GLEE’s Chord Overstreet on His Dream Love Interest
October 12, 2010 by Marisa Roffman
For a while there, rumors ran rampant that Chord Overstreet had been cast on GLEE as Kurt’s new love interest.
It now appears, however, that that won’t be the case — and Overstreet tells Give Me My Remote that he has a certain blonde in mind to turn Sam’s head.
So which lucky girl is it?
Take a look…
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I want him to be Kurts boyfriend so bad….
Surely Chord must want to be Kurts love interest rather than Quinns, he must know he’ll get way more screen time and exposure if he’s with Kurt!
If this Blaine kid is showing up as early as episode 6 or 7 as some spoilers seem to suggest then it seems unlikely.
Ha, that is the best “non-answer” I have ever heard!
Wait is he with Quinn or this sunshine chick? Either way I’m happy for him:). I love Kurt but I don’t really like him and sam together, I think they should write someone else for him :).
I was excited for Chord and Chris until heard the Darren Criss playing Kurt’s love interest rumor and I got WAY more excited for that.
he is sucks!…. i wish he were with kurts but he is not… i think he is gay, but he dont like to show n dont want to show himself as gay man… it just what i think, i want to see more n more about glee. damn it im addicted
Sam should just be with me.
Rebecca. Not only do we share the same name, but we share the same thoughts.
I really would like to see Sam with Kurt. I think it would just be so much more interesting then another football player with Quinn, that’s getting old really fast. If Sam were gay/bi i think that it would send such a positive message to viewers because he isn’t your stereotypical “gay guy”. He’s masculine, a football player, shy…i just feel like it would make for an interesting storyline. Plus Chris and Chord look gorgeous together.
I disagree. Quinn has only been with bad-ass football players! This guy is actually shy cute and kind and with everything that happened to her i’m glad they’re together at least for now :).
And I’m sick of people throwing controversial plots out just because it would make a more “interesting” storyline. I’m not implying that gays are wrong, I’m just saying that there doesn’t always need to be a gay couple on TV to make a show feel like they’re being politically correct.
Brooke! I’m soooo agreed with you! Besides, I always thought that Sam would look really really good being with Kurt, because of the note that I read, when it’s mentioned that Darren Criss it would be his match, it said that it will be like a platonic love D: And that’s sooo unfair! And also it’s unfair that he could fall in love w/Sam and he will go for Quinn! Not again, I mean! It already happened with Finn, don’t make my Kurt suffer more! He had enough, though! D:
he came out to Quinn right? He said he do put lemon on his hair?…
Its one of his darkest secret that he is very ashamed of.. HE IS GAY!.. right? right?
It either he will be with Kurt… or GAyCREEP Finn or Puck…hahah
either way.. he said he’s GAY!
he never once said he was gay lol…
Quinn was with Finn as well, and he wasnt that “bad ass” only Puck was.
but i agree with Brooke, Quinn has only been with football players, and pluse she said she didnt want to be with anyone because of the whole baby thing the year before.
and we arent saying that we want kurt and Sam to be together to be politically corect, just that Kurt desirves a little love intrest in his life, thats what most of the episode was the other night.. Hes lonley, everyone has/ had someone but him. So why not sam, we all already thought that he could be gay..
Yeah but it looks like Quinn really needs someone right now. I’m not saying Kurt deserves a love interest, i just wish they would write someone else in who is clearly gay and not with the cheerleader :P!
@jay I kept on replaying that part, the dinner with Quinn.. It seemed to me that the way he said it, that he’s implying he’s gay. He said, “I would have gotten away with it if hadn’t been for Kurt, and his sixth sense.” and at 40:18… it’s pretty gay to me..
hahah you can’t just assume someone’s gay cause they coloured their hair… and kurt never asked him if he was gay he was only asking him if he dyed his hair. just sayin lol.
