FRINGE: Olivia is Not Quite Herself - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

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FRINGE: Olivia is Not Quite Herself

September 24, 2010 by  

Oh boy.

When Joshua Jackson told me that season 3 was all about Olivia and her arc, he wasn’t kidding.

Last we saw our girl, Walternate had trapped her in a mysterious room in the alternate universe. Meanwhile, Fauxlivia returned to our universe with an unsuspecting Peter and Walter, successfully infiltrating our world.

So what did the season premiere bring us?

Turns out, our Olivia acting like our Olivia was just the thing to turn our Olivia into Fauxlivia.


Our Olivia was able to withstand Walternate’s drugging — which was intended to give her Fauxlivia’s memories/personality — but as soon as she escaped, the adrenaline from said escape helped the drugs cross the final barrier into Olivia’s system. So, unfortunately for her, she actually started to assume Fauxlivia’s memories while she was on the run. And with the two Olivias’ memories dueling inside our Olivia’s head, when she thought of a “safe” place, it was the home of Fauxlivia’s mother.

It was heartbreaking to see Olivia reunite with her “mother,” right? As Olivia kept going in and out of awareness of which personality she actually was, our girl — who lost her mom when she was younger — struggled with the denial, but Fauxlivia’s memories eventually won and she tearfully embraced her mother.

And it certainly appears that our Olivia has now been completely overtaken by Fauxlivia’s personality and frame of reference, which will increase the drama for the inevitable reunion between her and the people in our universe. Especially since she’s going to spend an undetermined amount of time working and living and bonding with these people from the other side. That’s gonna frak her up.

Same goes for Fauxlivia, whom we briefly saw in our universe. Peter is happily unaware that his sorta-girlfriend is actually her AU double and he’s moving forward full-steam with their relationship.

I wonder if we’re going to see loyalties flip later in the season. I wouldn’t mind seeing Fauxlivia come to “our” team, but if we lose Olivia to them…that could be a crushing blow. We spent two years watching her form these relationships on our side and to lose them all would be devastating.

But they’re not going to do that…right?

Okay, I might need some reassuring words in the comments section…

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3 Responses to “FRINGE: Olivia is Not Quite Herself”

  1. Elaine on September 24th, 2010 7:01 pm

    My encouraging words: As daffy as he is, Walter (our Walter) is also extremely sensitive. I believe he’ll be the one who begins to detect that Faux Olivia is not the real Olivia. Either that, or Olivia’s niece will be the trigger who picks up on something being…wrong. I see Walter and Peter trying to figure out a way to cross over and rescue the real Olivia, though bridging the emotional chasm of Olivia’s blended psyches will not be easy, nor will it be pretty….

  2. taxgirl on September 24th, 2010 11:34 pm

    I’m upset that JJ isn’t going to be in every episode, but I definitely have to say that last night’s show was riviting…and finally getting some JJ (and lip action to boot) was fantastic!! I can’t wait til posts video so I can watch again!(it should be up by tomorrow).

    Also…Marisa…I just caught the latest clip from your interview with Josh. Thank you so much! He is so smart, charming, and entertaining, and he really plays well off of interviewers that obviously enjoy his work (and/or him…sigh).
    He wouldn’t need to drug me…that’s for sure!

  3. Marisa Roffman on September 25th, 2010 12:58 am

    @Elaine: I don’t think you’re wrong re: Walter. It’ll be interesting to see how long it takes him to get there, though.

    @taxgirl: Thank you!!!! So glad you enjoyed it. He was an absolute pleasure to talk to, and there’s more to come from him 🙂