LOOK: New Showtime Series Explores Big Brother and Beyond - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

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LOOK: New Showtime Series Explores Big Brother and Beyond

October 8, 2010 by  

Attention BIG BROTHER fans. Though your favorite experience in voyeuristic media isn’t currently in season and you can’t fall asleep to a bunch of captive housemates caught on camera and broadcast on Showtime After Dark, the network does have a new latenight viewing option for you.

Premiering this Sunday, October 10th, at midnight, is the series, LOOK, from writer-director Adam Rifkin (UNDERDOG, ZOOM, SMALL SOLDIERS). Based on the independent film that Rifkin released in 2007, the show follows several fictional storylines, all shot using surveillance cameras, cell phone cameras and webcams.

As we’re told near the beginning of the first episode, the average American is caught on camera close to 300 times a day. Because of this, plus all the tweeting, Facebooking, texting, sexting and video chatting that people are choosing to engage in, our loss of personal privacy — both voluntary and involuntary — as well as face-to-face, old fashioned interaction is explored.

Also, it’s kind of racy and fun and not bad TV fare for pre-bedtime.

Check out the trailer…

LOOK the series premieres, Sunday, Oct. 10 at midnight on Showtime.

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Filed under Look


One Response to “LOOK: New Showtime Series Explores Big Brother and Beyond”

  1. ammo el'negro on October 14th, 2010 2:21 am

    is this a real life show or iz it fake?