Thanksgiving 2010: What We’re Thankful For
November 24, 2010 by Team GMMR
Thanksgiving is nearly here and we have a lot to be happy about. Yes, we’re all grateful for good health, great friends and that sort of thing.
But in honor of the holiday, Team GMMR took some time to reflect on what television highlights we’re most thankful for this season.
Keep reading for our lists…
Kath Skerry:
1. To each and every person that makes stopping by part of their daily habit, I can’t thank you enough. I love having such a strong community of fellow TV fans to chat with every day. XOXO
2. I’m thankful for my Slingbox. I know it’s wrong to love a gadget as much as I do my Slingox, but a device that enables me to watch my home DVR from any computer, my iPad and my iPhone is something to be cherished.
3. To the shows that make TV worth watching. Those shows that, despite their ups and downs, still entertain me on a weekly basis. The list will be different for each of us, but this year I’m especially thankful for: CHUCK, GLEE, THE OFFICE, PARENTHOOD, THE GOOD WIFE, MAD MEN, MODERN FAMILY, GOSSIP GIRL, COMMUNITY, TRUE BLOOD, COUGAR TOWN, PARKS & REC (come back, I miss you), GREY’S ANATOMY (welcome back, old friend), SUPERNATURAL, HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER, THE BIG BANG THEORY, THE VAMPIRE DIARIES and SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE. (Don’t hate me for the shows that I didn’t name…just make sure they make YOUR most ‘most thankful’ list… which we’d love to see in the comment section).
4. I think we all know I’m thankful for my TV boyfriends, so on this special holiday, let me say thank you to Mom & Dad Krasinski, Levi, Harris, Jackson, Somerhalder and all the other parents of the cute men that I spend my quality TV time with.
5. I’m thankful to all the critics and my fellow TV fans who kept talking about the brilliance of COMMUNITY. This is a show that I dismissed too early last season, but it has since become one of the series I just can’t live without.
6.To the Sculptadores Crew. Always thankful for your friendship and for all our adventures. Back in Boston in 2011? We haven’t done L.A. together in a while. Perhaps somewhere more exotic?
7. To Bravo, just for being you.
8. A special thanks to the listeners of The TV Talk Podcast who spend hours each week (ok maybe not each week) listening to Dan and I prattle on about all things TV. I never laugh so much as I do when we are podcasting and it’s nice to know that so many are laughing along with us (or is it as us?)… “Firstly” the novel length comments you leave for each and every podcast are, you guessed it…CRAMAZING!
9. I’m thankful that I don’t live in Mystic Falls or Bon Temps. Sure their men are off the charts HOT, but those towns are seriously frakked!
10. I’m thankful to Chris Colfer for bringing the truly unique, inspiring and damn hilarious character of Kurt Hummel to life. I don’t think there is another human on the planet that could play this part.
11. To my puppy, Digby. Okay, not TV related but she’s been the best thing about 2010 and I couldn’t put together my list of things I’m thankful for without mentioning her.
12. For Fiona Faraday and her Sugar Snatch. HA!
13. For Kristen Bell who is pushing so hard for a VERONICA MARS movie. I love knowing that the show meant as much to her as it did to us. Let’s make it happen!
14. For Matthew Bomer’s eyes and his fancy dance moves.
15. And for the members of Team GMMR. There aren’t enough of words to properly thank them for everything they do to keep alive and kicking. I try to always let them know how much I appreciate their contributions, but it doesn’t even scratch the surface of how truly grateful I am. This year has been especially trying for me and I just haven’t had the time to devote to the site. I know with 100% certainty that Give Me My Remote would not exist today if it weren’t for the amazing efforts of Team GMMR. So my biggest thanks goes to Marisa, Korbi, Erik, Sarah L., Sarah C., Nicole, Haylee, Christina and all the other TV fanatics who have contributed to making GMMR my favorite TV hang out. Love you!
Marisa Roffman:
1. I’m thankful that despite THE X-FILES being off the air 8+ years, creative shows are finding ways to keep its spirit on television. (Now please greenlight a third movie, Fox.)
2. I’m thankful for FRINGE. I know, you’re all shocked by this. But my gosh, am I thankful for that brilliant show. There is no show currently on television that continuously ups its game and shocks me that much every week. Most shows are shying away from mythology and long-term arcs, but FRINGE embraces it and the payoff is so worth it. (And if you’d all follow FRINGE to its new Friday at 9 timeslot in ’11, I’ll be even more thankful.)
3. I’m thankful for syndicated television. As someone who watches BEVERLY HILLS: 90210, THE OC, FRIENDS, FAMILY GUY and THE OFFICE almost every day in syndication, it saves me from busting out my TV on DVD collection… though I am also thankful for my pretty TV on DVD collection.
