BONES Season 5 DVD Giveaway
October 15, 2010 by Marisa Roffman
Update: Today is the last day to enter!
Booth and Brennan’s first case (and kiss). An exploding Santa. The return of Gordon Gordon Wyatt and Zack.
BONES season 5 comes out on DVD today and I know we’re not the only ones who can’t wait to rewatch the season, right?
So, yeah, Give Me My Remote got ahold of three copies of the BONES season 5 DVD and we want to give them away to our fabulous readers. Interested in making one of them yours?
Keep reading…
The DVD set features all 22 season 5 episodes and a bunch of cool bonus features, including:
- Extended Episodes:
- The Tough Man in the Tender Chicken
- The X in the Files
- Featurettes:
- The 100th Episode with Director David Boreanaz
- The Bodies of Bones
- The Nunchuck Way
- Commentaries:
- “The Proof in the Pudding” with Tamara Taylor, TJ Thyne, John Francis Daley and Michaela Conlin
- “The Beginning in the End” with Hart Hanson, Stephen Nathan and Ian Toynton
- Deleted Scenes
- Gag Reel
To Enter:
(1) Leave a comment below telling us what your favorite season 5 case was and why.
(2) Are you big with social networking? Head over to GMMR’s Facebook page, click “Like” and leave a comment on our wall letting us know that you are a new fan. (If you’re already following us on Facebook, just leave a comment on our wall.) Or follow @givememyremote on Twitter and RT the following: “I’ve just entered to win BONES Season 5 on DVD Giveaway from @givememyremote. Enter here:”
(3) Feeling extra creative? Subscribe to GIVE ME MY REMOTE’s official YouTube channel and upload a video on YouTube with the title “BONES’ King of the Lab – Give Me My” and tell us why you think you’re the show’s biggest fan.
Good luck!
Oh, by the way, if you want to win a trip to Las Vegas, check out the video below featuring Buckcherry’s new song, combined with footage from BONES and answer a few quick questions for your chance!
This contest is open to residents of the US and Canada only. The contest ends on Friday, October 15, 2010 at 7pm EST. Any entries received after that time will be void.
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My favorite case was in The Tough Man in the Tender Chicken…I’m not a vegetarian or vegan, but I think showing how those chickens were kept probably made a lot of people think about becoming one. I know I have become vegetarian at least 3 times a week after watching that episode!
I think season 5 was my favorite! So many amazing episodes, but I think my favorite case was from “The Boy with the Answer” with the gravedigger trial. We’ve been waiting for some follow up with that and it was a fanstastic episode for it. And it still left the possiblity for more from that storyline.
My favorite case was the JFK one in The Proof in the Pudding, because I love how passionate everyone becomes over it. Also, I love what Brennan does for Booth and Brennan and Cam’s scene at the end. Great stuff.
My favorite case of S5 was The Boy with the Answer because it helped put the gravedigger behind bars. That episode brought me on a roller coaster of emotions. I laughed, got angry, literally cried, got excited, then got unsettled at the end. See? roller coaster!
I have to go with “The parts in the sum of the whole.” It gives great insight into all of our favorites and how they became the team they are today. Plus, we’ve got the great gamble and the heartbreak and the hope that everything happens eventually and that nothing happens unless first a dream.
My favorite case was the case in A Night at the Bones Museum. There were multiple people who could have been the killer, but I never suspected the actual murderer. I also loved Brennan getting so excited over the mummy and what she could possibly discover. And of course, all of this ended up giving us the great final scene that made me shout at my tv to tell the squints to go away and leave Booth and Bones alone. Just a fantastic case that was integrated very well with the character aspect of the show.
While they are all great, I enjoyed the side plot of the camping out for tickets in The Gamer in the Grease.
Favorite S5 ep was Night in the Bones Museum, which I just finished watching. B&B came so close to a real kiss at the end. The way Booth brushed Bren’s hair back was so sweet, even if they didn’t kiss.
Oops… meant A Night at the Bones Museum. You would think I would get that right. ;o)
My favorite was the President JFK case in The Proof in the Pudding. Was it him or wasn’t it???? It almost took me back to the days of the West Wing… but not, obviously… because they are two completely different shows.
