New FRINGE Promo Promises to Re-Animate Friday Nights - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

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New FRINGE Promo Promises to Re-Animate Friday Nights

December 15, 2010 by  

FRINGE fans, Fox knows your fears.

They’ve heard your cries about moving the beloved cult series to Friday nights, they’re well aware that you think it’s a death sentence. And to be fair, fans do have recent history on their side — shows airing at the end of the week are often not long for this world. However, Fox has released a new promo to show that, despite what you might think, they aren’t hanging FRINGE out to dry — they actually want the show to thrive.

The minute-long promo starts off with dramatic music, coupled with FRINGE characters talking about death and obituaries, while television critics’ words of doom flash across the screen. All dark and dreary, right? Nah.

“You may think Friday night is dead…but we’re going to re-animate it,” the promo promises, before bouncing to some of FRINGE’s best moments and a few upcoming scenes.

No, seriously, this might be the best promo ever.

Yes, they’re being meta about their move to Fridays — something I was really worried about when I heard that the next new episode is titled “Firefly” — but this is different. Fox is acknowledging that they know what the perceptions about this move are, but they still think it will work. Much like executive producers Jeff Pinkner and J.H. Wyman said, this move is intended to be a positive thing.

Check it out for yourself…

Amazing, right?!

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Filed under #1 featured, Fringe


4 Responses to “New FRINGE Promo Promises to Re-Animate Friday Nights”

  1. Sarah P. on December 15th, 2010 5:03 pm

    Holy @#$#%^!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That’s awesome!

  2. Kali on December 15th, 2010 5:18 pm

    unbelievably great! loved it – cannot wait for January 21!

  3. Jess on December 16th, 2010 1:42 pm

    That’s a fabulous promo. So good to see that Fox is fighting for at least one of my favorite shows. I think Fridays could be a good night for Fringe. There’s not as much pressure for shows to perform with HUGE numbers. And I believe the Fringe fan base is loyal enough that they will follow the show, no matter what night it’s on. I know I count myself among that group. 5 million viewers on a Friday is going to look a hell of a lot better than 5 million viewers on a Thursday. So good for Fox. And good for the cast and crew of Fringe.

  4. michele on December 16th, 2010 6:04 pm

    I love, love, love Fringe! I really hope it does well!