Would everyone PLEASE shut up about Kurt and Sam. It’s getting really old… who even started that rumor? Sam is obviously straight…
THANK YOU @elizabeth
He was pertaining to Kurt’s six sense, though he never really said that he is gay.. as a matter of fact he denied it earlier in that conversation, yet on the later part he admit. So was he’s secret that he is ashamed of is that he dyes his hair?.. that doesn’t make any sense… AS we all know Quinn had this fear of Boys since he committed that mistake with Puck last season. Then after the conversation, why did she suddenly became comfortable with Sam. She even ask him to pay. Then why would he pretend to be a cool dude if he had been a cool dude, or at least a straight dude before WMHS, at his all-boys boarding school.. right?
haha THANK YOU @elizabeth!
Didn’t kurt say he had a sixth sense about hair dye? and if i was a guy i’d be kinda ashamed of bleaching my hair if i wasnt planning to haha he wouldn’t’ve tried to kiss quinn if he was gay…
kiissing quinn and eventually becoming her boyfriend if chances would allow, would be a great show.. making our cute quinn a beard. It would be a great cover-up on his cool dude act. right?
I would LOVE it if Sam was gay.What would be awesome is that he sees Kurt with his boyfriend and gets jealous because they were growing closer. A great gay storyline with denial, love, passion, etc. Oh that would make Glee even better and mor exciting!
Haha okay well i’m not gonna keep getting into this cause i have a life outside of glee all i’m saying is it would be nice if quinn got a good boyfriend, sam wasn’t gay, and they found someone else for kurt. just sayin.
@jay hahah.. me too, im just saying..haha but I think it would be impossible since Quinn love Puck. haha I have my life too, outside glee.. and that life would be having Final exam, 2 hours from now..
I totally agree with you. I mean this season was all about Kurt right? and his struggle of being the only gay guy in school, even i town.. So it would be best if that would happen in the show. So what do you think, is Sam gay?
I kind of like the idea of Sue…yea, a real March October romance!
OMG no if its charice or kurt i am going to die of sadness its supposed to be quinn i want sam and quinn together forever!
I ship Sam/Quinn
and Kurt/Criss
YAY! I would have it no other way !
Team Quam!
I want him to be bi. It would make for great stories and good drama btween Quinn and Kurt. Also their isn’t a lot of bisexuals on T.V. Well I guess Brittany and Santana are technically bi. Oh well whats another one lol.
The perfect situation: Sam gets with Quinn, Kurt gets with Darren’s character. As Kurt gets all cozy with his boyfriend, Sam gets jealous, kisses Kurt. Then Quinn can be devastated, run back to Puck so they can be together like they already should be, then Sam and Kurt can have their epic romance. I mean, this is TV, right?
this deeply disturbed me…
o.O sounds like my friend. 0.0 LOL anyway. i think that kurt should be with sam. and that darren criss guy can just. well. back off. =) this is just random. so you don’t have to bother to read.
NO! I want Sam and Quinn FOREVER! He is just so good to her. And I love how easy it is for him to put a smile on her face.
And you Kurt fans need to learn how to be patient. You haven’t even seen Kurt and Blaine interact yet. Who knows maybe Darren and Chirs have AMAZING chemistry. You guys don’t even know and your already shutting out the idea of the two of them being together. Personally I like the idea of Kurt being with someone who is ‘out and proud’ and a bit older then him. Kurt is such a larger then life character, I can’t imagine someone as laid back and humble as Sam making much of an impact on Kurt as a character. But someone like Blaine who sounds as if he might be able to hold his own when it comes to Kurt’s diva fits sound so much more real to me. Blaine, from what I have read, sound like an intersting worldly character who can teach Kurt a whole lot about himself and life.
Sam just really seems better suited for Quinn and her needs. And to be honest, I didn’t get the impression that he was even a little bit gay. He seem genuinly smitten with Miss Fabray. And I really don’t like how people are trying to peg everything Sam does as gay. Just because Sam lighten his hair doesn’t mean he is gay. Also just because Sam seems to be okay with Kurt being gay doesn’t mean he want to be with Kurt. That to me proved more that Sam was straight if anything. Sam is confident and comfortable with his sexuality. Sam doesn’t have a problem with Kurt being gay because he knows that he, himself is straight, and nothing Kurt could ever do will change that.
Geez… if being nice and totally unfazed by gay people means you are gay, then I must be a total lesbian. Lol, good to know I guess. Maybe I should inform my boyfriend of this when he gets home from work tonight.