BONES: 'The Bones That Weren't' - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

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BONES: ‘The Bones That Weren’t’

November 5, 2010 by  

Hey, BONES pals, we survived another hiatus! How did you spend the time? And how did you like this episode? It felt slightly off to me, but I’m still trying to figure out whether or not that’s deliberate. On the one hand, I want it to be deliberately awkward. I think that makes sense, seeing as how the shift in Booth and Brennan’s dynamic would cause ripples of effects throughout an episode. And if it’s not deliberate, than I’d have to admit that maybe it just wasn’t as good. Let’s go with deliberate! And let’s get to the discussion!


Out of everything, the case felt the most like an “old school” BONES ep, and I found that comforting. A skateboarder sneaks into a soon-to-open concert pavilion and takes a fall when his board breaks a piece of the concrete. Inside the concrete is the front portion of a human skull. Booth and Brennan are called to the scene, where Brennan identifies the remains as belonging to a male, mid-twenties.

To everyone’s surprise, there are no other pieces of the body, and when the slab of concrete is shipped back to the Jeffersonian, it’s even MORE surprising for the team to find an imprint where the entire skeleton had once been. How can bones just disappear? Angela rocks with an Angelator-type machine and creates an amazing skeleton replica based on the cast mold left in the concrete. Brennan and her team examine the bone structure for entry wounds and possible cause of death. Meanwhile, the fact that the victim had a tattoo of a street performer on his tooth helps the team find his identity.

The victim’s name is Robert Pearson, and Booth brings Brennan along for the ride as he questions suspects — Robert’s former ballet teacher, Robert’s rival/street dance partner (played quite well by SYTYCD all-star Stephen “tWitch” Boss, a favorite of Team Give Me My Remote), some other street performers, and the janitor of the park. Each person has a motive and ability to annoy Booth, and that never fails to make for great scenes.

The team figures out that Robert fell/was pushed from a fair height, landed on some rebar (where it picked up a bone-eating fungus), and then his body was dragged to lay flat on some plastic sheeting. Brennan realizes that they should examine the sheeting for a palm print, and when the size of the print reveals the killer was a woman, Booth brings both the angry ballet teacher and Beverly, a street performing singer, into the FBI to test for fingerprints. He suspects Beverly, and we’re led to believe he’s correct as she is led away after leaving her prints on a glass.


Arastoo Vasiri is the squintern of the week; it was great to see him back. I particularly loved the scene where he was digging around in the dumpster with Hodgins.

Cam: I’m still waiting for her to really have a one-on-one conversation with Booth. Does anyone else feel like we’ve been missing that?

Hodgins: I loved the way he worked this case, but my all-time favorite moment was when he was curled up, nervous, as Brennan used the blade to cut the plastic around his body.

Angela: Seriously, how amazing was that laser thing that created the skeleton? Angela is back, baby!

Sweets: I thought he was really great in this episode. I loved the incredulous looks he gave to Brennan at the diner and that he also agreed with her against Booth. He was AWESOME when he used “Shakespearean” on the bronzed man, and it was fun to see him question Booth’s working on the case over being with Hannah at the hospital.


Brennan’s character is still really intriguing to me in this season. We’ve been discussing how it seems like when she was in Maluku, she made a decision to be more open and warm with people. That we’ve seen her do this in the precise, meditated and deliberated way she does almost everything else makes complete sense. At the diner, Sweets mentions that Hannah should be jazzed about her work, and so later, Brennan says that she is jazzed. And she makes certain to be encouraging (in her way) to Arastoo. What are your thoughts on Brennan these days? She’s really making me laugh a lot. Her line about Venus being a tough neighborhood totally cracked me up!

As far as Booth goes, I’d say it’s pretty clear he’s also acting out of his normal way of precisely and deliberately making things “right.” Did you notice that he insists things between Hannah and himself are great because of what he’s “doing” in the relationship: making a nice dinner, putting the seat down, etc. It makes sense that once Booth found himself in a serious relationship, he would absolutely do everything he could to make it work perfectly. The things he pointed out are probably what annoyed Rebecca when they were together. I’m not saying that Booth’s not happy; I think he genuinely is. I just also think that he’s wrong in assuming (without even knowing it) that he has to make it work. It needs to just…be.

What’s amazing about Booth and Brennan, and what we’ve seen over the past seasons, is that they are perfect together…just as they are. Perhaps everything we’re seeing IS deliberate, as I mentioned at the beginning. It’s a deliberate look at Booth and Brennan trying to be what they aren’t.

I will give props to Booth for telling Hannah he’s “not a betting man,” though that also makes me think he hasn’t told her he has/had a gambling problem. That makes twice (at least) this season where we’ve seen his gambling referenced. Interesting. Foreshadowing, perhaps?

Let’s just hope that if the writers are reading more Shakespeare for future episodes that they stick to the comedies and not tragedies.

Now it’s your turn! What did you think of this episode? In what ways do you think the writers are TRYING to make things deliberately awkward? It’s been too long since we’ve talked, so let’s discuss!

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Filed under Bones


35 Responses to “BONES: ‘The Bones That Weren’t’”

  1. Owl on November 5th, 2010 2:09 am

    The case was fascinating (I actually just read something on disintegrating bone, but it was from a 17th century preservation practice, not a fungus). Hodgins and Arastoo (my favorite intern!) digging through the trash and discovering the murder weapon was great. Let’s get Hodgins out more often! And I think it was the murder weapon, not the rebar, that was covered in the fungus. My favorite moment from the case aspect was Brennan and Cam’s conversation about the plastic. Brennan gets this look in her eyes when she sees exactly what happened. It’s what’s so entrancing about Brennan for me — it’s the way she sees things nobody else does. My favorite scene was the Shakespeare scene, hands down. The fact that Sweets knows how to talk Shakespearian just warmed my heart.

    You’re right — it seems like Booth and Brennan are both trying so hard to make everything work that it’s completely obvious. Booth’s very deliberate actions with Hannah, and I would say Brennan’s very deliberate words, both show them trying to make an effort to do something that they’re not used to.