If the case of The Sum of the Parts in the Whole wasn’t so boring, I would’ve chosen that one for obvious reasons…
My favorite was The X in the File, purely for Bones screaming & Booth pulling out his gun when the body sat up in the MRI. (=
I’m going to say The Parts in the Sum of The Whole. I just really liked the revisiting when they met.
Honorary mention goes to The boy with the Answer. That entire episode had me on the edge of my seat. I never really worry about the case but that one had me nervous.
Season 5 was pretty awesome. Here’s hoping season 6 can keep up.
My favorite episode from Season 5 is “The Dwarf In The Dirt.” Booth kinda admits to Dr. Wyatt how he feels about Bones, and Booth is afraid to take his re-certification to get his gun back after having brain surgery, and Wyatt’s advice is to take Bones with him to the gun range. Wyatt tells him, “You won’t fail in front of her.” It was such a sweet line, and of course Booth passes his test with Bones standing behind him.
Season 5 was a great season it’s hard to choose. I loved the A night at the Bones museum. It was great to see Bones excited about founding something that could change history. End the end was great when Bones and Booth were alone and they almost kiss. As David wold say they kissed with their eyes it was so intense.
The Boy With The Answer — The Gravedigger storyline is just fascinating. I also liked the episode where Booth & Bones confront their feelings, but it wasn’t my favorite because of how it ended.
Dwarf in the Dirt. I love Gordon Gordon and I also love Booth and his shooting skills! And of course, Dr. Brennan standing behind him.
The Proof in the Pudding is my favorite of season five. The writing was great and my favorite episodes are when the cast is essentially trapped in the lab and all work together. The dialogue between the characters was witty and I love when Booth shoots his gun!
It’s truly hard to pick a favorite. All the ones mentioned above are great but I would choose The X in the File because I love them on road trips. Brennan had to deal with flesh & primitive equipment which is completely out of her element. Booth was shut down by the local sheriff. I also like the experiment in the lab. Not only did it serve a purpose in figuring out how the person was shot but also gave us those emotional undertones with Angela, Wendell, & Hodgins with hilarious results. Of course, the discussion of whether Brennan could be an alien life form is sweet and funny.
I’m going to have to say my favorite from S5 is The Dwarf In The Dirt.
I love to see how Bones helps Booth (firing range). It’s obvious to me why she loves him (even if she doesn’t know), but I love to see little proofs that he loves her and why. A great season overall!
My favorite episode in season 5 was Harbingers in the Fountain because it just tells us so much about the relationship between B&B. I loved the beginning where Avalon tells Brennan about what going on in her life. I love Booth struggles with telling Bones he loves her, and when he finally does he changes his wording at the last minute. Bones reaction was priceless when he said that. My third favorite part was when Booth saved Brennan from that doctor. When he held her and comforted her and she just held onto him as if she never wanted to let go was true love. And last but not least what about the part where Avalon tells Brennan that in not so many words that Booth understands her and knows the truth of her and is dazzled by that truth. It’s like she is realizing that at that moment she does love him but she can’t love him because she wants to work with him and not screw that up.
My favorite episode from season 5 was The Plain in the Prodigy. I love how Booth and Brennan’s friendship was portrayed in this episode. I also loved the ending; it was surprising that the murderer was no one we suspected or even met in the episode, and the victim’s death was a case of being at the “wrong place at the wrong time.” I also liked Cam and Michelle’s B story, though it was not on a fun topic. Overall, I think this episode was well written, superbly acted, and had a different, unexpected story and ending.
My favourite case was ‘The Dwarf in the Dirt’ – the case itself was great, with wonderful scenes like ‘Booo! That is NOT the Iron Leprechaun! Look at his femurs!’ haha. I loved the ‘cougar’ lady and Brennan saying she liked ‘good boys’ and Booth’s ‘really…’
But the 5 (in honour of the 5 fab seasons) main reasons I love the episode are:
1. The opening shot of Booth at the range might just be the hottest he’s ever looked (although a full analysis of that would require a whole new list
2. ‘When a man can’t be with the woman he loves, he gets a little crazy’
3. ‘I can’t think of anything I wouldn’t do to help Booth’, which I think is the line that prompts the wonderful Gordon Gorgon to say…
4. ‘Hope and patience’ and the answering tiny smile that speaks volumes
5. 7.30am, and she’s there at the range supporting him, because he asked her to be. And he doesn’t let her down. I think it almost encompasses the essence of them.