4. For Darren Criss. Definitely thankful to GLEE for what they’ve done with him so far.
5. I’m thankful for the LOST finale. I know some people had their problems with it — and there is no denying some questions weren’t answered — but I thought it was a beautiful end to one of my all-time favorite shows.
6. I’m thankful for USA Network. Quirky television hasn’t been particularly successful on network TV as of late, but on USA, it thrives. Some of the most enjoyable shows on TV reside there.
7. I’m thankful for the Fox promo department. I’ve spent way too many hours this year watching (and rewatching) some of their brilliant ads.
8. I’m thankful for “bottle episodes.” Trapping your characters in one location is a tricky thing to do on television and everyone needs to step up to make sure the ep stays interesting. But man, very often it does pay off incredibly well. BONES had one of their best hours of the series with this year’s “The Proof in the Pudding” when the team was locked inside the lab investigating a corpse that may or may not have been JFK. COMMUNITY’s recent “Cooperative Calligraphy” trapped the study group in a room to determine who stole Annie’s pen and unleashed a whole batch of secrets along the way. I understand it’s gimmicky and shows can’t overuse this method of storytelling, but the aforementioned pulled it off brilliantly.
9. I’m thankful for smart comedies, especially the MODERN FAMILY-COUGAR TOWN combo on ABC. Also thankful for THE BIG BANG THEORY and how insanely funny that show is.
10. I’m thankful for casts and crews that have no problem expressing how much they love working. Yes, it’s a job. Yes, some people in this town are jaded. But there are good people who just love getting to do what they do and have no problem expressing it. (I’m looking at you, TJ Thyne and Robert Knepper.)
11. I’m thankful for Twitter getting Joshua Malina jobs. Can someone please make him a series regular on something?!
12. I’m thankful I get to spend every day working my dream job. Is that cheesy? I’m not sure I mind. This year has brought some of the best experiences of my professional career, from some of my most unforgettable interviews to several insanely fun set visits. I am a lucky, lucky, lucky woman.
13. I’m forever thankful to the AMAZING Team GMMR. I read this site for years before I started writing here, and you have all been so welcoming to me. I’m thankful for each and every one of you and for every post you guys do. You guys help make the site so fantastic!
14. Last, but certainly not least, I’m thankful for you guys. I’m thankful for all the wonderful readers of this fantastic site. I’m thankful to all of you who watch our video interviews. I’m thankful for those of you who take the time to comment on posts, either here or on Twitter. You guys make getting to do my dream job even more lovely.
Sarah Curtis:
1. I’m thankful that Peter Krause and Josh Charles are both on my TV again (even if it’s not behind the SPORTS NIGHT desk…with or without pants!)
2. This is terrible, but I’m always a teensy bit thankful whenever the show of an ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT alum seems to tank, as I have this irrational hope that AD will come back to the screen (big or small).
3. Speaking of hope, I’m thankful for RAISING HOPE and the sweet reality it brings at times.
4. I’m thankful that BONES is in its sixth season; I love that show so much.
5. I’m thankful that Steve Carell is leaving THE OFFICE on his terms.
6. I’m thankful for the StandUp2Cancer program.
7. I’m thankful for this piece.
8. I’m thankful for PSYCH. Seriously, it’s the best show I never seem to talk enough about. Gus and Shawn are incredibly hilarious.
9. I’m thankful for BONES. Oh wait, I said that already? Well, I’m just THAT thankful for it!
10. I’m thankful for my DVR; without it, none of the above would be quite as possible.
11. I’m thankful for the SHERLOCK series on Masterpiece:Mystery. It was smart, funny, dark, and it featured Martin Freeman. Can’t ask for much more than that on public television… unless you’re Katy Perry.
Christina Scanlon:
1. I’m thankful for CHUCK being in its fourth season, despite almost getting canceled every year. Go CHUCK!!
2. For my Tivo, which I’m convinced was invented just for me (back in the day, I had 3 VCR’s going at once).
3. For Sheldon’s awesome T-shirts on THE BIG BANG THEORY. Bazinga!
4. For Cable TV, if only so that classics like SAVED BY THE BELL will never die. I LOVE YOU ZACK MORRIS!
5. For Neil Patrick Harris. ‘Nuff said.
6. For DVD box sets, so that I can relive all my favorite shows whenever I like, unlike back in the day when they were gone forever. (Did I just say “back in the day” twice? Wow, I swear I’m not that old.)
7. Being part of the awesome GMMR team! Thank you to everyone who reads my recaps!
Korbi Ghosh:
1. Dang it, those b!#@%es covered everything I wanted to say… but I’m actually beyond thankful for that more than almost anything this year, because I work with a team of incredibly like-minded, intelligent, competent and gracious TV-loving people. You all have been so damn supportive, you’re just phenomenal individuals who have gotten me through this year with a smile. The company one keeps is a great measure of their happiness, so mad props to Team GMMR… with a special shout out to Marisa for her tireless hours (and hours) of work, her unparalleled knowledge of television and her undying enthusiasm for this business… and to Kath for welcoming us aboard Give Me My Remote with open arms.