    I came out of this episode feeling that things were a bit “off” (I usually feel that way with the less compelling cases — give me a case that makes me cry, and I’ll adore it. Give me some big character stuff to chew on, and I’ll enjoy it) but I really, really liked it overall. Since someone will inevitably bring up the last scene, I will bring it up now, because I liked it. I really like the way that Hannah respects Brennan. The way she talked to Brennan in the last scene, although awkward, made me think that maybe Hannah “gets” Brennan better than everyone else. She knows exactly the right words to say, and more importantly, how to say them so Brennan understands. She understood exactly what Brennan was saying about sacrifice and gifts, and was able to actually get her to comply (although… the sunglasses thing? A bit weird, but could have been worse.). Maybe Hannah won’t be with Booth after a while and she’ll be the one that convinces Brennan to do something. Huh. While I don’t like the fact that Booth is dating Hannah, I don’t mind Hannah’s friendship with Brennan because of that interesting acceptance that I haven’t really seen with other characters. The whole episode also showed how similar they are. Booth is drawn to Hannah, but maybe he’s really drawn to the Brennan-ness of Hannah, with the things that he was saying to her, and the things Hannah said at the end. Interesting thought to ponder.

    As per my usual criteria, it made me laugh, it didn’t make me cry, but it made me think, which means it’s a good episode. Can’t wait to watch it again tomorrow.

  2. al on November 5th, 2010 4:38 am

    the show was off,I know what they want is for us to liked hannah,but she was acting,maybe bones has stayed to long at the table/hope over the winter break they can fix it/but whats happened to cam?

  3. Stephanie (stephpook) on November 5th, 2010 7:40 am

    I’m glad I’m not the only one who thought things were a bit “off.” I’ve been trying to figure out whether it’s the writers or Booth who are trying too hard to make the whole Hannah thing work. If it’s Booth, then it’s great writing (and great acting on DB’s part). If it’s the writers…eh, that means it’s just bad writing and I find that very depressing.

    This was the first episode where I really didn’t like Hannah. That end scene rubbed me completely the wrong way (although I do understand what they were trying to accomplish with it) and came off as completely tacky in my opinion.

    I did like the case, and I thought Arastoo was particularly good. Angela asleep at the computer was cute and the whole beginning conversation between Sweets, Booth, and Brennan about Venus, toilet seats, and brushing your teeth with excrement was hilarious. (As was Booth’s conversation with Hannah about the new toothbrushes he bought).

    Despite the fact that I was fairly turned off by the Hannah/Booth interactions in the episode, I did pick up on some interesting tidbits:

    1. Hannah’s reaction when she walked into Booth’s apartment and noticed that he had made her a nice dinner (she thought he was going to propose) was pretty indicative that while she was serious enough about their relationship to move in with him, she’s not in the market for a permanent commitment (at least not yet).

    2. Hannah is impulsive and headstrong and I see that potentially being an issue between her and Booth in the future. Especially considering how strongly they played up Booth’s “white knight syndrome” issues in the episode.

    3. What was the true meaning behind Booth’s “thank you” to Brennan? This is the one that I am the most intrigued by but at the same time the most unsure about. It seemed like there was a lot more in Booth’s tone and expression than a simple, “thanks for saving my girlfriend’s life.” I’ll have to go back and rewatch it later, but I got the feeling that he knows, at least a little bit, how much she’s struggling with her feelings for him and how much seeing him and Hannah together is hurting her. I think it’s indicative of how well he knows her and stands in stark contrast to his relationship with Hannah, which despite everything, still seems to be largely physical.

    Overall, I’m not sure how I would rate this episode. It’s definitely not one of my favorites, but I think time will tell whether it’s meant to be just a bump in the road or a fascinating character study.

  4. alice on November 5th, 2010 8:08 am

    agreed with stephanie not the best but better then the first 3,hannah was chosen on the rebound and just physical,cant wait to we see serious friction and a breakup.

  5. Teebee on November 5th, 2010 8:09 am

    I thought the case was strong again. Season 6 cases have been much better than season 5. I also liked how the start of the episode where the skateboarder found the skull wasn’t typical overdone bad acting (hysterical woman screams etc). It made a nice change.

    Loved Angela and her toys and that’s something I’ve definitely been missing. Bring back the Angelator! Sweets and the bronze man was probably the best scene with their Shakespeare conversation.

    I agree that Booth is trying so hard to have the perfect relationship.I think deep down he knows it’s only 2nd best. What I thought was interesting was when Booth said he knew Hannah was still going to go after the corrupt cop case. She said “I like that you know me so well”, but then later on she asks Booth to make a bet which tells me they don’t know each other as well as all that.
    Can’t wait for next week the promo looked great!

  6. corgipaz on November 5th, 2010 10:04 am

    I agree something was just off about this episode. As Marisa said to me in a tweet, Booth doesn’t seem like Booth. I think she hit the nail on the head. Booth isn’t acting Boothy. I think this is all deliberate, too. I think it is to show that on paper these two, Booth and Hannah should be perfect together but in actuality they are wrong for one another.

    Hannah seemed a bit freaked out as she said “oh no” when she thought Booth was going to propose. Booth too seemed a bit needy with saying “I’ll miss you”. But he keeps trying to be someone he isn’t for this “perfect” relationship. When he can really be himself with Brennan and not have to play the perfect boyfriend. he was a protective boyfriend but not OVER-protective booth that we know and love when he goes crazy for Brennan’s attackers. He was even more protective of Cam than he seems with Hannah. Just a thought.

    Now, it did hurt my heart when he said they would catch the bad guys together. It seems he is trying to replace Bones in all aspects of his life, but in actuality he can’t because those two are so entwined with each other. Almost like she is his subconscious, that little voice in the back of his head, to be a better person, to get new toothbrushes, that she saved his GF’s life….

    Okay now I am rambling….. Can’t wait for next week’s for Cam to have a storyline and to see jealous Booth.

  7. Monica (@texmex327) on November 5th, 2010 10:07 am

    I enjoyed last nights episode. I really did miss watching Bones last night.
    My thoughts on last nights episode:

    I yelled at the TV when Hannah asked Booth if he was going to propose. But I think that it wouldn’t fit in with her nomad lifestyle, so thankfully we won’t have to worry about that.