I think The Parts in the Sum of the Whole. Although it was a heartbreaking ending, the scene at the end was so well acted. I loved how they confronted they’re true feelings & we finally understand why they are not a couple & how they can get past it. Oh, I hope Hannah’s presence will jolt Tempe to get past her fears! Overall it was a wonderful season!
My favorite S5 episode was the JFK mystery. I had just visited the Sixth Floor museum in Dallas, so it was pretty great timing to learn more about the mystery and see them diving into the science behind the death.
The Girl in the Goop is my favorite episode except for the End in the Beginning.
Semi naked Booth and Brennan undressing him are the best reasons I can think of. What case? Oh yeah, the exploding Santa. Pretty neat about those radio waves setting him off and making Booth evidence.
The End in the Beginning: Booth & Brennan as a married couple. What more could I want. Lots of kissing and her in his lap. Yes, I’m a romantic.
Definitely the gravedigger trial.
My favorite CASE of last season was definitely The Devil in the Details. I’m a psych major and it definitely appealed to me. I loved that the episode went outside of its usual pattern. It was a pretty cool episode. Thanks for the chance to win! How could I resist?
My favorite episode was The Dwarf in the Dirt- I loved that Brennan noticed all these tiny little changes about Booth that no one else noticed. And I loved watching Gordon Gordon Wyatt and Sweets discuss the case. And Booth realizing for sure and fully that he was in love with Brennan?! And then her at the shooting range watching him pass with her little thumbs up- it was just a fabulous episode overall!
I liked the Bond In The Boot episode. Fixing the leaky pipe was such a great scene. Need more like that.
The Boy With the Answer. The Gravedigger trial was great and I have a feeling we haven’t seen the last of her.
Well, the 5th season was perfect, but my favorite episode was The Death Of The Queen Bee. I think it caught my attention, because in this episode we could see a little bit more about Brennan’s life. It was a sad and funny episode. Brennan showed us how High School was for her and my heart broke when she said this to Booth: “This is the prom I never, got to go to”. So Heart-breaking. Also, I could laugh a lot while watching this episode. Brennan and Booth pretending to be a couple. At least I could pretend they were actually a couple and this provided a sensation of accomplishment. And the end of this episode was soooo perfect. Brennan thanking to Angela, Cam, Wendell, Hodgins, Booth… for their amazing friendship:”-this is what friendship looks like, this table. I am very lucky.”
Plus, ok, I like Wendell, but this episode provided the break-up between him and Angela, so, Score again! hahah And, Ray Buxley was soo creepy! Just Bones to stay by his said without fearing… Even Booth was afraid of Ray.
Well, certainly The Death of the Queen Bee is one of my favorites, not only because of the storyline, but the case was also pretty impressive. You got, somehow, afraid while seeing Ray cutting the “stars” in the middle of the dancing time. You let yourself believe that Ray is the guilty one, but in the end, you’re surprised by the real murderer. I think that even Brennan couldn’t believe in what she saw…
My favorite season 5 case was A Night at the Bones Museum. We got to see Brennan happy, truly happy, a side of her we do not often see. She was in her element, and dealing with ancient remains, her first love. We see her goof off, and we see her act with girlish delight! This episode brings out the best h=in her character. She shows her true passion, and it helps her to open up to others. She is more in tune with her friends, she decides to give Daisy another chance as an intern, and she realizes just how important her relationship with Booth is with the “what goes on between us is ours” scenes. And how cute was the end scene, with the territorial claiming, and a near kiss?!?!?!?!
My favorite case was definitely “The Boy with the Answer”. I think that Hart and the gang did an excellent job of writing this episode that made Brennan completely vulnerable which, as we all know, is not an easy task. I love the way this episode is able to make you hold your breath in anticipation, have your heart crushed for Brennan, and makes you smile from ear to ear when Angela and Hodgins spill the beans. My favorite part of the whole episode was:
Bones: (about The Gravedigger) She may be amoral, but she is brilliant.
Booth: Well you’re more brilliant.
Bones: What if her dispassion makes her more logical? What if that gives her an advantage over me?
Booth: Wait a second. Now you’re upset because you’re not more like a psychopath?