2. Yes, it’s been said before, but we’d be nothing without our loyal readers. We love you, we love you, we love you indeed. And we learn from your comments on our posts and our facebook page and our Twitter accounts — the interaction with you truly does make the job a joy.
3. I’m thankful for the genius minds of those who write for MAD MEN and MODERN FAMILY and IT’S ALWAYS SUNNY and COMMUNITY and COUGAR TOWN and THE BIG BANG THEORY and BONES and FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS and PARENTHOOD and, you know, I could go on all night — anyone who thinks television sucks clearly isn’t watching TV these days. And I’m thankful for the kickass publicists who help to facilitate all the fantastic set visits and meetings I’ve had with the genius minds behind these shows. It has been a pleasure, my friends. A pleasure and a gift.
Erik Wilkinson:
1. Being part of the GMMR community is an incredible gift, and I remain a huge fan of Kath, Korbi, Marisa, Sarah, and the rest of our amazing contributors. They approach TV in a refreshing way, free of the snark and cynicism that so often turns online communities into wastelands of juvenile behavior. We are consistently passionate, occasionally critical, but ALWAYS mindful that real people devote countless hours into creating our favorite (and least favorite) programs.
2. For Z-list (and I only use that term because the alphabet does end) internet writers like me, comments are the most sacred currency. GMMR is home to wildly fascinating discussions about BONES, CHUCK, GLEE, and a host of other prime time staples. Thank you to all of you for reading, responding, and leading our conversations into places we could not imagine.
3. I am thankful to Shonda Rhimes for bringing GREY’S ANATOMY back from the dead, where it was beginning to collect dust alongside the career of T.R. Knight. The new and improved GREY’S 2.0 (now Heigl-free!) is sexy, fun, and relevant. Building on an epic season finale, viewers are falling back in love with a show that captivated us back in the Spring of 2005. Ms. Rhimes, I now forgive you for writing the Britney Spears movie, “Crossroads.”
4. Thanks to my new job as a high school teacher, I cast myself in the Howard Hesseman role on a 21st century version of HEAD OF THE CLASS. The career change has been bumpy, and interrupted my HOUSE & PARENTHOOD writing schedules. I am unbelievably sorry for that. However, the opportunity to shape young minds is truly a dream job, and I am lucky to have 192 students who think Mr. Wilkinson is steering them in the right direction.
5. I am thankful to NBC for giving PARKS & RECREATION the proper time slot (9:30pm, following THE OFFICE) for its return in January. PARKS & REC is TV’s best comedy, and has been since the beginning of its second season. My DVR is set, and yours should be, too.
6. To MTV, for providing so many positive role models to teenagers across America. Thank you for showing the silver lining of becoming a TEEN MOM, losing your brain cells on the JERSEY SHORE, and learning selflessness while celebrating MY SUPER SWEET 16. (Sarcasm alert: MTV’s lineup is a poisonous affront to parents and educators around the country, and I despise the messages of those shows.) On the other hand, I am glad that Maci finally got free of Ryan, so I might be part of the problem
7. For sharing a real-life tragedy with restraint and respect, I applaud the producers of DEADLIEST CATCH for documenting Captain Phil’s final voyage. May he always be on the crab (and I don’t mean that in a sleazy, STD-related way).
8. Yvonne Strahovski. Seriously, just thank you…
9. Thanks to the creative team behind NBC’s THE EVENT for daring to dream big and captivate their audience. The show has never been better than its pilot, and I do not believe it will survive into a second season. However, they tried to hit a home run with every twist and turn, and I applaud their efforts.
10. It is fitting that Thanksgiving and football are so irrevocably linked, because I will never forget the once-in-a-lifetime experience that has been FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS. Thank you to Jason Katims, Kyle Chandler, Connie Britton, and the amazing cast and crew that brought Dillon, Texas to life. You will all be missed.
And because it’s worth saying again and again, we’re so thankful for you, our lovely readers. Without you, none of this would be possible. So now it’s time for you to share…what are you grateful for this year?
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You’re a little late for Thanksgiving, aren’t you?…oh wait, you celebrate in November there don’t you?! Hahaha! Besides it’s never too late to give thanks!
So in honour of our two countries and their two Thanksgivings, I present to you two lists of things that I am thankful for: one related to Why I Give Thanks for GMMR Every Day and one about Canadian Things to be Thankful for on American TV.
1. Marisa & Korbi…without them I wouldn’t know anything about the site and without them the site wouldn’t be as brilliant as it is! (Oh it would be good…just not brilliant!