    Booth is trying to make sure everything is perfect between him & Hannah, IMO, because things are not as perfect as they should be with Brennan, deep down. Booth has to keep reassuing everyone that he is happy, now comes the point, is he convincing himself or everyone else.

    Brennan is being the bigger person because she doesn’t want to see Booth hurt or broken. She broke his heart and is aware of those consequences. She is struggling internally with that and I can’t wait to see when it comes to a head.

    Loved the scene with Brennan & Hodgins, I think Angela was a little scared for her husband. Sweets rocked it with the Shakespearean talk.

    Caught the look with Booth & Brennan at the hospital, kind of reminded me of the scene before she left his apartment.

    Really looking forward to next week’s episode, looks hilarious!

  8. alice on November 5th, 2010 10:09 am

    agreed about the gambling but other show the writers forgot that,what ID LIKED TO see is a show without a case and fill us in on how long they have known each other and the truth about afghanstan and why parker never mention and I still think some of the first 3 show was meant to be a gotcha.

  9. Frankie707 on November 5th, 2010 10:20 am

    Hi, I liked this episode. I just loved all of the stuff at the lab, the science, the experiments, just everything there. The case was good, the investigation involving. We did get protective Booth again (protective of Brennan) even if it was just a tiny dancer. 🙂

    I do think that Booth doesn’t seem to be himself in anything related to Hannah. Watching him with her I don’t think it’s just that it’s something I really don’t want to see, or that it’s bad writing, or bad chemistry. I think Booth is acting like he thinks he should act in a relationship and is not being himself. How long will he be able to keep that up is the question.

    On Booth saying he’s not a betting man. My first thought was…well the first thought was to wonder that he didn’t tell her about his gambling addiction? The second thought was that if Brennan had been there she’d probably have replied to him that he was a dengerate gambler! 😀

    I do think that Brennan and Booth are finding their way back to each other more and more with each episode. It seemed to me that Brennan was touching Booth much more in the park scene. They did have a bit more of the bantering going on. I loved Sweets and Brennan double-teaming Booth in the diner scene.

    Also loved that anything Brennan says has such an impact on Booths actions. She tells him that Hannah’s injury is serious and requires surgery or she could die…there is no waiting for a 2nd opinion from an acutal medical doctor, he just knows it’s true because she said so. Then she tells him the surgery is minor and so he’s able to continue woring while his girlfriend is undergoing surgery. She tells him about the need to put the lid down on the toilet before flushing and he runs out to buy new toothbrushes. 😀 And Hannah knows immediately that it must be something Temperance said that necessitated the new toothbrushses.

    There may not have been any obvious signs of cracks in the Booth/Hannah relationship but I think we’ll soon see things happening to begin the deterioration of that relationship. .

    The end was a bit odd with Hannah insisting on Brennan giving her the sunglasses, but once it got past that I think the rest of their conversation was pretty good, and at that point I probably liked Hannah better than at any other point since she’s shown up. I saw something there that I can see her still being friends (not BFF, but friends) with Brennan after her relationship with Booth is over.

  10. maroon on November 5th, 2010 10:38 am

    I agree with some of the commenters. Booth is not acting like Booth in this season, it’s obvious to me as I’m currently rewatching this series from season 1. My guess is that it’s deliberately written that way and later we’ll find out that, deep down, Booth knows Hannah isn’t the one he’s supposed to be with and he’s overcompensating in order to make it work.

    I’m getting really bored at Booth x Hannah’s interactions. I know we need to be shown how good things are between them, but pleaaase, enough is enough!

    Love the diner scene. Snappy, funny conversation. I’m kinda missing just Booth x Bones together though, it seems to me lately (starting this season?) Sweets or Hannah or some other people is always there with them. Maybe the writers need their presence because they still haven’t figured out what sort of dynamics B&B will have once they find themselves alone together?

  11. alica on November 5th, 2010 12:06 pm

    on bones in my opinion they should put out a casting call for a really good tv actress to play hannah and just announced like they do on a soap opera./thats is if you really want booth to have a new lady,I THINK this would make hannah more likeable,to me booth deserves that.

  12. Kim on November 5th, 2010 12:07 pm

    I am not liking Booth this year and I can’t stand to watch Hannah at all. Everything about Hannah just annoys and irritates me. Brennan and Hannah being friends? You have got to be kidding me. This seasons storyline is so slow, dull and boring. There is no conflict and the characters seem to be bored to death with what they are being given to act out. Its almost like we are being forced to watch boring reality t.v. without any of the drama. The only thing remotely interesting about last nights episode was the real life bronze statue.

  13. Lisa (BoothyBones) on November 5th, 2010 12:22 pm

    First, the B/B/Sweets breakfast conversation was hilarious…it was funny how Bren & Sweets ganged up on Booth (Bren redeemed herself later though when she defended Booth to Sweets – ‘we persevere’).

    The rendering of the skeleton was SOOOOO COOL! It’s too bad Angela didn’t stay to watch it.

    I like that Booth caught the magician trying to steal his badge….and that statue totally fooled me – I jumped!

    Loved this line by Hodgins – ‘Shakesperean Loony Toons’ – HA!

    I was very moved by Booth’s heartfelt thanks to Brennan in the hospital. Also, I’m impressed that Booth is accepting Hannah as she is and not trying to change her, I wasn’t sure how he would handle that.

    More & more I’m seeing the parallels between Bren & Hannah – even they are comparing themselves – quite the pair indeed! (Please don’t misunderstand though, I think Bren is DEFINITELY THE STANDARD)

    As for the sunglass thing – I just figured Hannah started it out as a joke and it kind of snowballed…

    I ALMOST feel bad for Booth – between Bren and Hannah, he’s going to have his hands full! Or as Laffers said – he’s totally screwed 🙂

    I’m so curious how this whole thing with Hannah is going to pan out…I mean both her and Booth kind of freaked at the thought of a proposal (thank goodness!)…it appears she doesn’t know about his past gambling problems…the beginning of the ep alluded to Hannah not being challenged enough to be happy…is Hannah the type that will EVER settle down? Is that what will drive them apart?

