PARENTHOOD: Should Adam and Kristina Let Haddie Date Alex?
January 5, 2011 by Korbi Ghosh
The kickass Michael B. Jordan of THE WIRE, FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS and ALL MY CHILDREN fame, has joined PARENTHOOD and is doing a stand up job playing Alex, the responsible recovering alcoholic who manages the soup kitchen where Haddie Braverman volunteers. The love story between the unlikely pairing has built nicely as of late, despite the roadblock Adam and Kristina Braverman attempted to erect this week.
Though Adam and Kristina were more than impressed with Alex and how he’s managed to pull himself out of the most dire of circumstances, his maturity level seemed just a bit too much for their 16-year-old daughter.
Can’t say I don’t understand their concerns. The kid, well, isn’t really a kid, having been emancipated and living on his own since he was Haddie’s age.
Still, I knew their decision to ban Haddie from seeing Alex was never going to work. What universe are they inhabiting that they don’t realize she’s far too old for them to control whom she does and doesn’t see. Did they completely miss the BEVERLY HILLS, 90210 Brenda-Jim Walsh-Dylan debacle of 1991?!
Maybe the two should’ve, instead, just calmly expressed their fears to Haddie. And to Alex, for that matter. Perhaps they could’ve set some ground rules, such as Haddie is not allowed to go to his apartment. Alex seems so darn respectful, I actually think he would abide by the Braverman’s requests even if Haddie is resistant to them.
But, hey, that’s just me. I’m no one’s parent. What do I know…
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Filed under #1 featured, Parenthood
dude is too old for her in real life he would get arrested for child rape!!!!!!!! and people should not date outside there race
@nic, you make a valid point with the over-age vs under-age thing. but as for your second point, race is a socially constructed concept – do you also believe people should not date people whose family income isn’t the same as theirs or whose grandparents came from a different country than theirs? if you can’t date anyone outside your “class” or “culture”, then everyone would be inbred, yuck. I am glad to see Parenthood showing diverse couples.
I hope the character Alex stays on the show for a while, I like him. I have a feeling though, he’ll go the way of some of the other visiting cast members, like Amber’s teacher or W. Baldwin.
@nic who the hell do u think u are mr shouldnt date outside ur race…i dont even think so im white and all i date are either mexican or black im currently with my boyfreind who just so happens to be a wonderful loving successful black man and ive been with him for almost 2 yrs we are even talking about getting married and atrting a family…there is nothing wrong with interracial relationships so get ur head out of ur ass this aint 1965…as far as haddie and alex go i hope her parents change their mind
I like Alex’s character. The real issue I have is Haddie is under 18. I don’t know why the show has not addressed this concern. If they did hook up and anything happened, Alex could be looking at several years in prison.
The main thing that they are forgetting to deal with on the TV show Parenthood is that Alex is 19 and Haddie is 16. That legally makes it a statutory rape situation. In most states, he would get put in prison for sexual contact with a minor, which is basically saying that he is a pedophile as far as most of society is concerned. I can’t believe that they haven’t brought it up yet on the show. If he actually dated her and had sex with her, she would be signing his sex offender papers for the rest of his life. What is the deal? Why haven’t they mentioned anything about that yet? I personally know of 2 people who have gotten this statutory rape charge (sexual conduct with a minor). One of my friends (male) was 19 and his girlfriend was 17. Also, a girl was dating the younger brother of a friend of mine (she was 16 and he was 18). He had to do a year in prison and also is now a “sex offender” because of having sexual relations with a minor *(his girlfriend who was a junior when he was a senior in high school)*. I personally think this law is crap and has ruined otherwise nice kids’ lives, but this show needs to be responsible and not be putting ideas in young people’s heads that could get them put into prison and give them a life sentence as a “sex offender” where they would have to register for the rest of their life and never be able to get a good job or be around children again. I love the TV show Parenthood. I think they need to be more responsible about this issue though.
It’s a crime!!!!!! A 19 yr old having sex with a 16 is a crime!!! The law says that 16 yr olds cannot “consent” to have sex. This is the issue. A neighbor’s 19 yr old son was just arrested for having sex with his 16 year old girlfriend. $10,000 bail. Yet the writers don’t even mention the subject.
That it could be a crime is certainly a very valid point, but the laws very widely from state to state. In some states, it is legal if the two involved persons are of less than a certain age difference. Regardless, he wouldn’t get in trouble if he weren’t reported for it. Though, if Adam, who is so opposed to the situation, chose to, he certainly could get Alex in big trouble. I, too, really hope to continue to see Alex in the next season and beyond.

It’s going to end in sex for the precise reason that herparents banned her from seeing him. That’s Haddie’s defiance. The romantic side of me says that Adam and Kristina shouldn’t try and stop them. The practical side of me feels that he’s too mature for her.