This epitomizes the whole season for me. Serious but with witty banter that makes you laugh out loud. I love this show
My favorite was «the boy with the answer» episode. It was my favorite because the thrill was there.All the episode, I really asked myself… «Is Taffet really going to walk away, I’ll belive her if I was in the jurry»… The writting was very intelligent, the acting was wonderful. I just liked the feeling that episode gaved me in this particular 1 hour of my life.
I also really liked it, because they all gave up their own cases to be able to defend, to tell the truth about a boy they didnt even knew. All for justice, all for a boy.
And hell, It was good to see Brennan needing the conforting of Booth! That scene was GREEEEAT!
This episode is not the end of the trilogy of the Gravedigger is only the continous and we can fell it!
This episode was one of the best ones of BONES
All of the episodes listed above are definitely the best of the season. And season 5 was the best so far, there is no doubt. The episode I found my self watching over and over again was A night at the Bones Museum. I enjoyed a twist to the case, solving one 3000 years old as well as a current murder, but obviously the ending was the best part. Bones clearly understands, even in her weird ways, what is meant to stay between the two of them and the last scene was perfect. However I feel like it was almost to much not to be followed up by an actual kiss sooner rather than later. The JFK case was extremely interesting and what Bones did for Booth really showed how much she has grown. Gosh, too many wonderful episodes….
It saddens me that no one’s mentioned episode 20, The Witch in the Wardrobe! I think that is probably my favourite case – because it’s so bizarre and entertaining. Some great one liners come from it (I especially loved Hodgins’ Wizard of Oz reference), Sweets was overly excited about the whole case, and of course, the reunion and marriage of Angela and Hodgins in jail was fantastic.
Plus, that cute little moment between Booth and Bones at the end when he burns a voodoo doll for her
I didn’t get to watch Season 5 yet. I’m a late comer to the show. I just finished seasons 1-4 on Netflix last month (which means whole weekends and late nights spent in front of the TV!) because I was so addicted to it. I’ve been waiting for Season 5 to come out on DVD so I can watch and catch up with what’s going on in Season 6. So glad it’s finally released!
I loved ‘The Proof in the Pudding’! It had the perfect balance of intrigue and drama with a touch of humour. It showcased the depth of Booth and Brennan’s relationship, along with the skill of each cast member. But then the Witch in the Wardrobe, Bond and Boy were amazing too!…
I loved the 100th episode, The Parts in the Sum of the Whole because I loved seeing how their real first case went and what exactly went down between the two of them to cause so much tension in the first few episodes of the series.
So many great cases in season 5! I guess one of my favorites is The Proof in the Pudding because it showed how very much Brennan loves Booth, she was willing to LIE to protect his feelings and beliefs, and that is HUGE for her! Also loved seeing the ‘tough Booth’ in this episode, and some comedic relief too when Hacker burst in to save the day! 1 of many good episodes!
It’s really hard for me to pick a favorite episode from season 5. I thought the whole season was terrific. However, for now, I will go with the 100th episode. As painful as parts of it are, I think it was really well done and I can watch it over and over again.
Bones: You and I this was our case and I guess what goes on between us that should just be ours isn’t that what you said?
….A Night at the Bones Museum!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :oP
I love this episode b/c it made me realize that this entire show doesn’t just appeal to the “brainies” of the world! lol Rather the producers and the whole team try to incorporate diverse themes. I happen to love this show and egyptology. It was the best of both worlds! Plus, we were able to see new developments in the booth-brennan relationship.
The Proof in the Pudding. Why? Because Bones lied about science. FOR BOOTH. It’s as simple as that.
My favorite Bones episode in season 5 is without a doubt the 100th episode. This episode blew my mind away and i spent days thinking about what had happened. There were so many emotions running through the whole hour; so excited they kissed TWICE i fell off my bed and so sad i cry every time i watch the ending over and over and over again, not to mention i know the whole dialogue for the last scene. I counted and watched this episode 10 times within a course of 2 weeks. This episode was brilliantly written and directed!