    As for Bren & Hannah’s budding friendship…it makes sense…they both care for Booth and they have similar interests…but part of me keeps remembering the saying ‘Keep your friends close and your enemies closer’….hmmmmm.

  14. Ange (Pha1anges) on November 5th, 2010 12:34 pm

    Oveall, sadly, I didn’t like this episode too much. There were definitely parts that I enjoyed: I loved the science and was in as much awe over the plastic skeleton as Brennan and Arastoo. 😀 I loved Angela being the techno-wizard that we all know and love. I loved Hodgins this episode with his excitement over eukaryotic microorganisms that eat at bone (so cool!) and sifting through garbage.

    Unfortunately, I really didn’t like some other aspects. The last scene with the sunglasses in particular rubbed me the wrong way. Hannah was pretty rude. I get what I think they were trying to accomplish in that scene by making Hannah seem blunt/forward in an attempt to bond with Brennan, but I just found it distasteful. I think it was either a poor delivery on KW’s part or poor writing. I also didn’t like the Booth and Hannah interactions. I agree that Booth just doesn’t seem to be himself, and his lovey-dovey act with Hannah is making me nauseous. I’ve tried really hard to like Hannah or at least appreciate her role in this storyline, but last night’s episode really didn’t sit well with me on that front.

    Overall, not my favourite, but they can’t all be amazing. I’m really excited for the next episode, so bring it on!

  15. alica on November 5th, 2010 12:45 pm

    just read these comments I AGREED WITH the one said they feel bad for booth.I KNOW they are tv characters we as fans care to much about,but keep hoping the ratings stay steady while the show gets better,wished I LIKED HANNAH becaused I KNOW they want her to be booth new lady.

  16. Ann (nelliesbones) on November 5th, 2010 12:58 pm

    Oh dear, I’m trying, but it’s getting so hard watching it. Basically, I *could* like Hannah. She’s tough, smart, stubborn. However, I find that I begin to dislike Booth. That is so wrong, that is worse than purple elephants. Brennan’s development is amazing, she gets metaphors, irony and those looks at Booth (THOSE LOOKS). I know that I’m whining, but please, can’t that storyline be over? I’d take some more s04 stalemate over this happy threesome every time.
    I loved the Venus line and the dancing lasers, though.

  17. ellen on November 5th, 2010 1:05 pm

    Interesting that you did not critique Hannah specifically. She is a huge problem for me. I think there is a disconnect between the characterization that evolves from her supposed actions and past and what we see in her. Not sure it is acting or directing or it is intended. I don’t get warmth or strength or adrenaline from her but I think we should see that. I know she isn’t supposed to be but she comes off as self-centered and selfish (especially last scene). I”m trying to see the upside but…….

    Booth is not confident and happy to me–he seemed insecure and needy. And he seems to need a woman who clearly does not need him. Despite Brennan’s talk of independance when she needed booth because she was in physical danger, because her mother died, because she found her father and her brother- and didn’t know what to do-he was always there for her and she accepted him. Not seein that with Hannah. And where does THAT take him? Old Booth would have dealt with Hannah’s shooter–no discussion no debate. Done. And Booth back to gambling? Ugh, puleeze don’t go there. We spend much of last season watching Booth find himself—not again.
    As for Brennan and Emily? Unconditional love for Booth. Funny and warm and evolving. Emily–unbeleivable as usual.

  18. Lenora on November 5th, 2010 1:29 pm

    I agree that Booth is not himself. He trying very hard to be what he thinks a perfect boyfriend should be but he is not being himself when he is around Hannah. No one can keep that up forever. Either he is going to get angry that he has to be the perfect boyfriend and lash out at Hannah destroying their relationship or he is going to revert back to who he is and Hannah may not like it. Booth is super protective of Brennan but not of Hannah. That is not Boothy at all. If he really loved Hannah he would have charged out of the hospital, hunted down the guy that shot her and all hell would have broke loose. He didn’t do that. Since we know Booth is a take charge kind of guy who will defend the ones he loves to the death; I think we can safely say that Hannah is not the one. We saw how he reacted with Hannah when she asked him if he was asking her to marry him. He looked shocked. So did she.
    Booth pays attention to everything Brennan says. He may call her out on the stuff she says but he actually acts on a lot of the stuff she says also. The toothbrush incident was the best example we have seen. He thought it was a gross topic and didn’t like it but actually had to buy new toothbrushes because of what Brennan said. Now that is influence. When Hannah offered to bet Booth and he said he was not a gambler that seemed to scream out to us that Booth is not being very forthcoming with Hannah. Brennan really knows Booth but Hannah knows very little about him. Booth obviously thinks that being the perfect boyfriend means that he can’t show Hannah any weaknesses.
    This episode was pretty cool. I know a lot of people are upset that Hannah is with Booth but they should see that it is going to take some doing before Booth gives up on the idea that Hannah is the one for him. He is trying to be the perfect boyfriend because he needs to love someone. Since Brennan refused his advances he feels he has to look else where. It is going to take something big to break Booth and Hannah up. Maybe the upcoming Sniper series will do it. She is a gungho reporter out for a story. Booth is a FBI Special Agent who will get his man and won’t like the Press bird dogging him. This probably will create an enormous amount of conflict. Just a thought.

  19. carole on November 5th, 2010 1:33 pm

    people I THINK the diner scene and the faked move in was done for bones not know they had already been living together/but why they felt the need to act I DONT KNOW.

  20. Janet (ProfeJMarie) on November 5th, 2010 2:21 pm

    OMG, the following is a freaking long comment. I probably should have pared it down, but since this is only one of 2 places that I put in full comments about this show, I’ve decided to leave it.

    I really enjoyed this episode for the following reasons:

    The case was interesting – the science, the possibilities. I loved when Cam said, “so ballet to spinning on his head dancer?” Subtle, but funny lines. I liked how it was not surprising who did it, but not obvious along the way.

    Booth-Brennan (-Sweets) banter = FUN and funny. The snappy dialogue is truly one of my all time favorite things about this show.

    LOVED the Shakespeare inter-play. Yet more demonstration of a talented cleverness that is a part of this show.

