VOTE 2010: What is Your Favorite ABC Show?
November 2, 2010 by Marisa Roffman
Continuing on with our election day polls, Give Me My Remote wants you to pick your favorite ABC show.
And this is where things get tough, because ABC schedules three hours of programming per night, unlike Fox/CW, which only have 2.
So what will you choose? And why? Tell us in the comments section after you vote!
Keep checking back, because we’ll have new polls going live all day!
VOTE 2010: What is Your Favorite Fox Show?
VOTE 2010: What is Your Favorite CW Show?
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Filed under #1 featured, ABC
castle is the best show.come on castle fans go vote for it
This one was tough for me…between Castle and Modern Family. Castle won out in the end
The first thought I had reading through that list was, REally? That’s it? Humph, I guess so. I obviously don’t watch much ABC. I picked Cougar Town as I’m a newbie to Castle this year. I do enjoy it but Cougar Town is the most consistent comedy for me this year.
Watch Castle, Love Castle, Live Castle. Castle is amazing. Brillinat writers and cast and want to know why Castle… ? Cause Castle makes Monday’s the BEST day of the week ever. Castle is part the family. There are so many great things about Castle. Billlions of thanks to the wondeful cast and crew of Castle for making all of this possible. Come on fans let’s keep on voting…. VOTE vote VOTE vote VOTE vote VOTE….
Castle is a wonderful show! Detectives Ryan & Esposito are the best thing about it!
Castle is the only show that I schedule time to see it live. While I do have other shows on ABC that I enjoy, like The Middle and Modern Family, I can survive without seeing these shows live and watching them on Hulu when I have the time. Castle, on the other hand, I need my weekly fix when there’s a new episode; it’s like a void is missing when I don’t see it live. Thus, Castle gets my vote because it’s the one ABC (and really, only network) show I plan to see each and every week, it means that much to me.
I apparently need to start watching Castle. However Cougar Town has my heart. – I <3 Andy!
Castle. Just because.
Really? Do you even have to ask what my favourite show is on my favourite network?!
Castle, Castle, Castle!!
(And since the show features fabulous Canadians, I feel that this Canadian’s vote should count even if it’s not technically my election day!!
Castle! Great show. Also the only ABC show I watch…
hey guys castle is leading the pack.its pretty obvious.but keep u nathan & guys rock
Castle Castle Castle!!! Not just my favorite show on ABC but my favorite on any network. This show actually makes me look forward to Mondays. (I also love Modern Family…)
Castle has dissapointed tremendously this season. Typical (though late) “sophomore” slump. Story lines this season have been too predictable and boring. And a lot of “fans” posting here are moronic teens that only want to see “Caskett” (nice name coinage, idiots). Probably CastleTV cronies that can’t think for themselves. I’m glad I only temp on this show occasionally (industry wide it’s not a show to brag about being involved with this season) Here’s to a better season four. Modern Family wins out here. At least it’s funny. NF’s humor and mugging is too transparent to reel me in this season. Won’t ABC but you said it yourself “Castle is weak in the lineup this season” in that internal memo that was leaked. Boo for you for not giving the show your confidence (but I now see why).
hey guys castle is the is a show for every one.crime solving has never been so much fun.that’s the usp.a show for every age group.even my mom is hooked to the guys keep voting.make ur favourite show numero uno
Castle of course! Best show on tv by far! Love the chemistry between the lead characters. Love Stana, fantastic actress and an awesome person!
Don’t feed the troll folks
Castle is my winner here. I find this to be an incredibly well written drama with acting by every one of the cast members that knock it out of the park each week. The cast and crew connect with their fans in appreciation for our dedication, seem truly down to earth and are a very special group.
Everyone that I know that hasn’t watched, I have told “you have to watch just one episode of Castle – give it a try”, they love it and are hooked.
Nathan Fillion is the best at whatever he does. Castle is no exception.
Go Castle, Go go Castle.
Oh you see that? Castle is winning xD
Castle! Woah! Loads of people love Castle the most ;D
And the best!
I know I do! I didn’t even have a single thought of clicking another show, mainly because that’s the only show I watch on ABC…
CASTLE! Yeah, just ALWAYS Castle…
There couple of fascinating points with time in this post but I don’t know if these center to heart. There’s some validity but I’m going to take hold opinion until I explore it further. Excellent post , thanks and we want a lot more! Added to FeedBurner likewise
I tried to submit a comment earlier, although it has not shown up. I will remember this.
Interesting column , I’m going to spend a lot more time reading about this subject