Oh god, thinking back over the episode list makes this so difficult. I loved all of the episodes, but this was one of those seasons where every single ep was a standout in that the cases were fantastic and had that extra bit of ‘spunk’ about them, we got so much insight into the B&B relationship, and we even met some new family (Zooey & Ralph win :D). I’d have to say that my favourite case overall (it was a 22 way tie, really) would be “A Night at the Bones Museum”. This case is a favourite of mine because not only was much of it about the Ancient Egyptian mummy and the exhibit (hello, one of my favourite areas of interest!), but I think it was one of the first episodes that highlighted Brennan’s desire to go back to older remains, to go back and do what she’d become an anthropologist for. Her excitement about it all, particularly her recital of that scene from “The Mummy” and the look on her face when discussing their find about Anok with Daisy is what made this episode so special to me. It was acted so well by Emily (as always), and I think it just showed how important that work is to her character. Also, who could possibly forget the “what goes on between us is ours” scene? Just lovely.

Favourtie Episode: The parts in the sum of the whole.
Sadly this isnt what happened. But Booth saying he loved Brennan made it one of the most amazing episodes ever. I cried, laughed, smiled and squeeled constantly through the whole episode. It was amazingly written, amazingly acted and perfectly bought together by everyone to make a phenomenal episode! LOVVEDD IT!
I love the 100th episode because it showed Brennan displaying an affection for Booth we all squeel about! Bones, and Booth going to spend a night together OH MY!
The JFK one. I like how Bones wants to help reassure Booth that his government wouldnt lie to him and that his job as a sniper was justified and he was a good person.
I think this is a really difficult choice to make! There were so many good episodes in season 5 ranging from the very emotional to the ridiculously hilarious and the politically charged. But if forced to choose for the chance to win a the season 5 DVD set I’d have to go with A Night At the Bones Museum. Few of the cases combine Brennan’s world of history and academia and Booth’s world of murder and justice as well as this one did. It was a fun, intriguing case with lots of good squintiness and character tidbits.
My favorite season 5 case was probably The X in the FIle—as an X-Files fan, I loved the little homages to the show!
I’m a little embarrassed to admit that I only recently started watching Bones…but I’m totally obsessed now. So, i haven’t watched all of season 5 yet which is why I need the DVDs! Please!
Wow, this is a really hard one…my favorite case. Probably the Proof in the Pudding. A lot of other episodes come really close, though. I loved this case because we got to see more of the patriotic side of Booth, whch is pretty sexy (then again, when is he not?). It also made you think just a little bit. Even after the case was closed, it made you reflect on our country. And then of course, We got to see Brennan grow as a person. What she did for Booth was so sweet and something Brennan would never have done a couple seasons back.
wow! if i had to pick one case it would be the JFK one.. all of them are good but this one was idk sweet in a way. how bren did everything she could to let booth have an answer in wat happend to jkf. and the ending was great too, both booth and bones walking arm in arm away from the dinner. it just stuck to me i could go on and on. at the end cam made a good point. great show. all of them were awasome though.
The Gravedigger trial.
Just one? OMG! I watch bones everyday, we dont have cable, but we have netflix so that is all I watch is BONES haha. Okay Season 5… I am going to have to go with Night at the Bones Museum. I LOVED everything about that one, I loved all the interaction between Booth and Bones through the entire episode, and then I of course LOVE daisy and sweets, so having both of them in the episode was like icing on the cake, I could go on and on about that episode, but I wont. It was PERFECT.
Proof In the Pudding. I think watching the dynamic between Booth, Brennan and Hacker was phenomenal in that ep. And Booth shooting his way into the lab? Totally hot.
The girl in the goop because booth took his shirt of…wait no, BONES TOOK HIS SHIRT OFF, AND BASICALLY EVERYTHING ELSE
My favorite of season 5 was the “boy with the answer.” The gravedigger episodes have been THE most hand-wringing heavy of the series–whether due to main characters in danger or the threat of that cunning psycho getting off the hook. Extra emotional because Bones, Hodgens and Booth had to sacrifice getting justice for themselves in order to get justice for the other victims…..
Runner-up goes to the X in the File–gotta love a campy homage episode
The Goop on the Girl — Brennan takes off Booth’s clothes, Booth takes her to the funeral, and the cute little speech at the end with them standing together at the table like a real couple.
My favorite episode is The Proof Is In The Pudding. Angela’s scare. Hodges declaration “I’m your Guy!”. Conspiracies galore. The best part is Booth the sniper pulling off the shot of a lifetime. Goodness!!