    I liked that there was finally enough of Hannah to really get to know her better. Up until this point, I really had no opinion one way or another about her. And now, okay, I am starting to “get” her – and as a character she has potential.

    What I did not like so well:

    I did not like how Brennan seemed to know more than the doctor’s regarding the x-rays. I mean, I know she’s a genius and that it is her expertise, but it is over-the top superiority for me and too much of a contrived circumstance to effect the scene that followed it.

    I hate to bring up my thoughts of Hannah because it seems like so many fans out there have an unreasonable emotional aversion to her (how about that for a euphemism?) that I don’t want my comments to be taken to be a part of that bandwagon, but I’m not super fond of her. Unfortunately, I think it is because I don’t like the acting whereas I think the character of Hannah could be really much more interesting. I will not dwell on that particular aspect, though.

    And so, for those who do not want to get over analytical, you should save yourself the time and quit reading my comments now, if you haven’t already. 🙂 Here’s the thing. If I compare the Hannah-Booth thing to the Sully-Brennan thing, I could say that Booth and Brennan were attracted to people that are very similar to each other. However, Eddie McClintock SOLD Sully so well, that even though I didn’t want him to stick around, I still liked him and how he was with Brennan.

    I don’t feel it with Hannah – and, strangely, I want to. I want Booth to end up leaving Hannah simply because she isn’t Brennan. I liked Booth with Cam so much more than this.

    The sunglasses scene at the end seemed weird to me – NOT that Hannah brought up the “tradition”, but that she actually demanded the sunglasses from Brennan and kept them. It was very strange. When I said that I liked getting to know Hannah better, it did not include this, I don’t know, attempt to be too much like Brennan? I feel like there is something else going on there. Maybe Hannah is testing Brennan and Booth – for example, will Booth notice that the sunglasses on Hannah are/were Brennan’s?

    Hmm. ‘Tis true that Booth is not fully Booth around Hannah. So, maybe it is just as well that I don’t have a rapport with her. (But I do NOT have an irrational emotional aversion to her. 🙂 She just is who she is. )

  21. Laffers18 on November 5th, 2010 2:42 pm

    I really really enjoyed this episode….like really 😀

    I’ll say what i hated first and then move on to the good/great bits! I HATED Booth in the first scene with Hannah…serioiusly seriously hated it! The ‘i miss you’ before she even left the apartment…even Hannah didn’t seem particularly impressed! Purlease… up and grow a pair Booth! Jeeze….sappy Booth does nothing for me. I like the man to BE the man in the relationship.

    Now on to the good 😀

    The opening diner scene was brilliant…Brennan and Sweets ganging up on Booth was hilarious!

    The scene with Hannah and Booth at their apartment was a bit…odd. Can’t put my finger on why but it was weird….KW and DB have next to no chemistry which doesn’t help. The toothbrush thing made me giggle though….such a female reaction 🙂
    Hodgins rocked as usual, and it was nice to see Aristoo back 🙂 I also enjoyed Angela…and she didn’t annoy me for once so yay! I am slowly but surely making my way back to Angela love…about time too!

    Brennan saving Hannah’s life….how kick ass is she? The moment between Booth and Brennan in the hospital was great too…when it looked like he moved to follow her before stopping himself. Got to love that!

    Sweets was EPIC in this episode, loved everything about the gorgeous babyduck! His interrogation in Shakespearan was a classic, it will go down in ‘Sweets moments’ for me for sure! Also loved how Brennan stuck up for Booth with the ‘We persevere’ comment….reminded me so much of the Sweets/Booth/Brennan meeting from long ago that bought up the fact that they are SO protective of one another, which ended in the much loved ‘I only hope that one day Sweets you know what a true partnership is’ parting shot from Booth. Was a nice moment i think.

    I didn’t guess the killer either which annoys me but kudos to the Bones writers for keeping me guessing til the end 😉

    I’m also one of the few, i think, that really loved the end scene. The ‘sunglasses incident’ as i now refer to it, came across well for me. I just saw Hannah doing he best to relate to Brennan on her level and we forget that she had a point. It is tradition to take a gift to someone in hospital…though it’s normally some form of fruit! LOL.

    I liked the fact that she used anthropology to bond with Brennan, and the fact that Brennan let her. They are both very similar woman who have a lot in common even without Booth…why can’t they be friends?! Though you’ll have to pity Booth if they do grow closer…they’ll drive him mad! 😉

    So, that was my rather long winded way of saying i LOVED this episode. I loved Booth. I loved Brennan. AND I loved Hannah!

    Bring on next week…and the week after………and the week after that!

  22. bailey on November 5th, 2010 5:24 pm

    “It’s a deliberate look at Booth and Brennan trying to be what they aren’t.”

    I love that you said this, it makes so much sense, this season so far as been Booth and Brennan trying to be apart (at least in the outside of work sense of their relationship) and failing miserably at it because they are so entertwined that they can’t be who they’re suppose to be without the other one. Hopefully you’re right and this is what the writers are wanting us to feel.

    I thought the episode was okay, but it’s not going to be a favorite for me. The last scene with Brennan and Hannah actually bothered me a bit because the first of that scene felt like Hannah was making fun of Brennan. Like she was taking all she knows about Brennan (how logical she is, her knowledge of cultural situations and traditions, her lack of knowledge of social aspects of life) and teasing her, knowing that Brennan won’t get what she’s doing. Now, I’m not sure that’s what TPTB wanted us to feel since Hart did say he wanted Brennan & Hannah to be friends and Emily said that the two of them “bonded” in this scene, but that’s how I felt. The end of the scene felt more natural to me, and I actually liked the last of it, but the first with the sunglasses, I just wanted to sream ‘leave her alone!” Lol.