2. Lots of stories on my favourite shows…especially endless entries about my beloved Castle!
3. Pure passion and real respect for the medium, those who work in it and those who love to watch it!
4. The following acknowledgments in your lists above:
Kath’s 4, 13, 14, and of course 15.
Marisa’s 3, 6, 11, 12 and of course 14.
Sarah’s 1 (AMEN SISTER!) 5 and 8.
Christina’s 1 (whoot!) and 5.
And Korbi’s 1 (so Korbi!).
5. The fact that you’ve got a Canadian on your Editorial Staff!
And speaking of Canadians…
1. Nathan Fillion (no surprises there!!) on my beloved Castle.
2. CBS for bringing back Flashpoint (with my Sergio di Zio’s Spike!)
3. Being Erica and the American fans who love such a Canadian show (most of whom I am lucky and proud to call my friends!)
4. Cory Montieth who, along with his co-stars, make my life more GLEEful!
5. Nathan Fillion and Stana Katic on Castle (what?! She’s Canadian too, so I mentioned Castle again!)
6. Michael J. Fox on The Good Wife.
7. How I Met Your Mother…not for it’s Canadian lambasting but for it’s Canadian star, Cobie Smulders and her brilliant, though non-Canadian co-stars.
8. Showcase (Network) for airing Drop Dead Diva, Burn Notice (finally!), and the wonderful Haven. (Ok that really should be on the “American Things I am Thankful for on Canadian TV” list but I’m still very grateful for it…now if we could only get a Canadian channel to air White Collar (again) and Psych I’d be very thankful indeed!)
9. Chuck (& Zachary Levi), Mad Men (& Jon Hamm), Brothers & Sisters (& Dave Annable), The Good Guys (& Collin Hanks) and The Office and Modern Family. (No those things are not Canadian but they fill this Canadian gir’ls head full of sweet dreams & much laughter!)
10. Did I mention Nathan Fillion!? Because I am very, very thankful for Nathan Fillion!
Happy Turkey Day GMMR…and once again, THANK YOU!
Geez Kath…um, thanks? Ha!
I’m thankful for Kath and Christina Scanlon getting their priorities right: Viva Buymoria!
I’m thankful that NBC continues to believe in my favorite show.
I’m thankful for Kath’s monumental support when it counted most.
I’m thankful for many other things as well. Too many to list here
Happy TG GMMR!
I am thankful for Bones. The cast and crew make it all possible for us to enjoy.
I’m thankful for Chuck, Glee, Bones, Raising Hope, Modern Family, Psych, Lie to Me, Mentalist, How I Met Your Mother, 30 Rock, which come from the american television, and for Skins, Merlin, Misfits, Sherlock from the british one.
I’m also thankful I discovered GMMR !
I’m thankful for Fringe! I love, love, love this show.
I’m thankful for Bones, Grey’s Anatomy and Desperate Housewives
And deeply deeply thankful to Hart Hanson and Stephen Nathan who work hard and deal with not-friendly tweets everyday. But I hope they know there are a lot of Fans like me THANKFUL and Supportive!
Bones Owns My Heart <3 (And Grey's and Desperate have a little bit of it too :P)
i am UNTHANKFUL for the BONES people taking off THANKSGIVING!!!! I LIVE on these episodes, and theyre gonna stop for a week becuase of a HOLIDAY?! i already had to live through that STUPID baseball thing, PLEASE dont make me do it agian!!!! if you guys can do that for me, id be MUCHO MUCHO THANKFUL:DDD
especially David<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
I’m thankful for BONES, despite the fact that this season has been disappointing so far (yeah I’m talking to you Booth) but I know it can make a comeback having seen it do so many times before. And honestly at this point, no matter how depressing it is I’d keep watching, I love it just that much.
I’m thankful for FRINGE, my favorite new discovery. I was skeptical at first but now I am so invested in the characters and plot, I love it! Thanks for not hesitating to explore the chemistry between Peter and Olivia, and actually moving that story forward (cough bones, castle…)
Thank you CASTLE for providing solid entertainment week after week. Although it would not kill the show to move Beckett and Castle forward… just sayin. Im especially thankful for the triple killer episode, that ending was amazing!!!
And thanks GREYS ANATOMY and Shonda, for bringing one of my favorites back from the dead.
Erik, I think your students are lucky to have you for a teacher. Your House reviews and commentaries showed a thoughtfulness and willingness to listen to other sides that is all too rare in this world. I used to check here to read your reviews even after I gave up on the show itself.
As for what I personally am thankful for on TV — Castle, which remains fun and a good mystery. After that, Glee most times and NCIS. And what Kath said about Showcase airing Burn Notice, Drop Dead Diva and Sherlock at last.