cameras around, I’m thinking Brenchel is going to get our of control with the sexage. Poor Matt and Kathy.

Oh wait, not poor Matt. I forgot I was mad at him…and I’m not the only one.

During tonight’s show, Matt revealed to Kathy, Brendon and Rachel that he was lying about his wife’s disease and that she wasn’t sick at all. How about that bomb?

Kathy, a cancer survivor who battled the disease for more than 10 years was visibly shaken and absolutely disgusted that Matt would go that far for the sake of a game. He smugly tried to plead his case but she wasn’t having it. Kathy was more fired up in that moment than during any of her time in the BIG BROTHER house. I don’t think this is one of those ‘forgive and forget’ moments. As devastated as Kathy was, just wait until next week when Ragan finds out the extent of Matt’s betrayal.

Well, I guess I let the cat out of the bag with that one. Yes, Ragan was evicted from the BIG BROTHER house tonight. He went out on a high note with a great speech. The goodbye messages from the remaining houseguests let us in on how much he was liked.

Don’t feel too sorry for Ragan. Let’s not forget that he’s going home with $20k for successfully pulling off his Saboteur duties. And he still has a (long) shot at winning the $25k for being America’s Favorite Player.

As Julie Chen signed off tonight, Enzo, Britney and Hayden were competing for the all important Head of Household. Tonight’s winner will secure a place in the final three and still be eligible to play in next week’s final HOH competition.

We’re going to be keeping track of the HOH competition via the live feeds, so keep checking back to GIVE ME MY REMOTE for an update on who won.

UPDATE: The contest is over…Hayden is the new HOH!

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