  23. gerrytart5 on November 5th, 2010 5:59 pm

    What has happened for me during this season is bigger then Hannah, I can see and admit that. Unfortunately though, no matter how hard they try me it is not her fault, I will always lay the blame at her feet, because they have worked so hard to convince us that Hannah is the reason for all of the changes going on for our characters. And the changes are what I dislike the most about what is going on. Not how Brennan is growing emotionally, but the other very un-Bones like things that are happening. I am sorry but last night’s episode felt like a Hannah centric episode and it just felt wrong. I don’t buy anyone who says they are not a B&B shipper, but a long time fan. I am sorry but if you have been with this show from the start then being a shipper is IMPOSSIBLE. Part of why this show was so powerful and worked so well was because the writers gave us this amazing story that organically grew over the last five years into this beautiful (sometimes stressful) dynamic. I never before felt like I was watching a romance/drama with a little case and science thrown in. I always felt like the case and the science were the center of Bones and all of the other side stories grew from and developed along with that. It felt real and believable, watching bonds forming and this little group of people growing into this amazing ensemble working in this high tech, unsavory enviroment doing what’s right and becoming. I never found the drama of will they, won’t they a problem because for me all along they were. Plain and simple. Even when other characters where there to act as lovers, while I was like whatever! I never felt it was wrong or not cohesive because they were there but only peripherally and they didn’t change any of the dynamic. Actually in most cases they enhanced that dynamic. Even with all the outside drama I never felt like I couldn’t stomach it, that the group was in danger, or that the character’s were no longer who we have been told they are because of it. And maybe that is the real intentions here. Maybe we are all suppose to see that the center is gone and nothing is right. That this doesn’t work without Bones and Booth together. The cohesiveness and flow will be gone and that is why when they do finally put them together they will be able to sustain the series because it will be right again, and Bones will be back and we can do high level drama with a couple. If that’s the case then I think not only will it work, but it will be amazing – but this right now, well not so much! Everything is off kilter and I feel like they are compromising the characters in order to create something so non-organic and forced that I am resentful and critical instead of absorbed and impressed. I am so angry on Angela’s behalf that they are trying to write Hannah as Brennan’s new best friend it is totally off putting. Those moments should be between Angela and Brennan sharing in her life – NOT Hannah! The supporting characters have been lost in this muddle and it effects the flow and my interest levels in the storylines. I feel bad on their behalves. It is like they are there but missing at the same time. I miss the richness they bring to the stories and a glimpse here or there is not enough. Hannah’s over bearing attitude comes off as offensive to me – I’d slap her for trying to take my sunglasses, just saying. That scene was so weird and did not come across as her trying to reach Brennan on her level. All I kept thinking was what now you took her guy and you are going to bully her for her sunglasses? She really is a 12 year old (plus the juice box thing just screamed look at how wrong this looks)! It was really just one of those moments that had me going, huh? They want her for Booth, fine. I even might understand some of the reasoning behind why. But it is so beyond reasonable to think in season 6 you can bring in this character write big storylines for her and have her just settle so neatly into this comfy-cozy role. Cases seem to be secondary while shoving Hannah and all of the changes seem to be first in line. Nothing feels organic or as if it is happening and while we don’t like it the flow is there, the dynamic is there and it is a graceful part of the story they are telling. I miss the flow, the chemistry, the intrigue. I am not having fun watching the show and that is the worst part. I know the journey is part of the process, not just the end and all that blah, blah, blah – but this is one journey that I would rather not take. I was reluctant to get in the car but I did because I was told trust us, we all know the end point and it will be amazing once we get there. I just didn’t foresee the route that we were going to take. The scenery is pretty enough to look at but after about 5 minutes it becomes boring and I find my self dying for a rest stop!

  24. ihatehannah on November 5th, 2010 7:34 pm

    Booth just doesn’t seem like Booth anymore. The ONLY good part was when he told her thank you. I saw the old them. Now I don’t know if I will be able to get over the Hannah thing even when she is gone. You know what I think I could handle it better if the last scene was still only Booth and Bones talking. Those were my favorite by far. They left me with a good feeling that everything was going to be okay. Why does Hannah have to be friends with Bones, and I am mad at Angela for not being anti-Hannah. Best Friends are always supposed to hate the new girl, even if their friend doesn’t even know they are in love.

  25. workaholic888 on November 5th, 2010 8:23 pm

    Something about Hannah and Booth is off. They’re good for each other, but they don’t complement each other like Booth and Brennan do. Something’s just “off”. Call it my gut feeling. Ha!

    Angela kicked some serious butt with her machine. My jaw dropped. Literally! Cam’s comment = priceless! Ha!

    Yes, Brennan definitely is warmer! I’m liking this side of her though. Yes, Booth is also different. It’s a bit unfamiliar, but I think it’s as realistic as it gets. I mean, it’s only normal for things to be different between Booth/Brennan right? Booth thanking Brennan made my day. And at the end of the episode, Brennan was totally looking out for Booth by suggesting Hannah should stay safe. Last time it was the “phone”, now it’s protecting Hannah (from getting shot again + femoral artery tear). She’s doing it all for Booth!! Perhaps there hope? 🙂

  26. carole on November 6th, 2010 5:50 am

    TO ME booth chose to be with a woman that dont even compared to brennan,she easy and what is respectable,we should be liked bones and dont give a damn and maybe they will write her off/

  27. Caitriona on November 6th, 2010 6:32 am

    I know everyone thinks that Booth hasn’t told Hannah about his gambling addiction, but in my opinion, he has. It’s just that Booth is more into the relationship and more into Hannah ( as he knew her well enough to know she’s was still going to follow the story ) Hannah, on the other hand, dosen’t know booth. She didn’t know about the phone and ( i think ) forgot that Booth wasn’t a betting man. Over all, the relationship is off balance. Booth is over doing it in reaction to his feelings about Brennan…

  28. rynogeny on November 6th, 2010 1:12 pm

    Late to the party as always, but I’m seeing something I’m not seeing anyone here comment on, so will throw it out there.

    I liked this ep a great deal – it may actually be my favorite one of the season so far. I liked the case, loved the special effects and Angela’s toys, and what we saw of the other squints. Really loved the Shakespeare Loony Tunes and Sweets’ interrogation of him.

    But, I confess, mostly I liked it because I’m seeing huge problems in Booth and Hannah’s relationship. (‘Does that make me a bad person?’ – to quote Caroline from Harbingers.)

