UNDERCOVERS Canceled - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

Friday, March 14, 2025


November 4, 2010 by  

J.J. Abrams’ UNDERCOVERS — the spy series which broke ground by casting two black actors in the lead roles — will not survive the season.

NBC has decided against ordering the back nine episodes of UNDERCOVERS just a couple weeks after picking up the rest of their freshman series — LAW & ORDER: LOS ANGELES, OUTSOURCED and THE EVENT — for a full year.

UNDERCOVERS pulled under 6 million viewers this week.

Have you been watching it?

Will you miss it?

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2 Responses to “UNDERCOVERS Canceled”

  1. Kath (canakatydid) on November 4th, 2010 6:08 pm

    Ahh…that’s sad!

    I have been watching, though sporatically, and really enjoyed it! Especially the actors…including Gerald McRaney!

  2. Brandy on November 5th, 2010 5:24 pm

    They did it to me again.. when will I learn? I have a hard time watching new shows because they always cancel them.. This is one of the first on network tv that I was drawn to and they cancelled it. Shame on you NBC! You had a great show, ground breaking some are saying and your throwing it away. I hope TNT (or the likes) picks it up!

    Thanks for listening to my mini-rant.