My favorite episode was definitely The Parts in the Sum of the Whole. I love seeing those initial interactions and how their relationship developed! It was just such classic Bones, transported into Season 5. I don’t really remember the case itself, just the moments that transpired as they worked through the case, but in the end I don’t watch Bones for the cases. I watch it for the wonderful characters!!
I have to say that one of my most favorite moments in season 5 is in the Dwarf in the Dirt when Gordon Gordon pretty much just makes dinner for Booth and Brennan. Talk about sweet. I think, personally, that Gordon Gordon is rooting for them, thus the dinner. Love it!
I would say my favorite episode of Bones season 5 would be…The Parts in the Sum of the Whole. I love this epsiode because it showed how good Brennan is at her job and Booth at his. When Brennan realized the judge was doing drugs because he was holding his nose was great because I didn’t even notice it. I loved how we saw the ORIGNIAL Brennan and how she interacts with people and how Booth always corrects her on sayings like, “Can I come in and watch you broil the suspect.””I think you mean grill.” Stuff like that is what makes this show unique like with Zack and Angela and how she got invovled and how the experiments started with Zack and Hodgins. It showed us everything about how this show is special and how it is popular. This episode showed us how Booth and Brennan met and how much they have changed over the years professionally and personally. In this episode it showed the chemistry between them and how they should be together and why they are in love. The kiss when they first met was amazing! The end of the episode, though, was upsetting, yet, great. Booth poured his heart out to Brennan and she said she wasn’t ready yet because she thought she would hurt him. He thought they were ready to become a couple because he has loved her for six years and won’t stop loving her as a friend, partner, and, hopefully, girlfriend because they do belong together. Brennan said no because she thought she would hurt him and he put his heart out there knowing that they could make it work and be happy together and that is why The Parts in the Sum of the Whole is my favorite episode and why Booth and Brennan should be together.
My favorite was “The Parts in the Sum of the Whole”, first for the title, because it’s so indicative of why their relationship is the way it is, and exactly what has to happen for them to finally get together. Second, I’m pretty sure no episode of television has ever left me so full of emotion, both joy and sorrow at the end. Incredible episode.
My favorite episode was “The Proof in the Pudding.” I love action Booth and he was all about the action with a heaping helping of shooting on the side. Loved how he shot to door to get into the Jeffersonian and the shot with the rifle. It was awesome how it ended with keeping the secret from Booth. I really want to see it again and that’s why I hope I win the S5DVD. Many thanks!
My favorite episode from Season 5 has to be “The Parts in the Sum of the Whole” not only did it give us a glipse at their first meeting but it showed us that they loved each other “right from the beginning”. There was the very heartcrushing moment at the end but it was so good. I’m glad that Booth finally told Brennan how he feels! And now as we begin the journey through Season 6, the ball is in Brennan’s court, so to speak. It’s now up to her where their relationship goes. In my opinion, the last scene from last night’s ep (“The Maggots in the Meathead”) confirmed that Brennan is definitely in love with Booth and the only thing standing in the way is Hannah!
My favorite episode was, without a doubt, the 100th. The case was good and all, but do any of us *really* pay attention to the cases? Apparently Hart Hanson thinks so, but god only knows why. It wasn’t even the sexy past-kiss or the heartcrushingly perfect present-kiss. It was Emily and David’s heart-wrenching performance that made the episode. They were perfect in every sense of the word. There were moments I laughed, moments I felt hope, and moments I was crushed and it absolutely brought me to tears, and yet each second either was on screen, they were perfect. So, yeah, 100th episode, The Parts in the Sum of the Whole is my favorite episode of season 5, and hell, it’s my favorite episode of the entire series to date.
My favorite episode was The Plain in the Prodigy because the subject matter was handled so well. It was beautifully acted and wonderfully written.
It’s a bit hard to choose between “A Night at the Bones Museum” (cause I loved the Ancient Egypt element)and The Boy with the Answer,but I’m going to have to go with the latter.It was on of the best episodes ever,imho:Gravedigger,trial,suspense,Brennan’s nightmares…I loved how they always thought they “had” her and she always managed to escape…until the last moment,with Hodgins’ help.I believe Hodgins needed it(as a character),as a kind of closure,to be the one who would put the final “nail in her coffin”,if I’m phrasing this right.I loved Brennan on the stand too,but the look on Hodgins’ eyes,when he knows she can’t get away,at last,was priceless.