    Booth’s not just acting off, he’s subjugating his personality to please Hannah, and that never ends well. At the scene in the diner, he makes a leap from ‘Hannah needs excitement in her job’ to ‘there’s something wrong with the relationship and I’m responsible.’ Not only is he framing the relationship in terms of what he does (putting the seat down), later, we see the man who, at his core, is protective of everyone he loves repress the need to protect Hannah. He went after both a gang leader and a writer – threatening them with death – because he perceived they were a risk to Brennan, but when a cop actually shoots his GF he backs down completely, meekly offering to work with her to end the threat? He’s a decorated FBI agent, perfectly capable of investigating what happened in a way that wouldn’t tip off the cop who shot her, but we don’t even get hints he might do that. He just completely denies that part of himself for fear of driving her off.

    So we see that Booth is framing their relationship in terms of ‘I have to change so she’ll stay.’ We also see that he’s not told her about his gambling past. No surprise there, really, but another flaw in the foundation of their relationship, IMO.

    And looking at the other side of the relationship, what are we getting from Hannah? Nothing. She flew around the world to be with him, which, yes, if I did that, would mean something huge. But she’s a self-professed nomad. Maybe taking off on a whim to follow a guy who’s good under fig trees isn’t nearly the commitment everyone (including Booth) thinks. She panicked when she thought he was going to propose (and it’s interesting that that didn’t seem to bother him.) Beyond that, are we seeing her do anything for him apart from giving him great sex? As noted, she followed him, which may not mean any more to her than my deciding to have lunch with a friend would. And yes, she wanted to give him something when they moved in together.

    But in this ep? It’s all about her. I’m not seeing anything here that looks similar to any woman I’ve ever seen who was in love, or even deep like, with a guy. He appears to be doing all the work in the relationship, telling her he’ll miss her, wanting to spend more time with her than she seems to want to spend with him (this isn’t the first time she left without any obvious regrets while he would have preferred another visit to the fig tree.)

    Meanwhile…what are we seeing from Brennan? Evidence that she does love Booth. She may not yet be in love with him, but she loves him. She’s the one who makes sure he gets the phone gift, and tries to protect him by warning Hannah he’ll pour himself into the relationship. She saves Hannah’s life by browbeating some hapless x-ray tech into letting her look at the x-rays, for Booth’s sake. For his peace of mind. (And in both cases, we see Booth process what Brennan has done for him.) And then at the end, we see Brennan trying to protect him in another way by asking Hannah to be careful, perhaps more careful than is normal for an adrenaline junkie, because it will hurt him if something happens to her.

    End result of what I see, then? Booth’s doing most of the work in the relationship, is repressing his own personality for it. Hannah has the power in their relationship and isn’t coming across as all that much in love with him, really – while Brennan is showing him love and he’s seeing it. Doesn’t mean she’s in love with him, but she’s definitely thinking about him more at this point than his girlfriend is.

  29. Christine (samnickmike) on November 6th, 2010 1:32 pm

    I always find it interesting that when I think back on an episode I never think anything about the case, which is odd as the first reason I began watching was the due to the criminal / forensics part, but like most, what has really drawn me in is the Booth / Brennan relationship. Not sure what that says about the show or if it is good or bad for the show, but I think I am not alone. That said, I aggree that Booth is not himself, and I think everyone knows it. Sweets has known it from the beginning and the fact that he keeps pointing out little nuances that prove it is fun, especially when he and brennan agree and point out those little nuances. Brennan on the other hand, seems so different. I have heard a lot of people say she is regressing, but I disagree, she seems to understand people so much better this season, and is enjoying people more. Each case she finds fun, interesting people to comment on, in a positive way. It seems it is her, not Booth explaining peoples actions lately. She actually “guessed” at a suspect without much arguing from Booth this week. In past years she would have spouted why scientifically guessing is wrong. Found it interesting that when asking her to “guess” he used the term its just you and I here…

    Also interesting – the persevere thing – did she persevere when he was in the hospital, no stayed by his side, everytime, or did he? no, actually flew to New Orleans even when she asked him not to come, he also didn’t want to leave Cam when she was in the hospital and that was supposedly only a fling, ok yes most of those were different than simple surgery, but still not the same. Sweets knew it was odd that he was at work that is not typical booth. the difference is that when they persever, they have to persevere to find the person who put them in the hospital to begin with, this time while he claims he is going after the person, doesn’t seem to be working too hard at it. Definitely not the knight in FBI shining armor we are used to. Had Bones told him she was putting herself in a dangerous place, he would have found a way to be there, or fought a lot more with her to talk her out of it. He just asked her to be safe. And then at the hospital, didn’t seem too angry, but wondered if she would lose her job??? why is he worried about that? maybe because he knows she is more into her job than him… the thanks from Booth at the hospital, just like after he got the phone , he knows how great it is that she is doing so much for him to keep him happy, and wonders how hard it is for her. That part has him upset with himself he never wants to make things hard for her.

    And the end scene. To me the last five minutes of this show are always the most telling and most dramatic. I think it was awkward, but found it interesting that Bones knew it was weird. I think either she or hannah are constantly pointing out their shared qualities. Hannah understands her, and knew to use something intelligent to draw her in. I think she also knows Booth loves Brennan. I think she is annoyed everytime she does something nice ( save her life, suggest the phone) but is is trying to be more like her so that Booth will see their similarities. She may not be ready for a proposal, but no girl likes another girl in the way. I will find it interesting if she wears those glasses at some point and it bothers Booth. Booth too seems to be trying to get a little Brennan out of her by catching her shooter together, and if that storyline goes anywhere, wouldn’t it be interesting if Bones goes along and the shooter gets bren by mistake and it really upsets Booth more than when they shot Hannah???? either way I like this season so far, but am definitely looking forward to some intense cases that make me cry or cringe, those are good ones! I am only hoping we are not seeing the final season.

  30. Christina on November 6th, 2010 5:25 pm

    did anyone else notice this was the first episode in a VERY long time that it didnt end with a B&B scene?!?

  31. Bella on November 6th, 2010 10:41 pm

    I’m not much of a commenter but I’ve read about a million blogs today trying to justify the oddness of this episode because I really want to convince myself that it was all deliberate, rather than just dodgy writing.
    One thought about the final scene – the thing with the sunglasses does seem kind of random but often in past seasons, little random things have turned out to have some sort of significance. Stewie Griffin was probably the randomest of random ever to happen on Bones, and suddenly it was a symptom of Booth’s brain tumor which lead to the coma dream and one of the greatest turning points for B&B’s relationship.
    So with everything I’ve read about Hannah being a potential future catalyst for Booth and Brennan, I’m starting to think that those sunglasses could come back later with a vengeance. Maybe Booth will recognise them on Hannah and completely freak out, leading to her realisation that she’s the inevitable losing party in a love triangle? Who knows.

    Two things are really bugging me about this season when I compare the episodes with earlier ones;
    1. Brennan may have regressed emotionally and be suppressing feelings etc etc, but the way ED delivers lines has become really stilted and loud and actually makes her sound unintelligent. It almost seems as though she has become an absurd caricature of original Brennan.
    2. WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO B&B REFLECTION TIME? It has been reduced to very brief eye-contact moments, and in this episode it was replaced completely by Hannah/Brennan bonding. Come to think of it, what has happened to Booth and Brennan scenes at all? They’re so rarely alone. I know this is all part of the awkward situation but we’re seeing less and less of other characters too – we need more Angela/Hodgins, more Cam/Booth, Angela/Brennan – and it feels like its because Hannah is on screen in every non-case-related scene. Boo.

  32. Cristina on November 6th, 2010 11:10 pm

    I have very mixed emotions regarding this season, overall but I have been pleased with the episodes so far. Yes, there not what they used to be but everything and everyone must evolve, right?  Anyways as far as this episode goes I was happy enough that if filled the void of the baseball hiatus but I can’t stop to shake off the nagging feeling I have towards this season. Because everytime I watch an episode this season I become anxious with the possibility of Bones and Booth not ending up together and up until the 100 th episode I didn’t feel that way because well… the 100th episode hadn’t happen ( if only HH could guarantee that B&B will end up together in the end I would have no problems with this season 😉
    Back to this episode… I actually really enjoyed it. But like most episodes this season what I really appreciated was the scientific/case side of it. My favorite character this week has got to be Angela. What she did to recreate the skeleton was just amazing, I was so intrigued and I’m glad that if the writers aren’t bringing me back week after week due to Booth and Brennan, at least they manage to due it with the cases. 
    As for Booth and Bones…It wasn’t my favorite but like always Brennan made my day. I loved loved loved her reactions to the magician, they seemed so pure and childish(In a good way) and as always I enjoyed her quirky facts. 
    When Booth got the call about Hannah being shot I was lmao because my poor sister was ecstatic at the thought that she was killed, unfortunately that wasn’t the case. Also, I can’t help to a bit remorse about feeling happy that she had gotten shot and disappointed that Brennan had saved Hannah’s life. Am I the only one that feels that way, I hope not :/. After all, she didn’t have to do that but I guess that’s what we do for our lived ones. 
    With that said, I have one last thought or I should say question. After reading several reviews and watching the last scene on the episode I am extremely confused. At first when I was watching it I felt anger towards Hannah for asking Bones for a gift, Brennan saved her life isn’t that good enough! However, once the episode was over I was like, what the heck just happened?!?! And so can someone please explain the last scene to me. Why did Hannah asked Bones for a gift? Why did Brennan give in so easily? And lastly, what does this all mean for the remainder of the season and Booth and Bones’ relationship?

  33. @melissasjack on November 7th, 2010 11:25 am


    I sooo agree with everything you said.

    I loved this ep, I LOVE this season… I saw all the “cracks” you were talking about and I am sooooooo glad I am not the only one out there who loves this season.

    Now, I LIKE Hannah… I think DB is doing some of the best acting EVER in this season, I think its is ALL totally deliberate that he is playing Booth as so Un-Boothy… It is different. She isn’t Bones, he is scared if he doesn’t “measure up”, Hannah too will leave him, and he’s trying too hard.. and I LOVE it. I LOVE how amazing DB is at portraying Booth this season (well all seasons really!!!) … The difference between his looks w/ Bones and the way he is with Hannah? It’s amazing.

    I am a total BB shipper, I have NO doubts at all that they will be together but in the meantime, I am LOVING S6.

  34. eriz on June 9th, 2011 9:39 am

    Contradict to all those comments above, I think this episode is nice, not odd. Probably because I was fascinated with the science stuffs that Hodgin did to the hand print. I love the scene between Sweet and the bronze guy, it showed respects toward those who are differences. It is really meaningful and of course, his final comment to Sweet was really great, I suddenly saw a flash back to the episode where Brennan saw Sweet’s scar, his dark past and his shinning heart. I don’t really care about BB anymore because I found Booth this season very irritating. He told Brennan the moment he looked at her he knew she was the one (well not that literately), and it just proves that he is a hypocrite. I’m not saying he has to stick with perceived ‘one sided love’ forever but with Hannah, what he called love irritates me. I don’t mind Hannah but she has got WAY too much screen time it is annoying.

  35. Felicia on July 6th, 2015 12:36 pm

    I know this is several years late, but this episode was kind of eh for me. Booth lives with a Hannah, with intentions of marrying her. I was kind of mad when Hannah freaked out, thinking that he was going to propose to her. If you can commit to sex and living with someone, you should be able to turn that into a life long commitment. Otherwise, out the door you should go! Although I can tell that he is really in love with Brennan, but dumping Hannah for her would make him kind of a d-bag…. but he didn’t know that Brennan’s feelings would change, and I don’t blame him for not waiting for Brennan to change her mind (he has a life too.)
    But his relationship with Hannah is so awkward. He is always inviting Brennan over for dinner (3rd wheel).
    I also didn’t like Hannah’s attitude at the end. Maybe she is trying to be more forward like Brennan, but I’ve never heard Brennan tell anyone that he/she should give her something; Brennan doesn’t act like somebody has to give her something in order to be a good friend. Also, how is that making Hannah a good friend? Friends don’t have to be alike in every way. Look at the team… Angie is good friends with Brennan, even though Brennan is very “scientific” almost all of the time. Booth likes to hang out with Brennan… a lot! Even though they look at things differently, they always come back to each other.