I loved many episodes in Season 5. This is so hard to choose just one. If I must, it would be The 100th-The Parts in the Sum of the Whole. My reasons being, some of the most heartwrenching and moving scenes are there as well as some of the funniest. It is the episode I re-watched the most because I just loved how Sweets brought the house down with the classic “My book is crap!” I will never stop laughing about that one. He is so funny! Also, I think David and Emily deserve more credit for their acting and facial expressions that bring these characters life. They need to be winning more awards!! Someone needs to notice them the way we do. NBC must be paying for their awards because that is where the true crap is. No joke.
I loved the season premier. Booth and Bones were back with Cyndi Lauper as a psychic in tow. It sucked me in all over again and I couldn’t wait to see what the Bones crew had in store for the new season.
My favorite is “Parts in the sum of the whole” as there is alot of chemistry and emotional connection between Brennan and Booth. Was nice to see him take a chance even if she was not ready. Nice to see a guy character not waiting for the woman to say “I love you” first. Bones is my favorite show I never miss an episode:)
This is hard, but probably “The Proof in the Pudding.” This type of episode really shows the actors’ stuff. The friendship/loyalty of the characters was really proved here with them all working together behind the “GSA’s” back to find out the truth–but then Brennan lied at the end to protect Booth. I thought the case was fascinating, and it had lots of funny moments too (melons, the FBI rescue). What stuck out for me was the exchange between Hodgins and Angela:
Hodgins: “I’m your guy. I love you… I want to help you in whatever way I can…I’m here for you, and the baby, in whatever role you need.” I’m a single mom so this makes me melt every time.
2nd choice is Gravedigger–every episode involving her is intense.
My favorite episode from Season 5 was The Goop on the Girl. It had all of the classic elements of the best of Bones: humor, charm and moving emotional performances. Embodying all the three, this was the first (and so far only) episode with both delightful Deschanel sisters!! Zooey was quirky and hilarious and it was so awesome to see Emily and Zooey working together.
This was also an important episode for setting up the emotional journey B+B were about to go on. Brennan was very upset about the man who was killed by two people who had such disregard for the victim’s life and family. She turned to Booth for emotional support and it was amazing to watch. Both actors handle their characters with such care that these small moments become the biggest draw of the episodes.
This episode also brought the best gift of all–Brennan insisting that Booth remove his ‘evidence’ covered clothes. We weren’t in a dream world or (possibly) in a flash from the future. We were in the Jeffersonian and Booth was mostly undressed. It’s hard to get better than that.
My favourite case was Proof in the Pudding. The mystery behind all of it was really interesting, and the character interaction was on the top of it’s game.
My favorite case from season 5 would be Night at the Bones Museum. Mainly because I have a fascination for Egyptian history so the fact that they actually had a real ancient mummy to work on that’s related to a current case was very fascinating and entertaining at the same time. Also it was nice to see Brennan get so giddy at the fact that they were dealing with ancient human remains.
I have to say, the 100th episode was my favorite. The case was of course interesting, but what was more interesting was seeing Booth and Brennan’s relationship develop. The actors, David Boreanaz especially, always say that the relationship is central, so seeing where it began was crucial to understanding their relationship. The acting was spot on and hilarious. overall it was the best and most entertaining episode of the season.
I really liked Gamer in the Grease. We had the story line with the autistic kid. Anything special needs tends to stick out. And we also had the story line with the movie. I like anything where there’s a specific story line outside of the lab or at least aside from the case that lets us see more than slight glimpses of the characters.
My favorite episode of S5 was The Parts in the Sum of the Whole. I loved finally getting the opportunity to see how Booth and Bones originally met, as well as the rest of the group. I also loved finding out why she hated the nickname “Bones” so much in the series premiere. It was great seeing Zach again, even if it was a flashback. I really wish they would bring Eric Millegan back.
I loved “The Goop on the Girl”. Who wouldn’t like to see Booth in his undies and the fact that he had to list to the Saints so that nothing untowards would happen is Very Funny. I have enjoyed all of the Christmas shows so far. Everyone makes an effort to see that Brennan has a nice Christmas even if she doesn’t believe.
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